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git-svn: expand the svn mergeinfo test suite, highlighting some failures

As shown, git-svn has some problems; not all svn merges are correctly
detected, and cherry picks may incorrectly be detected as real merges.
These test cases will be marked as _success once the relevant fixes are in.

Signed-off-by: Sam Vilain <>
Acked-by: Eric Wong <>
Sam Vilain 15 years ago committed by Eric Wong
  1. 27
  2. 166
  3. 839


@ -15,12 +15,27 @@ test_expect_success 'load svn dump' " @@ -15,12 +15,27 @@ test_expect_success 'load svn dump' "
git svn fetch --all

test_expect_success 'represent svn merges without intervening commits' "
[ `git cat-file commit HEAD^1 | grep parent | wc -l` -eq 2 ]
test_expect_failure 'all svn merges became git merge commits' '
unmarked=$(git rev-list --parents --all --grep=Merge |
grep -v " .* " | cut -f1 -d" ")
[ -z "$unmarked" ]

test_expect_success 'represent svn merges with intervening commits' "
[ `git cat-file commit HEAD | grep parent | wc -l` -eq 2 ]
test_expect_failure 'cherry picks did not become git merge commits' '
bad_cherries=$(git rev-list --parents --all --grep=Cherry |
grep " .* " | cut -f1 -d" ")
[ -z "$bad_cherries" ]

test_expect_success 'svn non-merge merge commits did not become git merge commits' '
bad_non_merges=$(git rev-list --parents --all --grep=non-merge |
grep " .* " | cut -f1 -d" ")
[ -z "$bad_non_merges" ]

test_expect_failure 'everything got merged in the end' '
unmerged=$(git rev-list --all --not master)
[ -z "$unmerged" ]



@ -11,93 +11,151 @@ mkdir foo.svn @@ -11,93 +11,151 @@ mkdir foo.svn
svnadmin create foo.svn
svn co file://`pwd`/foo.svn foo

commit() {
i=$(( $1 + 1 ))
svn commit -m "(r$i) $*" >/dev/null || exit 1
echo $i

say() {
echo " * $*"

cd foo
mkdir trunk
mkdir branches
svn add trunk branches
svn commit -m "Setup trunk and branches"
cd trunk
i=$(commit $i "Setup trunk and branches")

git cat-file blob 6683463e:Makefile > Makefile
svn add Makefile
git cat-file blob 6683463e:Makefile > trunk/Makefile
svn add trunk/Makefile

echo "Committing ANCESTOR"
svn commit -m "ancestor"
cd ..
say "Committing ANCESTOR"
i=$(commit $i "ancestor")
svn cp trunk branches/left

echo "Committing BRANCH POINT"
svn commit -m "make left branch"
say "Committing BRANCH POINT"
i=$(commit $i "make left branch")
svn cp trunk branches/right

echo "Committing other BRANCH POINT"
svn commit -m "make right branch"
cd branches/left/
say "Committing other BRANCH POINT"
i=$(commit $i "make right branch")

#$sm init
#svn commit -m "init svnmerge"
say "Committing LEFT UPDATE"
git cat-file blob 5873b67e:Makefile > branches/left/Makefile
i=$(commit $i "left update 1")

git cat-file blob 5873b67e:Makefile > Makefile
echo "Committing BRANCH UPDATE 1"
svn commit -m "left update 1"
cd ../..

cd trunk
git cat-file blob 75118b13:Makefile > Makefile
echo "Committing TRUNK UPDATE"
svn commit -m "trunk update"
git cat-file blob 75118b13:Makefile > branches/right/Makefile
say "Committing RIGHT UPDATE"
i=$(commit $i "right update 1")

cd ../branches/left
git cat-file blob ff5ebe39:Makefile > Makefile
echo "Committing BRANCH UPDATE 2"
svn commit -m "left update 2"
say "Making more commits on LEFT"
git cat-file blob ff5ebe39:Makefile > branches/left/Makefile
i=$(commit $i "left update 2")
git cat-file blob b5039db6:Makefile > branches/left/Makefile
i=$(commit $i "left update 3")

git cat-file blob b5039db6:Makefile > Makefile
echo "Committing BRANCH UPDATE 3"
svn commit -m "left update 3"
say "Making a LEFT SUB-BRANCH"
svn cp branches/left branches/left-sub
i=$(commit $i "make left sub-branch")

# merge to trunk
say "Making a commit on LEFT SUB-BRANCH"
echo "crunch" > branches/left-sub/README
svn add branches/left-sub/README
i=$(commit $i "left sub-branch update 1")

cd ../..
say "Merging LEFT to TRUNK"
svn update
cd trunk

svn merge ../branches/left --accept postpone

git cat-file blob b51ad431:Makefile > Makefile

git cat-file blob b5039db6:Makefile > Makefile
svn resolved Makefile
i=$(commit $i "Merge left to trunk 1")
cd ..

svn commit -m "Merge trunk 1"

# create commits on both branches

cd ../branches/left
git cat-file blob ff5ebe39:Makefile > Makefile
echo "Committing BRANCH UPDATE 4"
svn commit -m "left update 4"

cd ../right
git cat-file blob b5039db6:Makefile > Makefile
echo "Committing other BRANCH UPDATE 1"
svn commit -m "right update 1"
say "Making more commits on LEFT and RIGHT"
echo "touche" > branches/left/zlonk
svn add branches/left/zlonk
i=$(commit $i "left update 4")
echo "thwacke" > branches/right/bang
svn add branches/right/bang
i=$(commit $i "right update 2")

# merge to trun again
say "Squash merge of RIGHT tip 2 commits onto TRUNK"
svn update
cd trunk
svn merge -r$pre_right_update_1:$i ../branches/right
i=$(commit $i "Cherry-pick right 2 commits to trunk")
cd ..

cd ../..
say "Merging RIGHT to TRUNK"
svn update
cd trunk
svn merge ../branches/right --accept postpone
git cat-file blob b51ad431:Makefile > Makefile
svn resolved Makefile
i=$(commit $i "Merge right to trunk 1")
cd ..

svn merge ../branches/left --accept postpone
say "Making more commits on RIGHT and TRUNK"
echo "whamm" > branches/right/urkkk
svn add branches/right/urkkk
i=$(commit $i "right update 3")
echo "pow" > trunk/vronk
svn add trunk/vronk
i=$(commit $i "trunk update 1")

say "Merging RIGHT to LEFT SUB-BRANCH"
svn update
cd branches/left-sub
svn merge ../right --accept postpone
git cat-file blob b51ad431:Makefile > Makefile

svn resolved Makefile
i=$(commit $i "Merge right to left sub-branch")
cd ../..

svn commit -m "Merge trunk 2"
say "Making more commits on LEFT SUB-BRANCH and LEFT"
echo "zowie" > branches/left-sub/wham_eth
svn add branches/left-sub/wham_eth
i=$(commit $i "left sub-branch update 2")
echo "eee_yow" > branches/left/glurpp
svn add branches/left/glurpp
i=$(commit $i "left update 5")

say "Cherry pick LEFT SUB-BRANCH commit to LEFT"
svn update
cd branches/left
svn merge -r$pre_sub_left_update_2:$sub_left_update_2 ../left-sub
i=$(commit $i "Cherry-pick left sub-branch commit to left")
cd ../..

say "Merging LEFT SUB-BRANCH back to LEFT"
svn update
cd branches/left
# it's only a merge because the previous merge cherry-picked the top commit
svn merge -r$sub_left_make:$sub_left_update_2 ../left-sub --accept postpone
i=$(commit $i "Merge left sub-branch to left")
cd ../..

say "Merging EVERYTHING to TRUNK"
svn update
cd trunk
svn merge ../branches/left --accept postpone
svn resolved bang
i=$(commit $i "Merge left to trunk 2")
# this merge, svn happily updates the mergeinfo, but there is actually
# nothing to merge. git-svn will not make a meaningless merge commit.
svn merge ../branches/right --accept postpone
i=$(commit $i "non-merge right to trunk 2")
cd ..

cd ..
svnadmin dump foo.svn > svn-mergeinfo.dump

rm -rf foo foo.svn


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