@ -1127,6 +1127,67 @@ class P4Sync(Command):
@@ -1127,6 +1127,67 @@ class P4Sync(Command):
return self.refPrefix + self.projectName + branch
def gitCommitByP4Change(self, ref, change):
if self.verbose:
print "looking in ref " + ref + " for change %s using bisect..." % change
earliestCommit = ""
latestCommit = parseRevision(ref)
while True:
if self.verbose:
print "trying: earliest %s latest %s" % (earliestCommit, latestCommit)
next = read_pipe("git rev-list --bisect %s %s" % (latestCommit, earliestCommit)).strip()
if len(next) == 0:
if self.verbose:
print "argh"
return ""
log = extractLogMessageFromGitCommit(next)
settings = extractSettingsGitLog(log)
currentChange = int(settings['change'])
if self.verbose:
print "current change %s" % currentChange
if currentChange == change:
if self.verbose:
print "found %s" % next
return next
if currentChange < change:
earliestCommit = "^%s" % next
latestCommit = "%s" % next
return ""
def importNewBranch(self, branch, maxChange):
# make fast-import flush all changes to disk and update the refs using the checkpoint
# command so that we can try to find the branch parent in the git history
branchPrefix = self.depotPaths[0] + branch + "/"
range = "@1,%s" % maxChange
#print "prefix" + branchPrefix
changes = p4ChangesForPaths([branchPrefix], range)
if len(changes) <= 0:
return False
firstChange = changes[0]
#print "first change in branch: %s" % firstChange
sourceBranch = self.knownBranches[branch]
sourceDepotPath = self.depotPaths[0] + sourceBranch
sourceRef = self.gitRefForBranch(sourceBranch)
#print "source " + sourceBranch
branchParentChange = int(p4Cmd("changes -m 1 %s...@1,%s" % (sourceDepotPath, firstChange))["change"])
#print "branch parent: %s" % branchParentChange
gitParent = self.gitCommitByP4Change(sourceRef, branchParentChange)
if len(gitParent) > 0:
self.initialParents[self.gitRefForBranch(branch)] = gitParent
#print "parent git commit: %s" % gitParent
return True
def importChanges(self, changes):
cnt = 1
for change in changes:
@ -1159,8 +1220,19 @@ class P4Sync(Command):
@@ -1159,8 +1220,19 @@ class P4Sync(Command):
parent = self.knownBranches[branch]
if parent == branch:
parent = ""
elif self.verbose:
print "parent determined through known branches: %s" % parent
fullBranch = self.projectName + branch
if fullBranch not in self.p4BranchesInGit:
if not self.silent:
print("\n Importing new branch %s" % fullBranch);
if self.importNewBranch(branch, change - 1):
parent = ""
if not self.silent:
print("\n Resuming with change %s" % change);
if self.verbose:
print "parent determined through known branches: %s" % parent
branch = self.gitRefForBranch(branch)
parent = self.gitRefForBranch(parent)