1 changed files with 320 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl |
# This file is licensed under the GPL v2, or a later version |
# (C) 2005, Kay Sievers <kay.sievers@vrfy.org> |
# (C) 2005, Christian Gierke <ch@gierke.de> |
use strict; |
use warnings; |
use CGI qw(:standard :escapeHTML); |
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); |
my $cgi = new CGI; |
my $gitbin = "/home/kay/bin"; |
my $gitroot = "/home/kay/public_html"; |
my $gittmp = "/tmp"; |
my $myself = $cgi->url(-relative => 1); |
my $project = $cgi->param("project") || ""; |
my $action = $cgi->param("action") || ""; |
my $hash = $cgi->param("hash") || ""; |
my $parent = $cgi->param("parent") || ""; |
my $view_back = $cgi->param("view_back") || 60*60*24*2; |
my $projectroot = "$gitroot/$project"; |
$ENV{'SHA1_FILE_DIRECTORY'} = "$projectroot/.git/objects"; |
$hash =~ s/[^0-9a-fA-F]//g; |
$parent =~ s/[^0-9a-fA-F]//g; |
$project =~ s/[^0-9a-zA-Z\-\._]//g; |
sub header { |
print $cgi->header(-type => 'text/html; charset: utf-8'); |
print <<EOF; |
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> |
<html> |
<head> |
<title>GIT</title> |
<style type="text/css"> |
body { font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 12px; margin:25px; } |
div.main { border-width:1px; border-style:solid; border-color:#D9D8D1; } |
div.head1 { font-size:20px; padding:8px; background-color: #D9D8D1; font-weight:bold; } |
div.head2 { padding:8px; } |
td { padding:8px; margin:0px; font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 12px; } |
td.head1 { background-color: #D9D8D1; font-weight:bold; } |
td.head2 { background-color: #EDECE6; font-family: monospace; font-size:12px; } |
table.log { padding:0px; margin:0px; width:100%; } |
tr { vertical-align:top; } |
a { color:#0000cc; } |
a:hover { color:#880000; } |
a:visited { color:#880000; } |
a:active { color:#880000; } |
</style> |
</head> |
<body> |
if ($project ne "") { |
print "<div class=\"main\">\n"; |
print "<div class=\"head1\">" . $project . "</div>\n"; |
print "<div class=\"head2\">\n"; |
print $cgi->a({-href => "$myself?project=$project&action=show_tree"}, "Browse Project") . "<br/>\n"; |
print "Show Log "; |
print $cgi->a({-href => "$myself?project=$project&action=show_log&view_back=" . 60*60*24}, "day") . "\n"; |
print $cgi->a({-href => "$myself?project=$project&action=show_log&view_back=" . 60*60*24*7}, "week") . "\n"; |
print $cgi->a({-href => "$myself?project=$project&action=show_log&view_back=" . 60*60*24*30}, "month") . "\n"; |
print $cgi->a({-href => "$myself?project=$project&action=show_log&view_back=" . 60*60*24*365}, "year") . "<br/>\n"; |
print "</div>\n"; |
print "<br/><br/>\n"; |
} |
} |
sub footer { |
print "</div>"; |
print $cgi->end_html(); |
} |
if ($project eq "") { |
open my $fd, "-|", "ls", "-1", $gitroot; |
my (@path) = map { chomp; $_ } <$fd>; |
close $fd; |
header(); |
print "Projects:<br/><br/>\n"; |
foreach my $line (@path) { |
if (-e "$gitroot/$line/.git/HEAD") { |
print $cgi->a({-href => "$myself?project=$line"}, $line) . "<br/>\n"; |
} |
} |
footer(); |
exit; |
} |
if ($action eq "") { |
print $cgi->redirect("$myself?project=$project&action=show_log&view_back=$view_back"); |
exit; |
} |
if ($action eq "show_file") { |
header(); |
print "<pre>\n"; |
open my $fd, "-|", "$gitbin/cat-file", "blob", $hash; |
my $nr; |
while (my $line = <$fd>) { |
$nr++; |
print "$nr\t" . escapeHTML($line);; |
} |
close $fd; |
print "</pre>\n"; |
footer(); |
} elsif ($action eq "show_tree") { |
if ($hash eq "") { |
open my $fd, "$projectroot/.git/HEAD"; |
my $head = <$fd>; |
chomp $head; |
close $fd; |
open $fd, "-|", "$gitbin/cat-file", "commit", $head; |
my $tree = <$fd>; |
chomp $tree; |
$tree =~ s/tree //; |
close $fd; |
$hash = $tree; |
} |
open my $fd, "-|", "$gitbin/ls-tree", $hash; |
my (@entries) = map { chomp; $_ } <$fd>; |
close $fd; |
header(); |
print "<pre>\n"; |
foreach my $line (@entries) { |
$line =~ m/^([0-9]+)\t(.*)\t(.*)\t(.*)$/; |
my $t_type = $2; |
my $t_hash = $3; |
my $t_name = $4; |
if ($t_type eq "blob") { |
print "FILE\t" . $cgi->a({-href => "$myself?project=$project&action=show_file&hash=$3"}, $4) . "\n"; |
} elsif ($t_type eq "tree") { |
print "DIR\t" . $cgi->a({-href => "$myself?project=$project&action=show_tree&hash=$3"}, $4) . "\n"; |
} |
} |
print "</pre>\n"; |
footer(); |
} elsif ($action eq "show_log") { |
open my $fd, "$projectroot/.git/HEAD"; |
my $head = <$fd>; |
chomp $head; |
close $fd; |
open my $fd, "-|", "$gitbin/rev-tree", $head; |
my (@revtree) = map { chomp; $_ } <$fd>; |
close $fd; |
header(); |
print "<table cellspacing=\"0\" class=\"log\">\n"; |
foreach my $rev (reverse sort @revtree) { |
if (!($rev =~ m/^([0-9]+) ([0-9a-fA-F]+).* ([0-9a-fA-F]+)/)) { |
last; |
} |
my $time = $1; |
my $commit = $2; |
my $parent = $3; |
my @parents; |
my $author; |
my $author_name; |
my $author_time; |
my $author_timezone; |
my $committer; |
my $committer_time; |
my $committer_timezone; |
my $tree; |
my $comment; |
my $shortlog; |
open my $fd, "-|", "$gitbin/cat-file", "commit", $commit; |
while (my $line = <$fd>) { |
chomp($line); |
if ($line eq "") { |
last; |
} |
if ($line =~ m/^tree (.*)$/) { |
$tree = $1; |
} elsif ($line =~ m/^parent (.*)$/) { |
push @parents, $1; |
} elsif ($line =~ m/^committer (.*>) ([0-9]+) (.*)$/) { |
$committer = $1; |
$committer_time = $2; |
$committer_timezone = $3; |
} elsif ($line =~ m/^author (.*>) ([0-9]+) (.*)$/) { |
$author = $1; |
$author_time = $2; |
$author_timezone = $3; |
$author =~ m/^(.*) </; |
$author_name = $1; |
} |
} |
$shortlog = <$fd>; |
$shortlog = escapeHTML($shortlog); |
$comment = $shortlog . "<br/>"; |
while (my $line = <$fd>) { |
chomp($line); |
$comment .= escapeHTML($line) . "<br/>\n"; |
} |
close $fd; |
my $age = time-$author_time; |
if ($view_back > 0 && $age > $view_back) { |
last; |
} |
my $age_string; |
if ($age > 60*60*24*365*2) { |
$age_string = int $age/60/60/24/365; |
$age_string .= " years ago"; |
} elsif ($age > 60*60*24*365/12*2) { |
$age_string = int $age/60/60/24/365/12; |
$age_string .= " months ago"; |
} elsif ($age > 60*60*24*7*2) { |
$age_string = int $age/60/60/24/7; |
$age_string .= " weeks ago"; |
} elsif ($age > 60*60*24*2) { |
$age_string = int $age/60/60/24; |
$age_string .= " days ago"; |
} elsif ($age > 60*60*2) { |
$age_string = int $age/60/60; |
$age_string .= " hours ago"; |
} elsif ($age > 60*2) { |
$age_string = int $age/60; |
$age_string .= " minutes ago"; |
} |
print "<tr>\n"; |
print "<td class=\"head1\">" . $age_string . "</td>\n"; |
print "<td class=\"head1\"><a href=\"$myself?project=$project&action=show_cset&hash=$commit&parent=$parent\">" . $shortlog . "</a></td>"; |
print "</tr>\n"; |
print "<tr>\n"; |
print "<td class=\"head2\"></td>\n"; |
print "<td class=\"head2\">\n"; |
print "author " . escapeHTML($author) . " [" . gmtime($author_time) . " " . $author_timezone . "]<br/>\n"; |
print "committer " . escapeHTML($committer) . " [" . gmtime($committer_time) . " " . $committer_timezone . "]<br/>\n"; |
print "commit <a href=\"$myself?project=$project&action=show_cset&hash=$commit&parent=$parent\">$commit</a><br/>\n"; |
print "tree <a href=\"$myself?project=$project&action=show_tree&hash=$tree\">$tree</a><br/>\n"; |
foreach my $par (@parents) { |
print "parent $par<br/>\n"; |
} |
print "</td>"; |
print "</tr>\n"; |
print "<tr>\n"; |
print "<td></td>\n"; |
print "<td>\n"; |
print "$comment<br/><br/>\n"; |
print "</td>"; |
print "</tr>\n"; |
} |
print "</table>\n"; |
footer(); |
} elsif ($action eq "show_cset") { |
open my $fd, "-|", "$gitbin/cat-file", "commit", $hash; |
my $tree = <$fd>; |
chomp $tree; |
$tree =~ s/tree //; |
close $fd; |
open my $fd, "-|", "$gitbin/cat-file", "commit", $parent; |
my $parent_tree = <$fd>; |
chomp $parent_tree; |
$parent_tree =~ s/tree //; |
close $fd; |
open my $fd, "-|", "$gitbin/diff-tree", "-r", $parent_tree, $tree; |
my (@difftree) = map { chomp; $_ } <$fd>; |
close $fd; |
header(); |
print "<pre>\n"; |
foreach my $line (@difftree) { |
$line =~ m/^(.)(.*)\t(.*)\t(.*)\t(.*)$/; |
my $op = $1; |
my $mode = $2; |
my $type = $3; |
my $id = $4; |
my $file = $5; |
if ($type eq "blob") { |
if ($op eq "+") { |
print "NEW\t" . $cgi->a({-href => "$myself?project=$project&action=show_file&hash=$id"}, $file) . "\n"; |
} elsif ($op eq "-") { |
print "DEL\t" . $cgi->a({-href => "$myself?project=$project&action=show_file&hash=$id"}, $file) . "\n"; |
} elsif ($op eq "*") { |
$id =~ m/([0-9a-fA-F]+)->([0-9a-fA-F]+)/; |
my $old = $1; |
my $new = $2; |
print "DIFF\t" . $cgi->a({-href => "$myself?project=$project&action=show_diff&hash=$old&parent=$new"}, $file) . "\n"; |
} |
} |
} |
print "</pre>\n"; |
footer(); |
} elsif ($action eq "show_diff") { |
open my $fd2, "> $gittmp/$hash"; |
open my $fd, "-|", "$gitbin/cat-file", "blob", $hash; |
while (my $line = <$fd>) { |
print $fd2 $line; |
} |
close $fd2; |
close $fd; |
open my $fd2, "> $gittmp/$parent"; |
open my $fd, "-|", "$gitbin/cat-file", "blob", $parent; |
while (my $line = <$fd>) { |
print $fd2 $line; |
} |
close $fd2; |
close $fd; |
header(); |
print "<pre>\n"; |
open my $fd, "-|", "/usr/bin/diff", "-L", "$hash", "-L", "$parent", "-u", "-p", "$gittmp/$hash", "$gittmp/$parent"; |
while (my $line = <$fd>) { |
print escapeHTML($line); |
} |
close $fd; |
unlink("$gittmp/$hash"); |
unlink("$gittmp/$parent"); |
print "</pre>\n"; |
footer(); |
} else { |
header(); |
print "unknown action\n"; |
footer(); |
} |
Reference in new issue