@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
# Tcl ignores the next line -*- tcl -*- \
# Tcl ignores the next line -*- tcl -*- \
exec wish "$0" -- "$@"
exec wish "$0" -- "$@"
@ -369,12 +368,14 @@ proc read_diff_index {fd after} {
set z2 [string first "\0" $buf_rdi $z1]
set z2 [string first "\0" $buf_rdi $z1]
if {$z2 == -1} break
if {$z2 == -1} break
set c $z2
incr z2 -1
display_file \
[string range $buf_rdi $z1 $z2] \
[string index $buf_rdi [expr {$z1 - 2}]]?
incr c
incr c
set n [split [string range $buf_rdi $c [expr {$z1 - 2}]] { }]
merge_state \
[string range $buf_rdi $z1 [expr {$z2 - 1}]] \
[lindex $n 4]? \
[list [lindex $n 0] [lindex $n 2]] \
set c $z2
if {$c < $n} {
if {$c < $n} {
set buf_rdi [string range $buf_rdi $c end]
set buf_rdi [string range $buf_rdi $c end]
@ -398,12 +399,14 @@ proc read_diff_files {fd after} {
set z2 [string first "\0" $buf_rdf $z1]
set z2 [string first "\0" $buf_rdf $z1]
if {$z2 == -1} break
if {$z2 == -1} break
set c $z2
incr z2 -1
display_file \
[string range $buf_rdf $z1 $z2] \
?[string index $buf_rdf [expr {$z1 - 2}]]
incr c
incr c
set n [split [string range $buf_rdf $c [expr {$z1 - 2}]] { }]
merge_state \
[string range $buf_rdf $z1 [expr {$z2 - 1}]] \
?[lindex $n 4] \
[list] \
[list [lindex $n 0] [lindex $n 2]]
set c $z2
if {$c < $n} {
if {$c < $n} {
set buf_rdf [string range $buf_rdf $c end]
set buf_rdf [string range $buf_rdf $c end]
@ -421,7 +424,7 @@ proc read_ls_others {fd after} {
set pck [split $buf_rlo "\0"]
set pck [split $buf_rlo "\0"]
set buf_rlo [lindex $pck end]
set buf_rlo [lindex $pck end]
foreach p [lrange $pck 0 end-1] {
foreach p [lrange $pck 0 end-1] {
display_file $p ?O
merge_state $p ?O
rescan_done $fd buf_rlo $after
rescan_done $fd buf_rlo $after
@ -1165,7 +1168,7 @@ proc short_path {path} {
set next_icon_id 0
set next_icon_id 0
proc merge_state {path new_state} {
proc merge_state {path new_state {head_info {}} {index_info {}}} {
global file_states next_icon_id
global file_states next_icon_id
set s0 [string index $new_state 0]
set s0 [string index $new_state 0]
@ -1177,30 +1180,31 @@ proc merge_state {path new_state} {
} else {
} else {
set state [lindex $info 0]
set state [lindex $info 0]
set icon [lindex $info 1]
set icon [lindex $info 1]
if {$head_info eq {}} {set head_info [lindex $info 2]}
if {$index_info eq {}} {set index_info [lindex $info 3]}
if {$s0 eq {?}} {
if {$s0 eq {?}} {set s0 [string index $state 0]} \
set s0 [string index $state 0]
elseif {$s0 eq {_}} {set s0 _}
} elseif {$s0 eq {_}} {
set s0 _
if {$s1 eq {?}} {set s1 [string index $state 1]} \
elseif {$s1 eq {_}} {set s1 _}
if {$s1 eq {?}} {
if {$s0 ne {_} && [string index $state 0] eq {_}
set s1 [string index $state 1]
&& $head_info eq {}} {
} elseif {$s1 eq {_}} {
set head_info $index_info
set s1 _
set file_states($path) [list $s0$s1 $icon]
set file_states($path) [list $s0$s1 $icon \
$head_info $index_info \
return $state
return $state
proc display_file {path state} {
proc display_file {path state} {
global file_states file_lists selected_paths rescan_active
global file_states file_lists selected_paths
set old_m [merge_state $path $state]
set old_m [merge_state $path $state]
if {$rescan_active > 0} return
set s $file_states($path)
set s $file_states($path)
set new_m [lindex $s 0]
set new_m [lindex $s 0]
set new_w [mapcol $new_m $path]
set new_w [mapcol $new_m $path]
@ -1278,6 +1282,80 @@ proc display_all_files {} {
$ui_other conf -state disabled
$ui_other conf -state disabled
proc update_indexinfo {msg pathList after} {
global update_index_cp ui_status_value
if {![lock_index update]} return
set update_index_cp 0
set pathList [lsort $pathList]
set totalCnt [llength $pathList]
set batch [expr {int($totalCnt * .01) + 1}]
if {$batch > 25} {set batch 25}
set ui_status_value [format \
"$msg... %i/%i files (%.2f%%)" \
$update_index_cp \
$totalCnt \
set fd [open "| git update-index -z --index-info" w]
fconfigure $fd \
-blocking 0 \
-buffering full \
-buffersize 512 \
-translation binary
fileevent $fd writable [list \
write_update_indexinfo \
$fd \
$pathList \
$totalCnt \
$batch \
$msg \
$after \
proc write_update_indexinfo {fd pathList totalCnt batch msg after} {
global update_index_cp ui_status_value
global file_states current_diff
if {$update_index_cp >= $totalCnt} {
close $fd
uplevel #0 $after
for {set i $batch} \
{$update_index_cp < $totalCnt && $i > 0} \
{incr i -1} {
set path [lindex $pathList $update_index_cp]
incr update_index_cp
set s $file_states($path)
switch -glob -- [lindex $s 0] {
A? {set new _O}
M? {set new _M}
D? {set new _?}
?? {continue}
set info [lindex $s 2]
if {$info eq {}} continue
puts -nonewline $fd $info
puts -nonewline $fd "\t"
puts -nonewline $fd $path
puts -nonewline $fd "\0"
display_file $path $new
set ui_status_value [format \
"$msg... %i/%i files (%.2f%%)" \
$update_index_cp \
$totalCnt \
[expr {100.0 * $update_index_cp / $totalCnt}]]
proc update_index {msg pathList after} {
proc update_index {msg pathList after} {
global update_index_cp ui_status_value
global update_index_cp ui_status_value
@ -1881,6 +1959,49 @@ proc do_rescan {} {
rescan {set ui_status_value {Ready.}}
rescan {set ui_status_value {Ready.}}
proc remove_helper {txt paths} {
global file_states current_diff
if {![lock_index begin-update]} return
set pathList [list]
set after {}
foreach path $paths {
switch -glob -- [lindex $file_states($path) 0] {
A? -
M? -
D? {
lappend pathList $path
if {$path eq $current_diff} {
set after {reshow_diff;}
if {$pathList eq {}} {
} else {
update_indexinfo \
$txt \
$pathList \
[concat $after {set ui_status_value {Ready.}}]
proc do_remove_selection {} {
global current_diff selected_paths
if {[array size selected_paths] > 0} {
remove_helper \
{Removing selected files from commit} \
[array names selected_paths]
} elseif {$current_diff ne {}} {
remove_helper \
"Removing [short_path $current_diff] from commit" \
[list $current_diff]
proc include_helper {txt paths} {
proc include_helper {txt paths} {
global file_states current_diff
global file_states current_diff
@ -2525,19 +2646,27 @@ lappend disable_on_lock \
lappend disable_on_lock \
lappend disable_on_lock \
[list .mbar.commit entryconf [.mbar.commit index last] -state]
[list .mbar.commit entryconf [.mbar.commit index last] -state]
.mbar.commit add command -label {Include Selected Files} \
.mbar.commit add command -label {Remove From Commit} \
-command do_remove_selection \
-font font_ui
lappend disable_on_lock \
[list .mbar.commit entryconf [.mbar.commit index last] -state]
.mbar.commit add command -label {Include In Commit} \
-command do_include_selection \
-command do_include_selection \
-font font_ui
-font font_ui
lappend disable_on_lock \
lappend disable_on_lock \
[list .mbar.commit entryconf [.mbar.commit index last] -state]
[list .mbar.commit entryconf [.mbar.commit index last] -state]
.mbar.commit add command -label {Include All Files} \
.mbar.commit add command -label {Include All} \
-command do_include_all \
-command do_include_all \
-accelerator $M1T-I \
-accelerator $M1T-I \
-font font_ui
-font font_ui
lappend disable_on_lock \
lappend disable_on_lock \
[list .mbar.commit entryconf [.mbar.commit index last] -state]
[list .mbar.commit entryconf [.mbar.commit index last] -state]
.mbar.commit add separator
.mbar.commit add command -label {Sign Off} \
.mbar.commit add command -label {Sign Off} \
-command do_signoff \
-command do_signoff \
-accelerator $M1T-S \
-accelerator $M1T-S \