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# bash completion support for core Git.
# Copyright (C) 2006,2007 Shawn O. Pearce <>
# Conceptually based on gitcompletion (
# Distributed under the GNU General Public License, version 2.0.
# The contained completion routines provide support for completing:
# *) local and remote branch names
# *) local and remote tag names
# *) .git/remotes file names
# *) git 'subcommands'
# *) tree paths within 'ref:path/to/file' expressions
# *) common --long-options
# To use these routines:
# 1) Copy this file to somewhere (e.g. ~/
# 2) Added the following line to your .bashrc:
# source ~/
# Or, add the following lines to your .zshrc:
# autoload bashcompinit
# bashcompinit
# source ~/
# 3) Consider changing your PS1 to also show the current branch:
# PS1='[\u@\h \W$(__git_ps1 " (%s)")]\$ '
# The argument to __git_ps1 will be displayed only if you
# are currently in a git repository. The %s token will be
# the name of the current branch.
# In addition, if you set GIT_PS1_SHOWDIRTYSTATE to a nonempty
# value, unstaged (*) and staged (+) changes will be shown next
# to the branch name. You can configure this per-repository
# with the bash.showDirtyState variable, which defaults to true
# once GIT_PS1_SHOWDIRTYSTATE is enabled.
# You can also see if currently something is stashed, by setting
# GIT_PS1_SHOWSTASHSTATE to a nonempty value. If something is stashed,
# then a '$' will be shown next to the branch name.
# If you would like to see if there're untracked files, then you can
# set GIT_PS1_SHOWUNTRACKEDFILES to a nonempty value. If there're
# untracked files, then a '%' will be shown next to the branch name.
# If you would like to see the difference between HEAD and its
# upstream, set GIT_PS1_SHOWUPSTREAM="auto". A "<" indicates
# you are behind, ">" indicates you are ahead, and "<>"
# indicates you have diverged. You can further control
# behaviour by setting GIT_PS1_SHOWUPSTREAM to a space-separated
# list of values:
# verbose show number of commits ahead/behind (+/-) upstream
# legacy don't use the '--count' option available in recent
# versions of git-rev-list
# git always compare HEAD to @{upstream}
# svn always compare HEAD to your SVN upstream
# By default, __git_ps1 will compare HEAD to your SVN upstream
# if it can find one, or @{upstream} otherwise. Once you have
# set GIT_PS1_SHOWUPSTREAM, you can override it on a
# per-repository basis by setting the bash.showUpstream config
# variable.
# To submit patches:
# *) Read Documentation/SubmittingPatches
# *) Send all patches to the current maintainer:
# "Shawn O. Pearce" <>
# *) Always CC the Git mailing list:
*:*) : great ;;
# __gitdir accepts 0 or 1 arguments (i.e., location)
# returns location of .git repo
__gitdir ()
if [ -z "${1-}" ]; then
if [ -n "${__git_dir-}" ]; then
echo "$__git_dir"
elif [ -d .git ]; then
echo .git
git rev-parse --git-dir 2>/dev/null
elif [ -d "$1/.git" ]; then
echo "$1/.git"
echo "$1"
# stores the divergence from upstream in $p
__git_ps1_show_upstream ()
local key value
local svn_remote=() svn_url_pattern count n
local upstream=git legacy="" verbose=""
# get some config options from git-config
while read key value; do
case "$key" in
if [[ -z "${GIT_PS1_SHOWUPSTREAM}" ]]; then
svn_remote[ $((${#svn_remote[@]} + 1)) ]="$value"
upstream=svn+git # default upstream is SVN if available, else git
done < <(git config -z --get-regexp '^(svn-remote\..*\.url|bash\.showupstream)$' 2>/dev/null | tr '\0\n' '\n ')
# parse configuration values
for option in ${GIT_PS1_SHOWUPSTREAM}; do
case "$option" in
git|svn) upstream="$option" ;;
verbose) verbose=1 ;;
legacy) legacy=1 ;;
# Find our upstream
case "$upstream" in
git) upstream="@{upstream}" ;;
# get the upstream from the "git-svn-id: ..." in a commit message
# (git-svn uses essentially the same procedure internally)
local svn_upstream=($(git log --first-parent -1 \
--grep="^git-svn-id: \(${svn_url_pattern#??}\)" 2>/dev/null))
if [[ 0 -ne ${#svn_upstream[@]} ]]; then
svn_upstream=${svn_upstream[ ${#svn_upstream[@]} - 2 ]}
local n_stop="${#svn_remote[@]}"
for ((n=1; n <= n_stop; ++n)); do
if [[ -z "$svn_upstream" ]]; then
# default branch name for checkouts with no layout:
elif [[ "svn+git" = "$upstream" ]]; then
# Find how many commits we are ahead/behind our upstream
if [[ -z "$legacy" ]]; then
count="$(git rev-list --count --left-right \
"$upstream"...HEAD 2>/dev/null)"
# produce equivalent output to --count for older versions of git
local commits
if commits="$(git rev-list --left-right "$upstream"...HEAD 2>/dev/null)"
local commit behind=0 ahead=0
for commit in $commits
case "$commit" in
"<"*) let ++behind
*) let ++ahead
count="$behind $ahead"
# calculate the result
if [[ -z "$verbose" ]]; then
case "$count" in
"") # no upstream
p="" ;;
"0 0") # equal to upstream
p="=" ;;
"0 "*) # ahead of upstream
p=">" ;;
*" 0") # behind upstream
p="<" ;;
*) # diverged from upstream
p="<>" ;;
case "$count" in
"") # no upstream
p="" ;;
"0 0") # equal to upstream
p=" u=" ;;
"0 "*) # ahead of upstream
p=" u+${count#0 }" ;;
*" 0") # behind upstream
p=" u-${count% 0}" ;;
*) # diverged from upstream
p=" u+${count#* }-${count% *}" ;;
# __git_ps1 accepts 0 or 1 arguments (i.e., format string)
# returns text to add to bash PS1 prompt (includes branch name)
__git_ps1 ()
local g="$(__gitdir)"
if [ -n "$g" ]; then
local r=""
local b=""
if [ -f "$g/rebase-merge/interactive" ]; then
b="$(cat "$g/rebase-merge/head-name")"
elif [ -d "$g/rebase-merge" ]; then
b="$(cat "$g/rebase-merge/head-name")"
if [ -d "$g/rebase-apply" ]; then
if [ -f "$g/rebase-apply/rebasing" ]; then
elif [ -f "$g/rebase-apply/applying" ]; then
elif [ -f "$g/MERGE_HEAD" ]; then
elif [ -f "$g/BISECT_LOG" ]; then
b="$(git symbolic-ref HEAD 2>/dev/null)" || {
case "${GIT_PS1_DESCRIBE_STYLE-}" in
git describe --contains HEAD ;;
git describe --contains --all HEAD ;;
git describe HEAD ;;
(* | default)
git describe --tags --exact-match HEAD ;;
esac 2>/dev/null)" ||
b="$(cut -c1-7 "$g/HEAD" 2>/dev/null)..." ||
local w=""
local i=""
local s=""
local u=""
local c=""
local p=""
if [ "true" = "$(git rev-parse --is-inside-git-dir 2>/dev/null)" ]; then
if [ "true" = "$(git rev-parse --is-bare-repository 2>/dev/null)" ]; then
elif [ "true" = "$(git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree 2>/dev/null)" ]; then
if [ -n "${GIT_PS1_SHOWDIRTYSTATE-}" ]; then
if [ "$(git config --bool bash.showDirtyState)" != "false" ]; then
git diff --no-ext-diff --quiet --exit-code || w="*"
if git rev-parse --quiet --verify HEAD >/dev/null; then
git diff-index --cached --quiet HEAD -- || i="+"
if [ -n "${GIT_PS1_SHOWSTASHSTATE-}" ]; then
git rev-parse --verify refs/stash >/dev/null 2>&1 && s="$"
if [ -n "${GIT_PS1_SHOWUNTRACKEDFILES-}" ]; then
if [ -n "$(git ls-files --others --exclude-standard)" ]; then
if [ -n "${GIT_PS1_SHOWUPSTREAM-}" ]; then
local f="$w$i$s$u"
printf "${1:- (%s)}" "$c${b##refs/heads/}${f:+ $f}$r$p"
# __gitcomp_1 requires 2 arguments
__gitcomp_1 ()
local c IFS=' '$'\t'$'\n'
for c in $1; do
case "$c$2" in
--*=*) printf %s$'\n' "$c$2" ;;
*.) printf %s$'\n' "$c$2" ;;
*) printf %s$'\n' "$c$2 " ;;
# The following function is based on code from:
# bash_completion - programmable completion functions for bash 3.2+
# Copyright © 2006-2008, Ian Macdonald <>
# © 2009-2010, Bash Completion Maintainers
# <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# The latest version of this software can be obtained here:
# RELEASE: 2.x
# This function can be used to access a tokenized list of words
# on the command line:
# __git_reassemble_comp_words_by_ref '=:'
# if test "${words_[cword_-1]}" = -w
# then
# ...
# fi
# The argument should be a collection of characters from the list of
# word completion separators (COMP_WORDBREAKS) to treat as ordinary
# characters.
# This is roughly equivalent to going back in time and setting
# COMP_WORDBREAKS to exclude those characters. The intent is to
# make option types like --date=<type> and <rev>:<path> easy to
# recognize by treating each shell word as a single token.
# It is best not to set COMP_WORDBREAKS directly because the value is
# shared with other completion scripts. By the time the completion
# function gets called, COMP_WORDS has already been populated so local
# changes to COMP_WORDBREAKS have no effect.
# Output: words_, cword_, cur_.
local exclude i j first
# Which word separators to exclude?
if [ -z "$exclude" ]; then
# List of word completion separators has shrunk;
# re-assemble words to complete.
for ((i=0, j=0; i < ${#COMP_WORDS[@]}; i++, j++)); do
# Append each nonempty word consisting of just
# word separator characters to the current word.
[ $i -gt 0 ] &&
[ -n "${COMP_WORDS[$i]}" ] &&
# word consists of excluded word separators
[ "${COMP_WORDS[$i]//[^$exclude]}" = "${COMP_WORDS[$i]}" ]
# Attach to the previous token,
# unless the previous token is the command name.
if [ $j -ge 2 ] && [ -n "$first" ]; then
if [ $i = $COMP_CWORD ]; then
if (($i < ${#COMP_WORDS[@]} - 1)); then
# Done.
if [ $i = $COMP_CWORD ]; then
bash: get --pretty=m<tab> completion to work with bash v4 Bash's programmable completion provides the COMP_WORDS array variable, which holds the individual words in the current command line. In bash versions prior to v4 "words are split on shell metacharacters as the shell parser would separate them" (quote from bash v3.2.48's man page). This behavior has changed with bash v4, and the command line "is split into words as readline would split it, using COMP_WORDBREAKS as" "the set of characters that the readline library treats as word separators" (quote from bash v4's man page). Since COMP_WORDBREAKS contains the characters : and = by default, this behavior change in bash affects git's completion script. For example, before bash 4, running $ git log --pretty=m <tab><tab> would give a list of pretty-printing formats starting with 'm' but now it completes on branch names. It would be possible to work around this by removing '=' and ':' from COMP_WORDBREAKS, but as noticed in v1.5.6.4~9^2 (bash completion: Resolve git show ref:path<tab> losing ref: portion, 2008-07-15), that would break *other* completion scripts. The bash-completion library includes a better workaround: the _get_comp_words_by_ref function re-assembles a copy of COMP_WORDS, excluding a collection of word separators of the caller's choice. Use it. As a bonus, this also improves behavior when tab is pressed with the cursor in the middle of a word. To avoid breaking setups with the bash-completion library not already loaded, if the _get_comp_words_by_ref function is not defined then a shim that just reads COMP_WORDS will be used instead (no change from the current behavior in that case). Signed-off-by: Peter van der Does <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Nieder <> Explained-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
15 years ago
if ! type _get_comp_words_by_ref >/dev/null 2>&1; then
if [[ -z ${ZSH_VERSION:+set} ]]; then
bash: get --pretty=m<tab> completion to work with bash v4 Bash's programmable completion provides the COMP_WORDS array variable, which holds the individual words in the current command line. In bash versions prior to v4 "words are split on shell metacharacters as the shell parser would separate them" (quote from bash v3.2.48's man page). This behavior has changed with bash v4, and the command line "is split into words as readline would split it, using COMP_WORDBREAKS as" "the set of characters that the readline library treats as word separators" (quote from bash v4's man page). Since COMP_WORDBREAKS contains the characters : and = by default, this behavior change in bash affects git's completion script. For example, before bash 4, running $ git log --pretty=m <tab><tab> would give a list of pretty-printing formats starting with 'm' but now it completes on branch names. It would be possible to work around this by removing '=' and ':' from COMP_WORDBREAKS, but as noticed in v1.5.6.4~9^2 (bash completion: Resolve git show ref:path<tab> losing ref: portion, 2008-07-15), that would break *other* completion scripts. The bash-completion library includes a better workaround: the _get_comp_words_by_ref function re-assembles a copy of COMP_WORDS, excluding a collection of word separators of the caller's choice. Use it. As a bonus, this also improves behavior when tab is pressed with the cursor in the middle of a word. To avoid breaking setups with the bash-completion library not already loaded, if the _get_comp_words_by_ref function is not defined then a shim that just reads COMP_WORDS will be used instead (no change from the current behavior in that case). Signed-off-by: Peter van der Does <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Nieder <> Explained-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
15 years ago
_get_comp_words_by_ref ()
local exclude cur_ words_ cword_
if [ "$1" = "-n" ]; then
shift 2
__git_reassemble_comp_words_by_ref "$exclude"
bash: get --pretty=m<tab> completion to work with bash v4 Bash's programmable completion provides the COMP_WORDS array variable, which holds the individual words in the current command line. In bash versions prior to v4 "words are split on shell metacharacters as the shell parser would separate them" (quote from bash v3.2.48's man page). This behavior has changed with bash v4, and the command line "is split into words as readline would split it, using COMP_WORDBREAKS as" "the set of characters that the readline library treats as word separators" (quote from bash v4's man page). Since COMP_WORDBREAKS contains the characters : and = by default, this behavior change in bash affects git's completion script. For example, before bash 4, running $ git log --pretty=m <tab><tab> would give a list of pretty-printing formats starting with 'm' but now it completes on branch names. It would be possible to work around this by removing '=' and ':' from COMP_WORDBREAKS, but as noticed in v1.5.6.4~9^2 (bash completion: Resolve git show ref:path<tab> losing ref: portion, 2008-07-15), that would break *other* completion scripts. The bash-completion library includes a better workaround: the _get_comp_words_by_ref function re-assembles a copy of COMP_WORDS, excluding a collection of word separators of the caller's choice. Use it. As a bonus, this also improves behavior when tab is pressed with the cursor in the middle of a word. To avoid breaking setups with the bash-completion library not already loaded, if the _get_comp_words_by_ref function is not defined then a shim that just reads COMP_WORDS will be used instead (no change from the current behavior in that case). Signed-off-by: Peter van der Does <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Nieder <> Explained-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
15 years ago
while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
case "$1" in
bash: get --pretty=m<tab> completion to work with bash v4 Bash's programmable completion provides the COMP_WORDS array variable, which holds the individual words in the current command line. In bash versions prior to v4 "words are split on shell metacharacters as the shell parser would separate them" (quote from bash v3.2.48's man page). This behavior has changed with bash v4, and the command line "is split into words as readline would split it, using COMP_WORDBREAKS as" "the set of characters that the readline library treats as word separators" (quote from bash v4's man page). Since COMP_WORDBREAKS contains the characters : and = by default, this behavior change in bash affects git's completion script. For example, before bash 4, running $ git log --pretty=m <tab><tab> would give a list of pretty-printing formats starting with 'm' but now it completes on branch names. It would be possible to work around this by removing '=' and ':' from COMP_WORDBREAKS, but as noticed in v1.5.6.4~9^2 (bash completion: Resolve git show ref:path<tab> losing ref: portion, 2008-07-15), that would break *other* completion scripts. The bash-completion library includes a better workaround: the _get_comp_words_by_ref function re-assembles a copy of COMP_WORDS, excluding a collection of word separators of the caller's choice. Use it. As a bonus, this also improves behavior when tab is pressed with the cursor in the middle of a word. To avoid breaking setups with the bash-completion library not already loaded, if the _get_comp_words_by_ref function is not defined then a shim that just reads COMP_WORDS will be used instead (no change from the current behavior in that case). Signed-off-by: Peter van der Does <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Nieder <> Explained-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
15 years ago
bash: get --pretty=m<tab> completion to work with bash v4 Bash's programmable completion provides the COMP_WORDS array variable, which holds the individual words in the current command line. In bash versions prior to v4 "words are split on shell metacharacters as the shell parser would separate them" (quote from bash v3.2.48's man page). This behavior has changed with bash v4, and the command line "is split into words as readline would split it, using COMP_WORDBREAKS as" "the set of characters that the readline library treats as word separators" (quote from bash v4's man page). Since COMP_WORDBREAKS contains the characters : and = by default, this behavior change in bash affects git's completion script. For example, before bash 4, running $ git log --pretty=m <tab><tab> would give a list of pretty-printing formats starting with 'm' but now it completes on branch names. It would be possible to work around this by removing '=' and ':' from COMP_WORDBREAKS, but as noticed in v1.5.6.4~9^2 (bash completion: Resolve git show ref:path<tab> losing ref: portion, 2008-07-15), that would break *other* completion scripts. The bash-completion library includes a better workaround: the _get_comp_words_by_ref function re-assembles a copy of COMP_WORDS, excluding a collection of word separators of the caller's choice. Use it. As a bonus, this also improves behavior when tab is pressed with the cursor in the middle of a word. To avoid breaking setups with the bash-completion library not already loaded, if the _get_comp_words_by_ref function is not defined then a shim that just reads COMP_WORDS will be used instead (no change from the current behavior in that case). Signed-off-by: Peter van der Does <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Nieder <> Explained-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
15 years ago
bash: get --pretty=m<tab> completion to work with bash v4 Bash's programmable completion provides the COMP_WORDS array variable, which holds the individual words in the current command line. In bash versions prior to v4 "words are split on shell metacharacters as the shell parser would separate them" (quote from bash v3.2.48's man page). This behavior has changed with bash v4, and the command line "is split into words as readline would split it, using COMP_WORDBREAKS as" "the set of characters that the readline library treats as word separators" (quote from bash v4's man page). Since COMP_WORDBREAKS contains the characters : and = by default, this behavior change in bash affects git's completion script. For example, before bash 4, running $ git log --pretty=m <tab><tab> would give a list of pretty-printing formats starting with 'm' but now it completes on branch names. It would be possible to work around this by removing '=' and ':' from COMP_WORDBREAKS, but as noticed in v1.5.6.4~9^2 (bash completion: Resolve git show ref:path<tab> losing ref: portion, 2008-07-15), that would break *other* completion scripts. The bash-completion library includes a better workaround: the _get_comp_words_by_ref function re-assembles a copy of COMP_WORDS, excluding a collection of word separators of the caller's choice. Use it. As a bonus, this also improves behavior when tab is pressed with the cursor in the middle of a word. To avoid breaking setups with the bash-completion library not already loaded, if the _get_comp_words_by_ref function is not defined then a shim that just reads COMP_WORDS will be used instead (no change from the current behavior in that case). Signed-off-by: Peter van der Does <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Nieder <> Explained-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
15 years ago
bash: get --pretty=m<tab> completion to work with bash v4 Bash's programmable completion provides the COMP_WORDS array variable, which holds the individual words in the current command line. In bash versions prior to v4 "words are split on shell metacharacters as the shell parser would separate them" (quote from bash v3.2.48's man page). This behavior has changed with bash v4, and the command line "is split into words as readline would split it, using COMP_WORDBREAKS as" "the set of characters that the readline library treats as word separators" (quote from bash v4's man page). Since COMP_WORDBREAKS contains the characters : and = by default, this behavior change in bash affects git's completion script. For example, before bash 4, running $ git log --pretty=m <tab><tab> would give a list of pretty-printing formats starting with 'm' but now it completes on branch names. It would be possible to work around this by removing '=' and ':' from COMP_WORDBREAKS, but as noticed in v1.5.6.4~9^2 (bash completion: Resolve git show ref:path<tab> losing ref: portion, 2008-07-15), that would break *other* completion scripts. The bash-completion library includes a better workaround: the _get_comp_words_by_ref function re-assembles a copy of COMP_WORDS, excluding a collection of word separators of the caller's choice. Use it. As a bonus, this also improves behavior when tab is pressed with the cursor in the middle of a word. To avoid breaking setups with the bash-completion library not already loaded, if the _get_comp_words_by_ref function is not defined then a shim that just reads COMP_WORDS will be used instead (no change from the current behavior in that case). Signed-off-by: Peter van der Does <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Nieder <> Explained-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
15 years ago
_get_comp_words_by_ref ()
while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
case "$1" in
# assume COMP_WORDBREAKS is already set sanely
bash: get --pretty=m<tab> completion to work with bash v4 Bash's programmable completion provides the COMP_WORDS array variable, which holds the individual words in the current command line. In bash versions prior to v4 "words are split on shell metacharacters as the shell parser would separate them" (quote from bash v3.2.48's man page). This behavior has changed with bash v4, and the command line "is split into words as readline would split it, using COMP_WORDBREAKS as" "the set of characters that the readline library treats as word separators" (quote from bash v4's man page). Since COMP_WORDBREAKS contains the characters : and = by default, this behavior change in bash affects git's completion script. For example, before bash 4, running $ git log --pretty=m <tab><tab> would give a list of pretty-printing formats starting with 'm' but now it completes on branch names. It would be possible to work around this by removing '=' and ':' from COMP_WORDBREAKS, but as noticed in v1.5.6.4~9^2 (bash completion: Resolve git show ref:path<tab> losing ref: portion, 2008-07-15), that would break *other* completion scripts. The bash-completion library includes a better workaround: the _get_comp_words_by_ref function re-assembles a copy of COMP_WORDS, excluding a collection of word separators of the caller's choice. Use it. As a bonus, this also improves behavior when tab is pressed with the cursor in the middle of a word. To avoid breaking setups with the bash-completion library not already loaded, if the _get_comp_words_by_ref function is not defined then a shim that just reads COMP_WORDS will be used instead (no change from the current behavior in that case). Signed-off-by: Peter van der Does <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Nieder <> Explained-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
15 years ago
# __gitcomp accepts 1, 2, 3, or 4 arguments
# generates completion reply with compgen
__gitcomp ()
bash: get --pretty=m<tab> completion to work with bash v4 Bash's programmable completion provides the COMP_WORDS array variable, which holds the individual words in the current command line. In bash versions prior to v4 "words are split on shell metacharacters as the shell parser would separate them" (quote from bash v3.2.48's man page). This behavior has changed with bash v4, and the command line "is split into words as readline would split it, using COMP_WORDBREAKS as" "the set of characters that the readline library treats as word separators" (quote from bash v4's man page). Since COMP_WORDBREAKS contains the characters : and = by default, this behavior change in bash affects git's completion script. For example, before bash 4, running $ git log --pretty=m <tab><tab> would give a list of pretty-printing formats starting with 'm' but now it completes on branch names. It would be possible to work around this by removing '=' and ':' from COMP_WORDBREAKS, but as noticed in v1.5.6.4~9^2 (bash completion: Resolve git show ref:path<tab> losing ref: portion, 2008-07-15), that would break *other* completion scripts. The bash-completion library includes a better workaround: the _get_comp_words_by_ref function re-assembles a copy of COMP_WORDS, excluding a collection of word separators of the caller's choice. Use it. As a bonus, this also improves behavior when tab is pressed with the cursor in the middle of a word. To avoid breaking setups with the bash-completion library not already loaded, if the _get_comp_words_by_ref function is not defined then a shim that just reads COMP_WORDS will be used instead (no change from the current behavior in that case). Signed-off-by: Peter van der Does <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Nieder <> Explained-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
15 years ago
local cur
_get_comp_words_by_ref -n =: cur
if [ $# -gt 2 ]; then
case "$cur" in
local IFS=$'\n'
COMPREPLY=($(compgen -P "${2-}" \
-W "$(__gitcomp_1 "${1-}" "${4-}")" \
-- "$cur"))
# __git_heads accepts 0 or 1 arguments (to pass to __gitdir)
__git_heads ()
local cmd i is_hash=y dir="$(__gitdir "${1-}")"
if [ -d "$dir" ]; then
git --git-dir="$dir" for-each-ref --format='%(refname:short)' \
for i in $(git ls-remote "${1-}" 2>/dev/null); do
case "$is_hash,$i" in
y,*) is_hash=n ;;
n,*^{}) is_hash=y ;;
n,refs/heads/*) is_hash=y; echo "${i#refs/heads/}" ;;
n,*) is_hash=y; echo "$i" ;;
# __git_tags accepts 0 or 1 arguments (to pass to __gitdir)
__git_tags ()
local cmd i is_hash=y dir="$(__gitdir "${1-}")"
if [ -d "$dir" ]; then
git --git-dir="$dir" for-each-ref --format='%(refname:short)' \
for i in $(git ls-remote "${1-}" 2>/dev/null); do
case "$is_hash,$i" in
y,*) is_hash=n ;;
n,*^{}) is_hash=y ;;
n,refs/tags/*) is_hash=y; echo "${i#refs/tags/}" ;;
n,*) is_hash=y; echo "$i" ;;
# __git_refs accepts 0, 1 (to pass to __gitdir), or 2 arguments
# presence of 2nd argument means use the guess heuristic employed
# by checkout for tracking branches
__git_refs ()
local i is_hash=y dir="$(__gitdir "${1-}")" track="${2-}"
bash: get --pretty=m<tab> completion to work with bash v4 Bash's programmable completion provides the COMP_WORDS array variable, which holds the individual words in the current command line. In bash versions prior to v4 "words are split on shell metacharacters as the shell parser would separate them" (quote from bash v3.2.48's man page). This behavior has changed with bash v4, and the command line "is split into words as readline would split it, using COMP_WORDBREAKS as" "the set of characters that the readline library treats as word separators" (quote from bash v4's man page). Since COMP_WORDBREAKS contains the characters : and = by default, this behavior change in bash affects git's completion script. For example, before bash 4, running $ git log --pretty=m <tab><tab> would give a list of pretty-printing formats starting with 'm' but now it completes on branch names. It would be possible to work around this by removing '=' and ':' from COMP_WORDBREAKS, but as noticed in v1.5.6.4~9^2 (bash completion: Resolve git show ref:path<tab> losing ref: portion, 2008-07-15), that would break *other* completion scripts. The bash-completion library includes a better workaround: the _get_comp_words_by_ref function re-assembles a copy of COMP_WORDS, excluding a collection of word separators of the caller's choice. Use it. As a bonus, this also improves behavior when tab is pressed with the cursor in the middle of a word. To avoid breaking setups with the bash-completion library not already loaded, if the _get_comp_words_by_ref function is not defined then a shim that just reads COMP_WORDS will be used instead (no change from the current behavior in that case). Signed-off-by: Peter van der Does <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Nieder <> Explained-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
15 years ago
local cur format refs
_get_comp_words_by_ref -n =: cur
if [ -d "$dir" ]; then
case "$cur" in
if [ -e "$dir/$i" ]; then echo $i; fi
refs="refs/tags refs/heads refs/remotes"
git --git-dir="$dir" for-each-ref --format="%($format)" \
if [ -n "$track" ]; then
# employ the heuristic used by git checkout
# Try to find a remote branch that matches the completion word
# but only output if the branch name is unique
local ref entry
git --git-dir="$dir" for-each-ref --shell --format="ref=%(refname:short)" \
"refs/remotes/" | \
while read entry; do
eval "$entry"
if [[ "$ref" == "$cur"* ]]; then
echo "$ref"
done | uniq -u
for i in $(git ls-remote "$dir" 2>/dev/null); do
case "$is_hash,$i" in
y,*) is_hash=n ;;
n,*^{}) is_hash=y ;;
n,refs/tags/*) is_hash=y; echo "${i#refs/tags/}" ;;
n,refs/heads/*) is_hash=y; echo "${i#refs/heads/}" ;;
n,refs/remotes/*) is_hash=y; echo "${i#refs/remotes/}" ;;
n,*) is_hash=y; echo "$i" ;;
# __git_refs2 requires 1 argument (to pass to __git_refs)
__git_refs2 ()
local i
for i in $(__git_refs "$1"); do
echo "$i:$i"
# __git_refs_remotes requires 1 argument (to pass to ls-remote)
__git_refs_remotes ()
local cmd i is_hash=y
for i in $(git ls-remote "$1" 2>/dev/null); do
case "$is_hash,$i" in
echo "$i:refs/remotes/$1/${i#refs/heads/}"
y,*) is_hash=n ;;
n,*^{}) is_hash=y ;;
n,refs/tags/*) is_hash=y;;
n,*) is_hash=y; ;;
__git_remotes ()
local i ngoff IFS=$'\n' d="$(__gitdir)"
shopt -q nullglob || ngoff=1
shopt -s nullglob
for i in "$d/remotes"/*; do
echo ${i#$d/remotes/}
[ "$ngoff" ] && shopt -u nullglob
for i in $(git --git-dir="$d" config --get-regexp 'remote\..*\.url' 2>/dev/null); do
echo "${i/.url*/}"
__git_list_merge_strategies ()
git merge -s help 2>&1 |
sed -n -e '/[Aa]vailable strategies are: /,/^$/{
s/^[ ]*//
s/[ ]*$//
# 'git merge -s help' (and thus detection of the merge strategy
# list) fails, unfortunately, if run outside of any git working
# tree. __git_merge_strategies is set to the empty string in
# that case, and the detection will be repeated the next time it
# is needed.
__git_compute_merge_strategies ()
: ${__git_merge_strategies:=$(__git_list_merge_strategies)}
__git_complete_file ()
bash: get --pretty=m<tab> completion to work with bash v4 Bash's programmable completion provides the COMP_WORDS array variable, which holds the individual words in the current command line. In bash versions prior to v4 "words are split on shell metacharacters as the shell parser would separate them" (quote from bash v3.2.48's man page). This behavior has changed with bash v4, and the command line "is split into words as readline would split it, using COMP_WORDBREAKS as" "the set of characters that the readline library treats as word separators" (quote from bash v4's man page). Since COMP_WORDBREAKS contains the characters : and = by default, this behavior change in bash affects git's completion script. For example, before bash 4, running $ git log --pretty=m <tab><tab> would give a list of pretty-printing formats starting with 'm' but now it completes on branch names. It would be possible to work around this by removing '=' and ':' from COMP_WORDBREAKS, but as noticed in v1.5.6.4~9^2 (bash completion: Resolve git show ref:path<tab> losing ref: portion, 2008-07-15), that would break *other* completion scripts. The bash-completion library includes a better workaround: the _get_comp_words_by_ref function re-assembles a copy of COMP_WORDS, excluding a collection of word separators of the caller's choice. Use it. As a bonus, this also improves behavior when tab is pressed with the cursor in the middle of a word. To avoid breaking setups with the bash-completion library not already loaded, if the _get_comp_words_by_ref function is not defined then a shim that just reads COMP_WORDS will be used instead (no change from the current behavior in that case). Signed-off-by: Peter van der Does <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Nieder <> Explained-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
15 years ago
local pfx ls ref cur
_get_comp_words_by_ref -n =: cur
case "$cur" in
case "$cur" in
*:*) : great ;;
*) pfx="$ref:$pfx" ;;
local IFS=$'\n'
COMPREPLY=($(compgen -P "$pfx" \
-W "$(git --git-dir="$(__gitdir)" ls-tree "$ls" \
| sed '/^100... blob /{
s,^.* ,,
s,$, ,
/^120000 blob /{
s,^.* ,,
s,$, ,
/^040000 tree /{
s,^.* ,,
s/^.* //')" \
-- "$cur"))
__gitcomp "$(__git_refs)"
__git_complete_revlist ()
bash: get --pretty=m<tab> completion to work with bash v4 Bash's programmable completion provides the COMP_WORDS array variable, which holds the individual words in the current command line. In bash versions prior to v4 "words are split on shell metacharacters as the shell parser would separate them" (quote from bash v3.2.48's man page). This behavior has changed with bash v4, and the command line "is split into words as readline would split it, using COMP_WORDBREAKS as" "the set of characters that the readline library treats as word separators" (quote from bash v4's man page). Since COMP_WORDBREAKS contains the characters : and = by default, this behavior change in bash affects git's completion script. For example, before bash 4, running $ git log --pretty=m <tab><tab> would give a list of pretty-printing formats starting with 'm' but now it completes on branch names. It would be possible to work around this by removing '=' and ':' from COMP_WORDBREAKS, but as noticed in v1.5.6.4~9^2 (bash completion: Resolve git show ref:path<tab> losing ref: portion, 2008-07-15), that would break *other* completion scripts. The bash-completion library includes a better workaround: the _get_comp_words_by_ref function re-assembles a copy of COMP_WORDS, excluding a collection of word separators of the caller's choice. Use it. As a bonus, this also improves behavior when tab is pressed with the cursor in the middle of a word. To avoid breaking setups with the bash-completion library not already loaded, if the _get_comp_words_by_ref function is not defined then a shim that just reads COMP_WORDS will be used instead (no change from the current behavior in that case). Signed-off-by: Peter van der Does <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Nieder <> Explained-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
15 years ago
local pfx cur
_get_comp_words_by_ref -n =: cur
case "$cur" in
__gitcomp "$(__git_refs)" "$pfx" "$cur"
__gitcomp "$(__git_refs)" "$pfx" "$cur"
__gitcomp "$(__git_refs)"
__git_complete_remote_or_refspec ()
bash: get --pretty=m<tab> completion to work with bash v4 Bash's programmable completion provides the COMP_WORDS array variable, which holds the individual words in the current command line. In bash versions prior to v4 "words are split on shell metacharacters as the shell parser would separate them" (quote from bash v3.2.48's man page). This behavior has changed with bash v4, and the command line "is split into words as readline would split it, using COMP_WORDBREAKS as" "the set of characters that the readline library treats as word separators" (quote from bash v4's man page). Since COMP_WORDBREAKS contains the characters : and = by default, this behavior change in bash affects git's completion script. For example, before bash 4, running $ git log --pretty=m <tab><tab> would give a list of pretty-printing formats starting with 'm' but now it completes on branch names. It would be possible to work around this by removing '=' and ':' from COMP_WORDBREAKS, but as noticed in v1.5.6.4~9^2 (bash completion: Resolve git show ref:path<tab> losing ref: portion, 2008-07-15), that would break *other* completion scripts. The bash-completion library includes a better workaround: the _get_comp_words_by_ref function re-assembles a copy of COMP_WORDS, excluding a collection of word separators of the caller's choice. Use it. As a bonus, this also improves behavior when tab is pressed with the cursor in the middle of a word. To avoid breaking setups with the bash-completion library not already loaded, if the _get_comp_words_by_ref function is not defined then a shim that just reads COMP_WORDS will be used instead (no change from the current behavior in that case). Signed-off-by: Peter van der Does <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Nieder <> Explained-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
15 years ago
local cur words cword
_get_comp_words_by_ref -n =: cur words cword
local cmd="${words[1]}"
local i c=2 remote="" pfx="" lhs=1 no_complete_refspec=0
bash: get --pretty=m<tab> completion to work with bash v4 Bash's programmable completion provides the COMP_WORDS array variable, which holds the individual words in the current command line. In bash versions prior to v4 "words are split on shell metacharacters as the shell parser would separate them" (quote from bash v3.2.48's man page). This behavior has changed with bash v4, and the command line "is split into words as readline would split it, using COMP_WORDBREAKS as" "the set of characters that the readline library treats as word separators" (quote from bash v4's man page). Since COMP_WORDBREAKS contains the characters : and = by default, this behavior change in bash affects git's completion script. For example, before bash 4, running $ git log --pretty=m <tab><tab> would give a list of pretty-printing formats starting with 'm' but now it completes on branch names. It would be possible to work around this by removing '=' and ':' from COMP_WORDBREAKS, but as noticed in v1.5.6.4~9^2 (bash completion: Resolve git show ref:path<tab> losing ref: portion, 2008-07-15), that would break *other* completion scripts. The bash-completion library includes a better workaround: the _get_comp_words_by_ref function re-assembles a copy of COMP_WORDS, excluding a collection of word separators of the caller's choice. Use it. As a bonus, this also improves behavior when tab is pressed with the cursor in the middle of a word. To avoid breaking setups with the bash-completion library not already loaded, if the _get_comp_words_by_ref function is not defined then a shim that just reads COMP_WORDS will be used instead (no change from the current behavior in that case). Signed-off-by: Peter van der Does <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Nieder <> Explained-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
15 years ago
while [ $c -lt $cword ]; do
case "$i" in
--mirror) [ "$cmd" = "push" ] && no_complete_refspec=1 ;;
case "$cmd" in
push) no_complete_refspec=1 ;;
*) ;;
-*) ;;
*) remote="$i"; break ;;
if [ -z "$remote" ]; then
__gitcomp "$(__git_remotes)"
if [ $no_complete_refspec = 1 ]; then
[ "$remote" = "." ] && remote=
case "$cur" in
*:*) : great ;;
*) pfx="${cur%%:*}:" ;;
case "$cmd" in
if [ $lhs = 1 ]; then
__gitcomp "$(__git_refs2 "$remote")" "$pfx" "$cur"
__gitcomp "$(__git_refs)" "$pfx" "$cur"
if [ $lhs = 1 ]; then
__gitcomp "$(__git_refs "$remote")" "$pfx" "$cur"
__gitcomp "$(__git_refs)" "$pfx" "$cur"
if [ $lhs = 1 ]; then
__gitcomp "$(__git_refs)" "$pfx" "$cur"
__gitcomp "$(__git_refs "$remote")" "$pfx" "$cur"
__git_complete_strategy ()
bash: get --pretty=m<tab> completion to work with bash v4 Bash's programmable completion provides the COMP_WORDS array variable, which holds the individual words in the current command line. In bash versions prior to v4 "words are split on shell metacharacters as the shell parser would separate them" (quote from bash v3.2.48's man page). This behavior has changed with bash v4, and the command line "is split into words as readline would split it, using COMP_WORDBREAKS as" "the set of characters that the readline library treats as word separators" (quote from bash v4's man page). Since COMP_WORDBREAKS contains the characters : and = by default, this behavior change in bash affects git's completion script. For example, before bash 4, running $ git log --pretty=m <tab><tab> would give a list of pretty-printing formats starting with 'm' but now it completes on branch names. It would be possible to work around this by removing '=' and ':' from COMP_WORDBREAKS, but as noticed in v1.5.6.4~9^2 (bash completion: Resolve git show ref:path<tab> losing ref: portion, 2008-07-15), that would break *other* completion scripts. The bash-completion library includes a better workaround: the _get_comp_words_by_ref function re-assembles a copy of COMP_WORDS, excluding a collection of word separators of the caller's choice. Use it. As a bonus, this also improves behavior when tab is pressed with the cursor in the middle of a word. To avoid breaking setups with the bash-completion library not already loaded, if the _get_comp_words_by_ref function is not defined then a shim that just reads COMP_WORDS will be used instead (no change from the current behavior in that case). Signed-off-by: Peter van der Does <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Nieder <> Explained-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
15 years ago
local cur prev
_get_comp_words_by_ref -n =: cur prev
bash: get --pretty=m<tab> completion to work with bash v4 Bash's programmable completion provides the COMP_WORDS array variable, which holds the individual words in the current command line. In bash versions prior to v4 "words are split on shell metacharacters as the shell parser would separate them" (quote from bash v3.2.48's man page). This behavior has changed with bash v4, and the command line "is split into words as readline would split it, using COMP_WORDBREAKS as" "the set of characters that the readline library treats as word separators" (quote from bash v4's man page). Since COMP_WORDBREAKS contains the characters : and = by default, this behavior change in bash affects git's completion script. For example, before bash 4, running $ git log --pretty=m <tab><tab> would give a list of pretty-printing formats starting with 'm' but now it completes on branch names. It would be possible to work around this by removing '=' and ':' from COMP_WORDBREAKS, but as noticed in v1.5.6.4~9^2 (bash completion: Resolve git show ref:path<tab> losing ref: portion, 2008-07-15), that would break *other* completion scripts. The bash-completion library includes a better workaround: the _get_comp_words_by_ref function re-assembles a copy of COMP_WORDS, excluding a collection of word separators of the caller's choice. Use it. As a bonus, this also improves behavior when tab is pressed with the cursor in the middle of a word. To avoid breaking setups with the bash-completion library not already loaded, if the _get_comp_words_by_ref function is not defined then a shim that just reads COMP_WORDS will be used instead (no change from the current behavior in that case). Signed-off-by: Peter van der Does <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Nieder <> Explained-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
15 years ago
case "$prev" in
__gitcomp "$__git_merge_strategies"
return 0
case "$cur" in
__gitcomp "$__git_merge_strategies" "" "${cur##--strategy=}"
return 0
return 1
__git_list_all_commands ()
local i IFS=" "$'\n'
for i in $(git help -a|egrep '^ [a-zA-Z0-9]')
case $i in
*--*) : helper pattern;;
*) echo $i;;
__git_compute_all_commands ()
: ${__git_all_commands:=$(__git_list_all_commands)}
__git_list_porcelain_commands ()
local i IFS=" "$'\n'
for i in "help" $__git_all_commands
case $i in
*--*) : helper pattern;;
applymbox) : ask gittus;;
applypatch) : ask gittus;;
archimport) : import;;
cat-file) : plumbing;;
check-attr) : plumbing;;
check-ref-format) : plumbing;;
checkout-index) : plumbing;;
commit-tree) : plumbing;;
count-objects) : infrequent;;
cvsexportcommit) : export;;
cvsimport) : import;;
cvsserver) : daemon;;
daemon) : daemon;;
diff-files) : plumbing;;
diff-index) : plumbing;;
diff-tree) : plumbing;;
fast-import) : import;;
fast-export) : export;;
fsck-objects) : plumbing;;
fetch-pack) : plumbing;;
fmt-merge-msg) : plumbing;;
for-each-ref) : plumbing;;
hash-object) : plumbing;;
http-*) : transport;;
index-pack) : plumbing;;
init-db) : deprecated;;
local-fetch) : plumbing;;
lost-found) : infrequent;;
ls-files) : plumbing;;
ls-remote) : plumbing;;
ls-tree) : plumbing;;
mailinfo) : plumbing;;
mailsplit) : plumbing;;
merge-*) : plumbing;;
mktree) : plumbing;;
mktag) : plumbing;;
pack-objects) : plumbing;;
pack-redundant) : plumbing;;
pack-refs) : plumbing;;
parse-remote) : plumbing;;
patch-id) : plumbing;;
peek-remote) : plumbing;;
prune) : plumbing;;
prune-packed) : plumbing;;
quiltimport) : import;;
read-tree) : plumbing;;
receive-pack) : plumbing;;
remote-*) : transport;;
repo-config) : deprecated;;
rerere) : plumbing;;
rev-list) : plumbing;;
rev-parse) : plumbing;;
runstatus) : plumbing;;
sh-setup) : internal;;
shell) : daemon;;
show-ref) : plumbing;;
send-pack) : plumbing;;
show-index) : plumbing;;
ssh-*) : transport;;
stripspace) : plumbing;;
symbolic-ref) : plumbing;;
tar-tree) : deprecated;;
unpack-file) : plumbing;;
unpack-objects) : plumbing;;
update-index) : plumbing;;
update-ref) : plumbing;;
update-server-info) : daemon;;
upload-archive) : plumbing;;
upload-pack) : plumbing;;
write-tree) : plumbing;;
var) : infrequent;;
verify-pack) : infrequent;;
verify-tag) : plumbing;;
*) echo $i;;
__git_compute_porcelain_commands ()
: ${__git_porcelain_commands:=$(__git_list_porcelain_commands)}
__git_pretty_aliases ()
local i IFS=$'\n'
for i in $(git --git-dir="$(__gitdir)" config --get-regexp "pretty\..*" 2>/dev/null); do
case "$i" in
echo "${i/ */}"
__git_aliases ()
local i IFS=$'\n'
for i in $(git --git-dir="$(__gitdir)" config --get-regexp "alias\..*" 2>/dev/null); do
case "$i" in
echo "${i/ */}"
# __git_aliased_command requires 1 argument
__git_aliased_command ()
local word cmdline=$(git --git-dir="$(__gitdir)" \
config --get "alias.$1")
for word in $cmdline; do
bash: improve aliased command recognition To support completion for aliases, the completion script tries to figure out which git command is invoked by an alias. Its implementation in __git_aliased_command() is rather straightforward: it returns the first word from the alias. For simple aliases starting with the git command (e.g. alias.last = cat-file commit HEAD) this gives the right results. Unfortunately, it does not work with shell command aliases, which can get rather complex, as illustrated by one of Junio's aliases: [alias] lgm = "!sh -c 'GIT_NOTES_REF=refs/notes/amlog git log \"$@\" || :' -" In this case the current implementation returns "!sh" as the aliased git command, which is obviosly wrong. The full parsing of a shell command alias like that in the completion code is clearly unfeasible. However, we can easily improve on aliased command recognition by eleminating stuff that is definitely not a git command: shell commands (anything starting with '!'), command line options (anything starting with '-'), environment variables (anything with a '=' in it), and git itself. This way the above alias would be handled correctly, and the completion script would correctly recognize "log" as the aliased git command. Of course, this solution is not perfect either, and could be fooled easily. It's not hard to construct an alias, in which a word does not match any of these filter patterns, but is still not a git command (e.g. by setting an environment variable to a value which contains spaces). It may even return false positives, when the output of a git command is piped into an other git command, and the second gets the command line options via $@, but options for the first one are offered. However, the following patches will enable the user to supply custom completion scripts for aliases, which can be used to remedy these problematic cases. Signed-off-by: SZEDER Gábor <> Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
15 years ago
case "$word" in
echo "gitk"
bash: improve aliased command recognition To support completion for aliases, the completion script tries to figure out which git command is invoked by an alias. Its implementation in __git_aliased_command() is rather straightforward: it returns the first word from the alias. For simple aliases starting with the git command (e.g. alias.last = cat-file commit HEAD) this gives the right results. Unfortunately, it does not work with shell command aliases, which can get rather complex, as illustrated by one of Junio's aliases: [alias] lgm = "!sh -c 'GIT_NOTES_REF=refs/notes/amlog git log \"$@\" || :' -" In this case the current implementation returns "!sh" as the aliased git command, which is obviosly wrong. The full parsing of a shell command alias like that in the completion code is clearly unfeasible. However, we can easily improve on aliased command recognition by eleminating stuff that is definitely not a git command: shell commands (anything starting with '!'), command line options (anything starting with '-'), environment variables (anything with a '=' in it), and git itself. This way the above alias would be handled correctly, and the completion script would correctly recognize "log" as the aliased git command. Of course, this solution is not perfect either, and could be fooled easily. It's not hard to construct an alias, in which a word does not match any of these filter patterns, but is still not a git command (e.g. by setting an environment variable to a value which contains spaces). It may even return false positives, when the output of a git command is piped into an other git command, and the second gets the command line options via $@, but options for the first one are offered. However, the following patches will enable the user to supply custom completion scripts for aliases, which can be used to remedy these problematic cases. Signed-off-by: SZEDER Gábor <> Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
15 years ago
\!*) : shell command alias ;;
-*) : option ;;
*=*) : setting env ;;
git) : git itself ;;
echo "$word"
bash: improve aliased command recognition To support completion for aliases, the completion script tries to figure out which git command is invoked by an alias. Its implementation in __git_aliased_command() is rather straightforward: it returns the first word from the alias. For simple aliases starting with the git command (e.g. alias.last = cat-file commit HEAD) this gives the right results. Unfortunately, it does not work with shell command aliases, which can get rather complex, as illustrated by one of Junio's aliases: [alias] lgm = "!sh -c 'GIT_NOTES_REF=refs/notes/amlog git log \"$@\" || :' -" In this case the current implementation returns "!sh" as the aliased git command, which is obviosly wrong. The full parsing of a shell command alias like that in the completion code is clearly unfeasible. However, we can easily improve on aliased command recognition by eleminating stuff that is definitely not a git command: shell commands (anything starting with '!'), command line options (anything starting with '-'), environment variables (anything with a '=' in it), and git itself. This way the above alias would be handled correctly, and the completion script would correctly recognize "log" as the aliased git command. Of course, this solution is not perfect either, and could be fooled easily. It's not hard to construct an alias, in which a word does not match any of these filter patterns, but is still not a git command (e.g. by setting an environment variable to a value which contains spaces). It may even return false positives, when the output of a git command is piped into an other git command, and the second gets the command line options via $@, but options for the first one are offered. However, the following patches will enable the user to supply custom completion scripts for aliases, which can be used to remedy these problematic cases. Signed-off-by: SZEDER Gábor <> Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
15 years ago
# __git_find_on_cmdline requires 1 argument
__git_find_on_cmdline ()
bash: get --pretty=m<tab> completion to work with bash v4 Bash's programmable completion provides the COMP_WORDS array variable, which holds the individual words in the current command line. In bash versions prior to v4 "words are split on shell metacharacters as the shell parser would separate them" (quote from bash v3.2.48's man page). This behavior has changed with bash v4, and the command line "is split into words as readline would split it, using COMP_WORDBREAKS as" "the set of characters that the readline library treats as word separators" (quote from bash v4's man page). Since COMP_WORDBREAKS contains the characters : and = by default, this behavior change in bash affects git's completion script. For example, before bash 4, running $ git log --pretty=m <tab><tab> would give a list of pretty-printing formats starting with 'm' but now it completes on branch names. It would be possible to work around this by removing '=' and ':' from COMP_WORDBREAKS, but as noticed in v1.5.6.4~9^2 (bash completion: Resolve git show ref:path<tab> losing ref: portion, 2008-07-15), that would break *other* completion scripts. The bash-completion library includes a better workaround: the _get_comp_words_by_ref function re-assembles a copy of COMP_WORDS, excluding a collection of word separators of the caller's choice. Use it. As a bonus, this also improves behavior when tab is pressed with the cursor in the middle of a word. To avoid breaking setups with the bash-completion library not already loaded, if the _get_comp_words_by_ref function is not defined then a shim that just reads COMP_WORDS will be used instead (no change from the current behavior in that case). Signed-off-by: Peter van der Does <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Nieder <> Explained-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
15 years ago
local word subcommand c=1 words cword
_get_comp_words_by_ref -n =: words cword
while [ $c -lt $cword ]; do
for subcommand in $1; do
if [ "$subcommand" = "$word" ]; then
echo "$subcommand"
__git_has_doubledash ()
bash: get --pretty=m<tab> completion to work with bash v4 Bash's programmable completion provides the COMP_WORDS array variable, which holds the individual words in the current command line. In bash versions prior to v4 "words are split on shell metacharacters as the shell parser would separate them" (quote from bash v3.2.48's man page). This behavior has changed with bash v4, and the command line "is split into words as readline would split it, using COMP_WORDBREAKS as" "the set of characters that the readline library treats as word separators" (quote from bash v4's man page). Since COMP_WORDBREAKS contains the characters : and = by default, this behavior change in bash affects git's completion script. For example, before bash 4, running $ git log --pretty=m <tab><tab> would give a list of pretty-printing formats starting with 'm' but now it completes on branch names. It would be possible to work around this by removing '=' and ':' from COMP_WORDBREAKS, but as noticed in v1.5.6.4~9^2 (bash completion: Resolve git show ref:path<tab> losing ref: portion, 2008-07-15), that would break *other* completion scripts. The bash-completion library includes a better workaround: the _get_comp_words_by_ref function re-assembles a copy of COMP_WORDS, excluding a collection of word separators of the caller's choice. Use it. As a bonus, this also improves behavior when tab is pressed with the cursor in the middle of a word. To avoid breaking setups with the bash-completion library not already loaded, if the _get_comp_words_by_ref function is not defined then a shim that just reads COMP_WORDS will be used instead (no change from the current behavior in that case). Signed-off-by: Peter van der Does <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Nieder <> Explained-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
15 years ago
local c=1 words cword
_get_comp_words_by_ref -n =: words cword
while [ $c -lt $cword ]; do
if [ "--" = "${words[c]}" ]; then
return 0
return 1
__git_whitespacelist="nowarn warn error error-all fix"
_git_am ()
bash: get --pretty=m<tab> completion to work with bash v4 Bash's programmable completion provides the COMP_WORDS array variable, which holds the individual words in the current command line. In bash versions prior to v4 "words are split on shell metacharacters as the shell parser would separate them" (quote from bash v3.2.48's man page). This behavior has changed with bash v4, and the command line "is split into words as readline would split it, using COMP_WORDBREAKS as" "the set of characters that the readline library treats as word separators" (quote from bash v4's man page). Since COMP_WORDBREAKS contains the characters : and = by default, this behavior change in bash affects git's completion script. For example, before bash 4, running $ git log --pretty=m <tab><tab> would give a list of pretty-printing formats starting with 'm' but now it completes on branch names. It would be possible to work around this by removing '=' and ':' from COMP_WORDBREAKS, but as noticed in v1.5.6.4~9^2 (bash completion: Resolve git show ref:path<tab> losing ref: portion, 2008-07-15), that would break *other* completion scripts. The bash-completion library includes a better workaround: the _get_comp_words_by_ref function re-assembles a copy of COMP_WORDS, excluding a collection of word separators of the caller's choice. Use it. As a bonus, this also improves behavior when tab is pressed with the cursor in the middle of a word. To avoid breaking setups with the bash-completion library not already loaded, if the _get_comp_words_by_ref function is not defined then a shim that just reads COMP_WORDS will be used instead (no change from the current behavior in that case). Signed-off-by: Peter van der Does <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Nieder <> Explained-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
15 years ago
local cur dir="$(__gitdir)"
_get_comp_words_by_ref -n =: cur
if [ -d "$dir"/rebase-apply ]; then
__gitcomp "--skip --continue --resolved --abort"
case "$cur" in
__gitcomp "$__git_whitespacelist" "" "${cur##--whitespace=}"
__gitcomp "
--3way --committer-date-is-author-date --ignore-date
--ignore-whitespace --ignore-space-change
--interactive --keep --no-utf8 --signoff --utf8
--whitespace= --scissors
_git_apply ()
bash: get --pretty=m<tab> completion to work with bash v4 Bash's programmable completion provides the COMP_WORDS array variable, which holds the individual words in the current command line. In bash versions prior to v4 "words are split on shell metacharacters as the shell parser would separate them" (quote from bash v3.2.48's man page). This behavior has changed with bash v4, and the command line "is split into words as readline would split it, using COMP_WORDBREAKS as" "the set of characters that the readline library treats as word separators" (quote from bash v4's man page). Since COMP_WORDBREAKS contains the characters : and = by default, this behavior change in bash affects git's completion script. For example, before bash 4, running $ git log --pretty=m <tab><tab> would give a list of pretty-printing formats starting with 'm' but now it completes on branch names. It would be possible to work around this by removing '=' and ':' from COMP_WORDBREAKS, but as noticed in v1.5.6.4~9^2 (bash completion: Resolve git show ref:path<tab> losing ref: portion, 2008-07-15), that would break *other* completion scripts. The bash-completion library includes a better workaround: the _get_comp_words_by_ref function re-assembles a copy of COMP_WORDS, excluding a collection of word separators of the caller's choice. Use it. As a bonus, this also improves behavior when tab is pressed with the cursor in the middle of a word. To avoid breaking setups with the bash-completion library not already loaded, if the _get_comp_words_by_ref function is not defined then a shim that just reads COMP_WORDS will be used instead (no change from the current behavior in that case). Signed-off-by: Peter van der Does <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Nieder <> Explained-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
15 years ago
local cur
_get_comp_words_by_ref -n =: cur
case "$cur" in
__gitcomp "$__git_whitespacelist" "" "${cur##--whitespace=}"
__gitcomp "
--stat --numstat --summary --check --index
--cached --index-info --reverse --reject --unidiff-zero
--apply --no-add --exclude=
--ignore-whitespace --ignore-space-change
--whitespace= --inaccurate-eof --verbose
_git_add ()
__git_has_doubledash && return
bash: get --pretty=m<tab> completion to work with bash v4 Bash's programmable completion provides the COMP_WORDS array variable, which holds the individual words in the current command line. In bash versions prior to v4 "words are split on shell metacharacters as the shell parser would separate them" (quote from bash v3.2.48's man page). This behavior has changed with bash v4, and the command line "is split into words as readline would split it, using COMP_WORDBREAKS as" "the set of characters that the readline library treats as word separators" (quote from bash v4's man page). Since COMP_WORDBREAKS contains the characters : and = by default, this behavior change in bash affects git's completion script. For example, before bash 4, running $ git log --pretty=m <tab><tab> would give a list of pretty-printing formats starting with 'm' but now it completes on branch names. It would be possible to work around this by removing '=' and ':' from COMP_WORDBREAKS, but as noticed in v1.5.6.4~9^2 (bash completion: Resolve git show ref:path<tab> losing ref: portion, 2008-07-15), that would break *other* completion scripts. The bash-completion library includes a better workaround: the _get_comp_words_by_ref function re-assembles a copy of COMP_WORDS, excluding a collection of word separators of the caller's choice. Use it. As a bonus, this also improves behavior when tab is pressed with the cursor in the middle of a word. To avoid breaking setups with the bash-completion library not already loaded, if the _get_comp_words_by_ref function is not defined then a shim that just reads COMP_WORDS will be used instead (no change from the current behavior in that case). Signed-off-by: Peter van der Does <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Nieder <> Explained-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
15 years ago
local cur
_get_comp_words_by_ref -n =: cur
case "$cur" in
__gitcomp "
--interactive --refresh --patch --update --dry-run
--ignore-errors --intent-to-add
_git_archive ()
bash: get --pretty=m<tab> completion to work with bash v4 Bash's programmable completion provides the COMP_WORDS array variable, which holds the individual words in the current command line. In bash versions prior to v4 "words are split on shell metacharacters as the shell parser would separate them" (quote from bash v3.2.48's man page). This behavior has changed with bash v4, and the command line "is split into words as readline would split it, using COMP_WORDBREAKS as" "the set of characters that the readline library treats as word separators" (quote from bash v4's man page). Since COMP_WORDBREAKS contains the characters : and = by default, this behavior change in bash affects git's completion script. For example, before bash 4, running $ git log --pretty=m <tab><tab> would give a list of pretty-printing formats starting with 'm' but now it completes on branch names. It would be possible to work around this by removing '=' and ':' from COMP_WORDBREAKS, but as noticed in v1.5.6.4~9^2 (bash completion: Resolve git show ref:path<tab> losing ref: portion, 2008-07-15), that would break *other* completion scripts. The bash-completion library includes a better workaround: the _get_comp_words_by_ref function re-assembles a copy of COMP_WORDS, excluding a collection of word separators of the caller's choice. Use it. As a bonus, this also improves behavior when tab is pressed with the cursor in the middle of a word. To avoid breaking setups with the bash-completion library not already loaded, if the _get_comp_words_by_ref function is not defined then a shim that just reads COMP_WORDS will be used instead (no change from the current behavior in that case). Signed-off-by: Peter van der Does <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Nieder <> Explained-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
15 years ago
local cur
_get_comp_words_by_ref -n =: cur
case "$cur" in
__gitcomp "$(git archive --list)" "" "${cur##--format=}"
__gitcomp "$(__git_remotes)" "" "${cur##--remote=}"
__gitcomp "
--format= --list --verbose
--prefix= --remote= --exec=
_git_bisect ()
__git_has_doubledash && return
local subcommands="start bad good skip reset visualize replay log run"
local subcommand="$(__git_find_on_cmdline "$subcommands")"
if [ -z "$subcommand" ]; then
if [ -f "$(__gitdir)"/BISECT_START ]; then
__gitcomp "$subcommands"
__gitcomp "replay start"
case "$subcommand" in
__gitcomp "$(__git_refs)"
_git_branch ()
bash: get --pretty=m<tab> completion to work with bash v4 Bash's programmable completion provides the COMP_WORDS array variable, which holds the individual words in the current command line. In bash versions prior to v4 "words are split on shell metacharacters as the shell parser would separate them" (quote from bash v3.2.48's man page). This behavior has changed with bash v4, and the command line "is split into words as readline would split it, using COMP_WORDBREAKS as" "the set of characters that the readline library treats as word separators" (quote from bash v4's man page). Since COMP_WORDBREAKS contains the characters : and = by default, this behavior change in bash affects git's completion script. For example, before bash 4, running $ git log --pretty=m <tab><tab> would give a list of pretty-printing formats starting with 'm' but now it completes on branch names. It would be possible to work around this by removing '=' and ':' from COMP_WORDBREAKS, but as noticed in v1.5.6.4~9^2 (bash completion: Resolve git show ref:path<tab> losing ref: portion, 2008-07-15), that would break *other* completion scripts. The bash-completion library includes a better workaround: the _get_comp_words_by_ref function re-assembles a copy of COMP_WORDS, excluding a collection of word separators of the caller's choice. Use it. As a bonus, this also improves behavior when tab is pressed with the cursor in the middle of a word. To avoid breaking setups with the bash-completion library not already loaded, if the _get_comp_words_by_ref function is not defined then a shim that just reads COMP_WORDS will be used instead (no change from the current behavior in that case). Signed-off-by: Peter van der Does <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Nieder <> Explained-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
15 years ago
local i c=1 only_local_ref="n" has_r="n" cur words cword
bash: get --pretty=m<tab> completion to work with bash v4 Bash's programmable completion provides the COMP_WORDS array variable, which holds the individual words in the current command line. In bash versions prior to v4 "words are split on shell metacharacters as the shell parser would separate them" (quote from bash v3.2.48's man page). This behavior has changed with bash v4, and the command line "is split into words as readline would split it, using COMP_WORDBREAKS as" "the set of characters that the readline library treats as word separators" (quote from bash v4's man page). Since COMP_WORDBREAKS contains the characters : and = by default, this behavior change in bash affects git's completion script. For example, before bash 4, running $ git log --pretty=m <tab><tab> would give a list of pretty-printing formats starting with 'm' but now it completes on branch names. It would be possible to work around this by removing '=' and ':' from COMP_WORDBREAKS, but as noticed in v1.5.6.4~9^2 (bash completion: Resolve git show ref:path<tab> losing ref: portion, 2008-07-15), that would break *other* completion scripts. The bash-completion library includes a better workaround: the _get_comp_words_by_ref function re-assembles a copy of COMP_WORDS, excluding a collection of word separators of the caller's choice. Use it. As a bonus, this also improves behavior when tab is pressed with the cursor in the middle of a word. To avoid breaking setups with the bash-completion library not already loaded, if the _get_comp_words_by_ref function is not defined then a shim that just reads COMP_WORDS will be used instead (no change from the current behavior in that case). Signed-off-by: Peter van der Does <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Nieder <> Explained-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
15 years ago
_get_comp_words_by_ref -n =: cur words cword
while [ $c -lt $cword ]; do
case "$i" in
-d|-m) only_local_ref="y" ;;
-r) has_r="y" ;;
bash: get --pretty=m<tab> completion to work with bash v4 Bash's programmable completion provides the COMP_WORDS array variable, which holds the individual words in the current command line. In bash versions prior to v4 "words are split on shell metacharacters as the shell parser would separate them" (quote from bash v3.2.48's man page). This behavior has changed with bash v4, and the command line "is split into words as readline would split it, using COMP_WORDBREAKS as" "the set of characters that the readline library treats as word separators" (quote from bash v4's man page). Since COMP_WORDBREAKS contains the characters : and = by default, this behavior change in bash affects git's completion script. For example, before bash 4, running $ git log --pretty=m <tab><tab> would give a list of pretty-printing formats starting with 'm' but now it completes on branch names. It would be possible to work around this by removing '=' and ':' from COMP_WORDBREAKS, but as noticed in v1.5.6.4~9^2 (bash completion: Resolve git show ref:path<tab> losing ref: portion, 2008-07-15), that would break *other* completion scripts. The bash-completion library includes a better workaround: the _get_comp_words_by_ref function re-assembles a copy of COMP_WORDS, excluding a collection of word separators of the caller's choice. Use it. As a bonus, this also improves behavior when tab is pressed with the cursor in the middle of a word. To avoid breaking setups with the bash-completion library not already loaded, if the _get_comp_words_by_ref function is not defined then a shim that just reads COMP_WORDS will be used instead (no change from the current behavior in that case). Signed-off-by: Peter van der Does <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Nieder <> Explained-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
15 years ago
case "$cur" in
__gitcomp "
--color --no-color --verbose --abbrev= --no-abbrev
--track --no-track --contains --merged --no-merged
if [ $only_local_ref = "y" -a $has_r = "n" ]; then
__gitcomp "$(__git_heads)"
__gitcomp "$(__git_refs)"
_git_bundle ()
bash: get --pretty=m<tab> completion to work with bash v4 Bash's programmable completion provides the COMP_WORDS array variable, which holds the individual words in the current command line. In bash versions prior to v4 "words are split on shell metacharacters as the shell parser would separate them" (quote from bash v3.2.48's man page). This behavior has changed with bash v4, and the command line "is split into words as readline would split it, using COMP_WORDBREAKS as" "the set of characters that the readline library treats as word separators" (quote from bash v4's man page). Since COMP_WORDBREAKS contains the characters : and = by default, this behavior change in bash affects git's completion script. For example, before bash 4, running $ git log --pretty=m <tab><tab> would give a list of pretty-printing formats starting with 'm' but now it completes on branch names. It would be possible to work around this by removing '=' and ':' from COMP_WORDBREAKS, but as noticed in v1.5.6.4~9^2 (bash completion: Resolve git show ref:path<tab> losing ref: portion, 2008-07-15), that would break *other* completion scripts. The bash-completion library includes a better workaround: the _get_comp_words_by_ref function re-assembles a copy of COMP_WORDS, excluding a collection of word separators of the caller's choice. Use it. As a bonus, this also improves behavior when tab is pressed with the cursor in the middle of a word. To avoid breaking setups with the bash-completion library not already loaded, if the _get_comp_words_by_ref function is not defined then a shim that just reads COMP_WORDS will be used instead (no change from the current behavior in that case). Signed-off-by: Peter van der Does <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Nieder <> Explained-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
15 years ago
local words cword
_get_comp_words_by_ref -n =: words cword
local cmd="${words[2]}"
case "$cword" in
__gitcomp "create list-heads verify unbundle"
# looking for a file
case "$cmd" in
_git_checkout ()
__git_has_doubledash && return
bash: get --pretty=m<tab> completion to work with bash v4 Bash's programmable completion provides the COMP_WORDS array variable, which holds the individual words in the current command line. In bash versions prior to v4 "words are split on shell metacharacters as the shell parser would separate them" (quote from bash v3.2.48's man page). This behavior has changed with bash v4, and the command line "is split into words as readline would split it, using COMP_WORDBREAKS as" "the set of characters that the readline library treats as word separators" (quote from bash v4's man page). Since COMP_WORDBREAKS contains the characters : and = by default, this behavior change in bash affects git's completion script. For example, before bash 4, running $ git log --pretty=m <tab><tab> would give a list of pretty-printing formats starting with 'm' but now it completes on branch names. It would be possible to work around this by removing '=' and ':' from COMP_WORDBREAKS, but as noticed in v1.5.6.4~9^2 (bash completion: Resolve git show ref:path<tab> losing ref: portion, 2008-07-15), that would break *other* completion scripts. The bash-completion library includes a better workaround: the _get_comp_words_by_ref function re-assembles a copy of COMP_WORDS, excluding a collection of word separators of the caller's choice. Use it. As a bonus, this also improves behavior when tab is pressed with the cursor in the middle of a word. To avoid breaking setups with the bash-completion library not already loaded, if the _get_comp_words_by_ref function is not defined then a shim that just reads COMP_WORDS will be used instead (no change from the current behavior in that case). Signed-off-by: Peter van der Does <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Nieder <> Explained-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
15 years ago
local cur
_get_comp_words_by_ref -n =: cur
case "$cur" in
__gitcomp "diff3 merge" "" "${cur##--conflict=}"
__gitcomp "
--quiet --ours --theirs --track --no-track --merge
--conflict= --orphan --patch
# check if --track, --no-track, or --no-guess was specified
# if so, disable DWIM mode
local flags="--track --no-track --no-guess" track=1
if [ -n "$(__git_find_on_cmdline "$flags")" ]; then
__gitcomp "$(__git_refs '' $track)"
_git_cherry ()
__gitcomp "$(__git_refs)"
_git_cherry_pick ()
bash: get --pretty=m<tab> completion to work with bash v4 Bash's programmable completion provides the COMP_WORDS array variable, which holds the individual words in the current command line. In bash versions prior to v4 "words are split on shell metacharacters as the shell parser would separate them" (quote from bash v3.2.48's man page). This behavior has changed with bash v4, and the command line "is split into words as readline would split it, using COMP_WORDBREAKS as" "the set of characters that the readline library treats as word separators" (quote from bash v4's man page). Since COMP_WORDBREAKS contains the characters : and = by default, this behavior change in bash affects git's completion script. For example, before bash 4, running $ git log --pretty=m <tab><tab> would give a list of pretty-printing formats starting with 'm' but now it completes on branch names. It would be possible to work around this by removing '=' and ':' from COMP_WORDBREAKS, but as noticed in v1.5.6.4~9^2 (bash completion: Resolve git show ref:path<tab> losing ref: portion, 2008-07-15), that would break *other* completion scripts. The bash-completion library includes a better workaround: the _get_comp_words_by_ref function re-assembles a copy of COMP_WORDS, excluding a collection of word separators of the caller's choice. Use it. As a bonus, this also improves behavior when tab is pressed with the cursor in the middle of a word. To avoid breaking setups with the bash-completion library not already loaded, if the _get_comp_words_by_ref function is not defined then a shim that just reads COMP_WORDS will be used instead (no change from the current behavior in that case). Signed-off-by: Peter van der Does <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Nieder <> Explained-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
15 years ago
local cur
_get_comp_words_by_ref -n =: cur
case "$cur" in
__gitcomp "--edit --no-commit"
__gitcomp "$(__git_refs)"
_git_clean ()
__git_has_doubledash && return
bash: get --pretty=m<tab> completion to work with bash v4 Bash's programmable completion provides the COMP_WORDS array variable, which holds the individual words in the current command line. In bash versions prior to v4 "words are split on shell metacharacters as the shell parser would separate them" (quote from bash v3.2.48's man page). This behavior has changed with bash v4, and the command line "is split into words as readline would split it, using COMP_WORDBREAKS as" "the set of characters that the readline library treats as word separators" (quote from bash v4's man page). Since COMP_WORDBREAKS contains the characters : and = by default, this behavior change in bash affects git's completion script. For example, before bash 4, running $ git log --pretty=m <tab><tab> would give a list of pretty-printing formats starting with 'm' but now it completes on branch names. It would be possible to work around this by removing '=' and ':' from COMP_WORDBREAKS, but as noticed in v1.5.6.4~9^2 (bash completion: Resolve git show ref:path<tab> losing ref: portion, 2008-07-15), that would break *other* completion scripts. The bash-completion library includes a better workaround: the _get_comp_words_by_ref function re-assembles a copy of COMP_WORDS, excluding a collection of word separators of the caller's choice. Use it. As a bonus, this also improves behavior when tab is pressed with the cursor in the middle of a word. To avoid breaking setups with the bash-completion library not already loaded, if the _get_comp_words_by_ref function is not defined then a shim that just reads COMP_WORDS will be used instead (no change from the current behavior in that case). Signed-off-by: Peter van der Does <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Nieder <> Explained-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
15 years ago
local cur
_get_comp_words_by_ref -n =: cur
case "$cur" in
__gitcomp "--dry-run --quiet"
_git_clone ()
bash: get --pretty=m<tab> completion to work with bash v4 Bash's programmable completion provides the COMP_WORDS array variable, which holds the individual words in the current command line. In bash versions prior to v4 "words are split on shell metacharacters as the shell parser would separate them" (quote from bash v3.2.48's man page). This behavior has changed with bash v4, and the command line "is split into words as readline would split it, using COMP_WORDBREAKS as" "the set of characters that the readline library treats as word separators" (quote from bash v4's man page). Since COMP_WORDBREAKS contains the characters : and = by default, this behavior change in bash affects git's completion script. For example, before bash 4, running $ git log --pretty=m <tab><tab> would give a list of pretty-printing formats starting with 'm' but now it completes on branch names. It would be possible to work around this by removing '=' and ':' from COMP_WORDBREAKS, but as noticed in v1.5.6.4~9^2 (bash completion: Resolve git show ref:path<tab> losing ref: portion, 2008-07-15), that would break *other* completion scripts. The bash-completion library includes a better workaround: the _get_comp_words_by_ref function re-assembles a copy of COMP_WORDS, excluding a collection of word separators of the caller's choice. Use it. As a bonus, this also improves behavior when tab is pressed with the cursor in the middle of a word. To avoid breaking setups with the bash-completion library not already loaded, if the _get_comp_words_by_ref function is not defined then a shim that just reads COMP_WORDS will be used instead (no change from the current behavior in that case). Signed-off-by: Peter van der Does <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Nieder <> Explained-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
15 years ago
local cur
_get_comp_words_by_ref -n =: cur
case "$cur" in
__gitcomp "
_git_commit ()
__git_has_doubledash && return
bash: get --pretty=m<tab> completion to work with bash v4 Bash's programmable completion provides the COMP_WORDS array variable, which holds the individual words in the current command line. In bash versions prior to v4 "words are split on shell metacharacters as the shell parser would separate them" (quote from bash v3.2.48's man page). This behavior has changed with bash v4, and the command line "is split into words as readline would split it, using COMP_WORDBREAKS as" "the set of characters that the readline library treats as word separators" (quote from bash v4's man page). Since COMP_WORDBREAKS contains the characters : and = by default, this behavior change in bash affects git's completion script. For example, before bash 4, running $ git log --pretty=m <tab><tab> would give a list of pretty-printing formats starting with 'm' but now it completes on branch names. It would be possible to work around this by removing '=' and ':' from COMP_WORDBREAKS, but as noticed in v1.5.6.4~9^2 (bash completion: Resolve git show ref:path<tab> losing ref: portion, 2008-07-15), that would break *other* completion scripts. The bash-completion library includes a better workaround: the _get_comp_words_by_ref function re-assembles a copy of COMP_WORDS, excluding a collection of word separators of the caller's choice. Use it. As a bonus, this also improves behavior when tab is pressed with the cursor in the middle of a word. To avoid breaking setups with the bash-completion library not already loaded, if the _get_comp_words_by_ref function is not defined then a shim that just reads COMP_WORDS will be used instead (no change from the current behavior in that case). Signed-off-by: Peter van der Does <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Nieder <> Explained-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
15 years ago
local cur
_get_comp_words_by_ref -n =: cur
case "$cur" in
__gitcomp "default strip verbatim whitespace
" "" "${cur##--cleanup=}"
__gitcomp "$(__git_refs)" "" "${cur##--reuse-message=}"
__gitcomp "$(__git_refs)" "" "${cur##--reedit-message=}"
__gitcomp "all no normal" "" "${cur##--untracked-files=}"
__gitcomp "
--all --author= --signoff --verify --no-verify
--edit --amend --include --only --interactive
--dry-run --reuse-message= --reedit-message=
--reset-author --file= --message= --template=
--cleanup= --untracked-files --untracked-files=
--verbose --quiet
_git_describe ()
bash: get --pretty=m<tab> completion to work with bash v4 Bash's programmable completion provides the COMP_WORDS array variable, which holds the individual words in the current command line. In bash versions prior to v4 "words are split on shell metacharacters as the shell parser would separate them" (quote from bash v3.2.48's man page). This behavior has changed with bash v4, and the command line "is split into words as readline would split it, using COMP_WORDBREAKS as" "the set of characters that the readline library treats as word separators" (quote from bash v4's man page). Since COMP_WORDBREAKS contains the characters : and = by default, this behavior change in bash affects git's completion script. For example, before bash 4, running $ git log --pretty=m <tab><tab> would give a list of pretty-printing formats starting with 'm' but now it completes on branch names. It would be possible to work around this by removing '=' and ':' from COMP_WORDBREAKS, but as noticed in v1.5.6.4~9^2 (bash completion: Resolve git show ref:path<tab> losing ref: portion, 2008-07-15), that would break *other* completion scripts. The bash-completion library includes a better workaround: the _get_comp_words_by_ref function re-assembles a copy of COMP_WORDS, excluding a collection of word separators of the caller's choice. Use it. As a bonus, this also improves behavior when tab is pressed with the cursor in the middle of a word. To avoid breaking setups with the bash-completion library not already loaded, if the _get_comp_words_by_ref function is not defined then a shim that just reads COMP_WORDS will be used instead (no change from the current behavior in that case). Signed-off-by: Peter van der Does <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Nieder <> Explained-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
15 years ago
local cur
_get_comp_words_by_ref -n =: cur
case "$cur" in
__gitcomp "
--all --tags --contains --abbrev= --candidates=
--exact-match --debug --long --match --always
__gitcomp "$(__git_refs)"
__git_diff_common_options="--stat --numstat --shortstat --summary
--patch-with-stat --name-only --name-status --color
--no-color --color-words --no-renames --check
--full-index --binary --abbrev --diff-filter=
--text --ignore-space-at-eol --ignore-space-change
--ignore-all-space --exit-code --quiet --ext-diff
--no-prefix --src-prefix= --dst-prefix=
--dirstat --dirstat= --dirstat-by-file
--dirstat-by-file= --cumulative
_git_diff ()
__git_has_doubledash && return
bash: get --pretty=m<tab> completion to work with bash v4 Bash's programmable completion provides the COMP_WORDS array variable, which holds the individual words in the current command line. In bash versions prior to v4 "words are split on shell metacharacters as the shell parser would separate them" (quote from bash v3.2.48's man page). This behavior has changed with bash v4, and the command line "is split into words as readline would split it, using COMP_WORDBREAKS as" "the set of characters that the readline library treats as word separators" (quote from bash v4's man page). Since COMP_WORDBREAKS contains the characters : and = by default, this behavior change in bash affects git's completion script. For example, before bash 4, running $ git log --pretty=m <tab><tab> would give a list of pretty-printing formats starting with 'm' but now it completes on branch names. It would be possible to work around this by removing '=' and ':' from COMP_WORDBREAKS, but as noticed in v1.5.6.4~9^2 (bash completion: Resolve git show ref:path<tab> losing ref: portion, 2008-07-15), that would break *other* completion scripts. The bash-completion library includes a better workaround: the _get_comp_words_by_ref function re-assembles a copy of COMP_WORDS, excluding a collection of word separators of the caller's choice. Use it. As a bonus, this also improves behavior when tab is pressed with the cursor in the middle of a word. To avoid breaking setups with the bash-completion library not already loaded, if the _get_comp_words_by_ref function is not defined then a shim that just reads COMP_WORDS will be used instead (no change from the current behavior in that case). Signed-off-by: Peter van der Does <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Nieder <> Explained-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
15 years ago
local cur
_get_comp_words_by_ref -n =: cur
case "$cur" in
__gitcomp "--cached --staged --pickaxe-all --pickaxe-regex
--base --ours --theirs --no-index
__git_mergetools_common="diffuse ecmerge emerge kdiff3 meld opendiff
tkdiff vimdiff gvimdiff xxdiff araxis p4merge
_git_difftool ()
__git_has_doubledash && return
bash: get --pretty=m<tab> completion to work with bash v4 Bash's programmable completion provides the COMP_WORDS array variable, which holds the individual words in the current command line. In bash versions prior to v4 "words are split on shell metacharacters as the shell parser would separate them" (quote from bash v3.2.48's man page). This behavior has changed with bash v4, and the command line "is split into words as readline would split it, using COMP_WORDBREAKS as" "the set of characters that the readline library treats as word separators" (quote from bash v4's man page). Since COMP_WORDBREAKS contains the characters : and = by default, this behavior change in bash affects git's completion script. For example, before bash 4, running $ git log --pretty=m <tab><tab> would give a list of pretty-printing formats starting with 'm' but now it completes on branch names. It would be possible to work around this by removing '=' and ':' from COMP_WORDBREAKS, but as noticed in v1.5.6.4~9^2 (bash completion: Resolve git show ref:path<tab> losing ref: portion, 2008-07-15), that would break *other* completion scripts. The bash-completion library includes a better workaround: the _get_comp_words_by_ref function re-assembles a copy of COMP_WORDS, excluding a collection of word separators of the caller's choice. Use it. As a bonus, this also improves behavior when tab is pressed with the cursor in the middle of a word. To avoid breaking setups with the bash-completion library not already loaded, if the _get_comp_words_by_ref function is not defined then a shim that just reads COMP_WORDS will be used instead (no change from the current behavior in that case). Signed-off-by: Peter van der Does <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Nieder <> Explained-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
15 years ago
local cur
_get_comp_words_by_ref -n =: cur
case "$cur" in
__gitcomp "$__git_mergetools_common kompare" "" "${cur##--tool=}"
__gitcomp "--cached --staged --pickaxe-all --pickaxe-regex
--base --ours --theirs
--no-renames --diff-filter= --find-copies-harder
--relative --ignore-submodules
--quiet --verbose --append --upload-pack --force --keep --depth=
--tags --no-tags --all --prune --dry-run
_git_fetch ()
bash: get --pretty=m<tab> completion to work with bash v4 Bash's programmable completion provides the COMP_WORDS array variable, which holds the individual words in the current command line. In bash versions prior to v4 "words are split on shell metacharacters as the shell parser would separate them" (quote from bash v3.2.48's man page). This behavior has changed with bash v4, and the command line "is split into words as readline would split it, using COMP_WORDBREAKS as" "the set of characters that the readline library treats as word separators" (quote from bash v4's man page). Since COMP_WORDBREAKS contains the characters : and = by default, this behavior change in bash affects git's completion script. For example, before bash 4, running $ git log --pretty=m <tab><tab> would give a list of pretty-printing formats starting with 'm' but now it completes on branch names. It would be possible to work around this by removing '=' and ':' from COMP_WORDBREAKS, but as noticed in v1.5.6.4~9^2 (bash completion: Resolve git show ref:path<tab> losing ref: portion, 2008-07-15), that would break *other* completion scripts. The bash-completion library includes a better workaround: the _get_comp_words_by_ref function re-assembles a copy of COMP_WORDS, excluding a collection of word separators of the caller's choice. Use it. As a bonus, this also improves behavior when tab is pressed with the cursor in the middle of a word. To avoid breaking setups with the bash-completion library not already loaded, if the _get_comp_words_by_ref function is not defined then a shim that just reads COMP_WORDS will be used instead (no change from the current behavior in that case). Signed-off-by: Peter van der Does <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Nieder <> Explained-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
15 years ago
local cur
_get_comp_words_by_ref -n =: cur
case "$cur" in
__gitcomp "$__git_fetch_options"
_git_format_patch ()
bash: get --pretty=m<tab> completion to work with bash v4 Bash's programmable completion provides the COMP_WORDS array variable, which holds the individual words in the current command line. In bash versions prior to v4 "words are split on shell metacharacters as the shell parser would separate them" (quote from bash v3.2.48's man page). This behavior has changed with bash v4, and the command line "is split into words as readline would split it, using COMP_WORDBREAKS as" "the set of characters that the readline library treats as word separators" (quote from bash v4's man page). Since COMP_WORDBREAKS contains the characters : and = by default, this behavior change in bash affects git's completion script. For example, before bash 4, running $ git log --pretty=m <tab><tab> would give a list of pretty-printing formats starting with 'm' but now it completes on branch names. It would be possible to work around this by removing '=' and ':' from COMP_WORDBREAKS, but as noticed in v1.5.6.4~9^2 (bash completion: Resolve git show ref:path<tab> losing ref: portion, 2008-07-15), that would break *other* completion scripts. The bash-completion library includes a better workaround: the _get_comp_words_by_ref function re-assembles a copy of COMP_WORDS, excluding a collection of word separators of the caller's choice. Use it. As a bonus, this also improves behavior when tab is pressed with the cursor in the middle of a word. To avoid breaking setups with the bash-completion library not already loaded, if the _get_comp_words_by_ref function is not defined then a shim that just reads COMP_WORDS will be used instead (no change from the current behavior in that case). Signed-off-by: Peter van der Does <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Nieder <> Explained-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
15 years ago
local cur
_get_comp_words_by_ref -n =: cur
case "$cur" in
__gitcomp "
deep shallow
" "" "${cur##--thread=}"
__gitcomp "
--stdout --attach --no-attach --thread --thread=
--numbered --start-number
--signoff --signature --no-signature
--in-reply-to= --cc=
--full-index --binary
--not --all
--no-prefix --src-prefix= --dst-prefix=
--inline --suffix= --ignore-if-in-upstream
_git_fsck ()
bash: get --pretty=m<tab> completion to work with bash v4 Bash's programmable completion provides the COMP_WORDS array variable, which holds the individual words in the current command line. In bash versions prior to v4 "words are split on shell metacharacters as the shell parser would separate them" (quote from bash v3.2.48's man page). This behavior has changed with bash v4, and the command line "is split into words as readline would split it, using COMP_WORDBREAKS as" "the set of characters that the readline library treats as word separators" (quote from bash v4's man page). Since COMP_WORDBREAKS contains the characters : and = by default, this behavior change in bash affects git's completion script. For example, before bash 4, running $ git log --pretty=m <tab><tab> would give a list of pretty-printing formats starting with 'm' but now it completes on branch names. It would be possible to work around this by removing '=' and ':' from COMP_WORDBREAKS, but as noticed in v1.5.6.4~9^2 (bash completion: Resolve git show ref:path<tab> losing ref: portion, 2008-07-15), that would break *other* completion scripts. The bash-completion library includes a better workaround: the _get_comp_words_by_ref function re-assembles a copy of COMP_WORDS, excluding a collection of word separators of the caller's choice. Use it. As a bonus, this also improves behavior when tab is pressed with the cursor in the middle of a word. To avoid breaking setups with the bash-completion library not already loaded, if the _get_comp_words_by_ref function is not defined then a shim that just reads COMP_WORDS will be used instead (no change from the current behavior in that case). Signed-off-by: Peter van der Does <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Nieder <> Explained-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
15 years ago
local cur
_get_comp_words_by_ref -n =: cur
case "$cur" in
__gitcomp "
--tags --root --unreachable --cache --no-reflogs --full
--strict --verbose --lost-found
_git_gc ()
bash: get --pretty=m<tab> completion to work with bash v4 Bash's programmable completion provides the COMP_WORDS array variable, which holds the individual words in the current command line. In bash versions prior to v4 "words are split on shell metacharacters as the shell parser would separate them" (quote from bash v3.2.48's man page). This behavior has changed with bash v4, and the command line "is split into words as readline would split it, using COMP_WORDBREAKS as" "the set of characters that the readline library treats as word separators" (quote from bash v4's man page). Since COMP_WORDBREAKS contains the characters : and = by default, this behavior change in bash affects git's completion script. For example, before bash 4, running $ git log --pretty=m <tab><tab> would give a list of pretty-printing formats starting with 'm' but now it completes on branch names. It would be possible to work around this by removing '=' and ':' from COMP_WORDBREAKS, but as noticed in v1.5.6.4~9^2 (bash completion: Resolve git show ref:path<tab> losing ref: portion, 2008-07-15), that would break *other* completion scripts. The bash-completion library includes a better workaround: the _get_comp_words_by_ref function re-assembles a copy of COMP_WORDS, excluding a collection of word separators of the caller's choice. Use it. As a bonus, this also improves behavior when tab is pressed with the cursor in the middle of a word. To avoid breaking setups with the bash-completion library not already loaded, if the _get_comp_words_by_ref function is not defined then a shim that just reads COMP_WORDS will be used instead (no change from the current behavior in that case). Signed-off-by: Peter van der Does <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Nieder <> Explained-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
15 years ago
local cur
_get_comp_words_by_ref -n =: cur
case "$cur" in
__gitcomp "--prune --aggressive"
_git_gitk ()
_git_grep ()
__git_has_doubledash && return
bash: get --pretty=m<tab> completion to work with bash v4 Bash's programmable completion provides the COMP_WORDS array variable, which holds the individual words in the current command line. In bash versions prior to v4 "words are split on shell metacharacters as the shell parser would separate them" (quote from bash v3.2.48's man page). This behavior has changed with bash v4, and the command line "is split into words as readline would split it, using COMP_WORDBREAKS as" "the set of characters that the readline library treats as word separators" (quote from bash v4's man page). Since COMP_WORDBREAKS contains the characters : and = by default, this behavior change in bash affects git's completion script. For example, before bash 4, running $ git log --pretty=m <tab><tab> would give a list of pretty-printing formats starting with 'm' but now it completes on branch names. It would be possible to work around this by removing '=' and ':' from COMP_WORDBREAKS, but as noticed in v1.5.6.4~9^2 (bash completion: Resolve git show ref:path<tab> losing ref: portion, 2008-07-15), that would break *other* completion scripts. The bash-completion library includes a better workaround: the _get_comp_words_by_ref function re-assembles a copy of COMP_WORDS, excluding a collection of word separators of the caller's choice. Use it. As a bonus, this also improves behavior when tab is pressed with the cursor in the middle of a word. To avoid breaking setups with the bash-completion library not already loaded, if the _get_comp_words_by_ref function is not defined then a shim that just reads COMP_WORDS will be used instead (no change from the current behavior in that case). Signed-off-by: Peter van der Does <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Nieder <> Explained-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
15 years ago
local cur
_get_comp_words_by_ref -n =: cur
case "$cur" in
__gitcomp "
--text --ignore-case --word-regexp --invert-match
--extended-regexp --basic-regexp --fixed-strings
--files-with-matches --name-only
--and --or --not --all-match
__gitcomp "$(__git_refs)"
_git_help ()
bash: get --pretty=m<tab> completion to work with bash v4 Bash's programmable completion provides the COMP_WORDS array variable, which holds the individual words in the current command line. In bash versions prior to v4 "words are split on shell metacharacters as the shell parser would separate them" (quote from bash v3.2.48's man page). This behavior has changed with bash v4, and the command line "is split into words as readline would split it, using COMP_WORDBREAKS as" "the set of characters that the readline library treats as word separators" (quote from bash v4's man page). Since COMP_WORDBREAKS contains the characters : and = by default, this behavior change in bash affects git's completion script. For example, before bash 4, running $ git log --pretty=m <tab><tab> would give a list of pretty-printing formats starting with 'm' but now it completes on branch names. It would be possible to work around this by removing '=' and ':' from COMP_WORDBREAKS, but as noticed in v1.5.6.4~9^2 (bash completion: Resolve git show ref:path<tab> losing ref: portion, 2008-07-15), that would break *other* completion scripts. The bash-completion library includes a better workaround: the _get_comp_words_by_ref function re-assembles a copy of COMP_WORDS, excluding a collection of word separators of the caller's choice. Use it. As a bonus, this also improves behavior when tab is pressed with the cursor in the middle of a word. To avoid breaking setups with the bash-completion library not already loaded, if the _get_comp_words_by_ref function is not defined then a shim that just reads COMP_WORDS will be used instead (no change from the current behavior in that case). Signed-off-by: Peter van der Does <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Nieder <> Explained-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
15 years ago
local cur
_get_comp_words_by_ref -n =: cur
case "$cur" in
__gitcomp "--all --info --man --web"
__gitcomp "$__git_all_commands
attributes cli core-tutorial cvs-migration
diffcore gitk glossary hooks ignore modules
repository-layout tutorial tutorial-2
_git_init ()
bash: get --pretty=m<tab> completion to work with bash v4 Bash's programmable completion provides the COMP_WORDS array variable, which holds the individual words in the current command line. In bash versions prior to v4 "words are split on shell metacharacters as the shell parser would separate them" (quote from bash v3.2.48's man page). This behavior has changed with bash v4, and the command line "is split into words as readline would split it, using COMP_WORDBREAKS as" "the set of characters that the readline library treats as word separators" (quote from bash v4's man page). Since COMP_WORDBREAKS contains the characters : and = by default, this behavior change in bash affects git's completion script. For example, before bash 4, running $ git log --pretty=m <tab><tab> would give a list of pretty-printing formats starting with 'm' but now it completes on branch names. It would be possible to work around this by removing '=' and ':' from COMP_WORDBREAKS, but as noticed in v1.5.6.4~9^2 (bash completion: Resolve git show ref:path<tab> losing ref: portion, 2008-07-15), that would break *other* completion scripts. The bash-completion library includes a better workaround: the _get_comp_words_by_ref function re-assembles a copy of COMP_WORDS, excluding a collection of word separators of the caller's choice. Use it. As a bonus, this also improves behavior when tab is pressed with the cursor in the middle of a word. To avoid breaking setups with the bash-completion library not already loaded, if the _get_comp_words_by_ref function is not defined then a shim that just reads COMP_WORDS will be used instead (no change from the current behavior in that case). Signed-off-by: Peter van der Does <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Nieder <> Explained-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
15 years ago
local cur
_get_comp_words_by_ref -n =: cur
case "$cur" in
__gitcomp "
false true umask group all world everybody
" "" "${cur##--shared=}"
__gitcomp "--quiet --bare --template= --shared --shared="
_git_ls_files ()
__git_has_doubledash && return
bash: get --pretty=m<tab> completion to work with bash v4 Bash's programmable completion provides the COMP_WORDS array variable, which holds the individual words in the current command line. In bash versions prior to v4 "words are split on shell metacharacters as the shell parser would separate them" (quote from bash v3.2.48's man page). This behavior has changed with bash v4, and the command line "is split into words as readline would split it, using COMP_WORDBREAKS as" "the set of characters that the readline library treats as word separators" (quote from bash v4's man page). Since COMP_WORDBREAKS contains the characters : and = by default, this behavior change in bash affects git's completion script. For example, before bash 4, running $ git log --pretty=m <tab><tab> would give a list of pretty-printing formats starting with 'm' but now it completes on branch names. It would be possible to work around this by removing '=' and ':' from COMP_WORDBREAKS, but as noticed in v1.5.6.4~9^2 (bash completion: Resolve git show ref:path<tab> losing ref: portion, 2008-07-15), that would break *other* completion scripts. The bash-completion library includes a better workaround: the _get_comp_words_by_ref function re-assembles a copy of COMP_WORDS, excluding a collection of word separators of the caller's choice. Use it. As a bonus, this also improves behavior when tab is pressed with the cursor in the middle of a word. To avoid breaking setups with the bash-completion library not already loaded, if the _get_comp_words_by_ref function is not defined then a shim that just reads COMP_WORDS will be used instead (no change from the current behavior in that case). Signed-off-by: Peter van der Does <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Nieder <> Explained-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
15 years ago
local cur
_get_comp_words_by_ref -n =: cur
case "$cur" in
__gitcomp "--cached --deleted --modified --others --ignored
--stage --directory --no-empty-directory --unmerged
--killed --exclude= --exclude-from=
--exclude-per-directory= --exclude-standard
--error-unmatch --with-tree= --full-name
--abbrev --ignored --exclude-per-directory
_git_ls_remote ()
__gitcomp "$(__git_remotes)"
_git_ls_tree ()
# Options that go well for log, shortlog and gitk
--not --all
--branches --tags --remotes
--first-parent --merges --no-merges
--max-age= --since= --after=
--min-age= --until= --before=
# Options that go well for log and gitk (not shortlog)
--dense --sparse --full-history
--simplify-merges --simplify-by-decoration
# Options that go well for log and shortlog (not gitk)
--author= --committer= --grep=
__git_log_pretty_formats="oneline short medium full fuller email raw format:"
__git_log_date_formats="relative iso8601 rfc2822 short local default raw"
_git_log ()
__git_has_doubledash && return
local g="$(git rev-parse --git-dir 2>/dev/null)"
local merge=""
if [ -f "$g/MERGE_HEAD" ]; then
bash: get --pretty=m<tab> completion to work with bash v4 Bash's programmable completion provides the COMP_WORDS array variable, which holds the individual words in the current command line. In bash versions prior to v4 "words are split on shell metacharacters as the shell parser would separate them" (quote from bash v3.2.48's man page). This behavior has changed with bash v4, and the command line "is split into words as readline would split it, using COMP_WORDBREAKS as" "the set of characters that the readline library treats as word separators" (quote from bash v4's man page). Since COMP_WORDBREAKS contains the characters : and = by default, this behavior change in bash affects git's completion script. For example, before bash 4, running $ git log --pretty=m <tab><tab> would give a list of pretty-printing formats starting with 'm' but now it completes on branch names. It would be possible to work around this by removing '=' and ':' from COMP_WORDBREAKS, but as noticed in v1.5.6.4~9^2 (bash completion: Resolve git show ref:path<tab> losing ref: portion, 2008-07-15), that would break *other* completion scripts. The bash-completion library includes a better workaround: the _get_comp_words_by_ref function re-assembles a copy of COMP_WORDS, excluding a collection of word separators of the caller's choice. Use it. As a bonus, this also improves behavior when tab is pressed with the cursor in the middle of a word. To avoid breaking setups with the bash-completion library not already loaded, if the _get_comp_words_by_ref function is not defined then a shim that just reads COMP_WORDS will be used instead (no change from the current behavior in that case). Signed-off-by: Peter van der Does <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Nieder <> Explained-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
15 years ago
local cur
_get_comp_words_by_ref -n =: cur
case "$cur" in
__gitcomp "$__git_log_pretty_formats $(__git_pretty_aliases)
" "" "${cur##--pretty=}"
__gitcomp "$__git_log_pretty_formats $(__git_pretty_aliases)
" "" "${cur##--format=}"
__gitcomp "$__git_log_date_formats" "" "${cur##--date=}"
__gitcomp "long short" "" "${cur##--decorate=}"
__gitcomp "
--root --topo-order --date-order --reverse
--follow --full-diff
--abbrev-commit --abbrev=
--relative-date --date=
--pretty= --format= --oneline
--decorate --decorate=
--parents --children
--pickaxe-all --pickaxe-regex
--no-commit --no-stat --log --no-log --squash --strategy
--commit --stat --no-squash --ff --no-ff --ff-only
_git_merge ()
__git_complete_strategy && return
bash: get --pretty=m<tab> completion to work with bash v4 Bash's programmable completion provides the COMP_WORDS array variable, which holds the individual words in the current command line. In bash versions prior to v4 "words are split on shell metacharacters as the shell parser would separate them" (quote from bash v3.2.48's man page). This behavior has changed with bash v4, and the command line "is split into words as readline would split it, using COMP_WORDBREAKS as" "the set of characters that the readline library treats as word separators" (quote from bash v4's man page). Since COMP_WORDBREAKS contains the characters : and = by default, this behavior change in bash affects git's completion script. For example, before bash 4, running $ git log --pretty=m <tab><tab> would give a list of pretty-printing formats starting with 'm' but now it completes on branch names. It would be possible to work around this by removing '=' and ':' from COMP_WORDBREAKS, but as noticed in v1.5.6.4~9^2 (bash completion: Resolve git show ref:path<tab> losing ref: portion, 2008-07-15), that would break *other* completion scripts. The bash-completion library includes a better workaround: the _get_comp_words_by_ref function re-assembles a copy of COMP_WORDS, excluding a collection of word separators of the caller's choice. Use it. As a bonus, this also improves behavior when tab is pressed with the cursor in the middle of a word. To avoid breaking setups with the bash-completion library not already loaded, if the _get_comp_words_by_ref function is not defined then a shim that just reads COMP_WORDS will be used instead (no change from the current behavior in that case). Signed-off-by: Peter van der Does <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Nieder <> Explained-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
15 years ago
local cur
_get_comp_words_by_ref -n =: cur
case "$cur" in
__gitcomp "$__git_merge_options"
__gitcomp "$(__git_refs)"
_git_mergetool ()
bash: get --pretty=m<tab> completion to work with bash v4 Bash's programmable completion provides the COMP_WORDS array variable, which holds the individual words in the current command line. In bash versions prior to v4 "words are split on shell metacharacters as the shell parser would separate them" (quote from bash v3.2.48's man page). This behavior has changed with bash v4, and the command line "is split into words as readline would split it, using COMP_WORDBREAKS as" "the set of characters that the readline library treats as word separators" (quote from bash v4's man page). Since COMP_WORDBREAKS contains the characters : and = by default, this behavior change in bash affects git's completion script. For example, before bash 4, running $ git log --pretty=m <tab><tab> would give a list of pretty-printing formats starting with 'm' but now it completes on branch names. It would be possible to work around this by removing '=' and ':' from COMP_WORDBREAKS, but as noticed in v1.5.6.4~9^2 (bash completion: Resolve git show ref:path<tab> losing ref: portion, 2008-07-15), that would break *other* completion scripts. The bash-completion library includes a better workaround: the _get_comp_words_by_ref function re-assembles a copy of COMP_WORDS, excluding a collection of word separators of the caller's choice. Use it. As a bonus, this also improves behavior when tab is pressed with the cursor in the middle of a word. To avoid breaking setups with the bash-completion library not already loaded, if the _get_comp_words_by_ref function is not defined then a shim that just reads COMP_WORDS will be used instead (no change from the current behavior in that case). Signed-off-by: Peter van der Does <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Nieder <> Explained-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
15 years ago
local cur
_get_comp_words_by_ref -n =: cur
case "$cur" in
__gitcomp "$__git_mergetools_common tortoisemerge" "" "${cur##--tool=}"
__gitcomp "--tool="
_git_merge_base ()
__gitcomp "$(__git_refs)"
_git_mv ()
bash: get --pretty=m<tab> completion to work with bash v4 Bash's programmable completion provides the COMP_WORDS array variable, which holds the individual words in the current command line. In bash versions prior to v4 "words are split on shell metacharacters as the shell parser would separate them" (quote from bash v3.2.48's man page). This behavior has changed with bash v4, and the command line "is split into words as readline would split it, using COMP_WORDBREAKS as" "the set of characters that the readline library treats as word separators" (quote from bash v4's man page). Since COMP_WORDBREAKS contains the characters : and = by default, this behavior change in bash affects git's completion script. For example, before bash 4, running $ git log --pretty=m <tab><tab> would give a list of pretty-printing formats starting with 'm' but now it completes on branch names. It would be possible to work around this by removing '=' and ':' from COMP_WORDBREAKS, but as noticed in v1.5.6.4~9^2 (bash completion: Resolve git show ref:path<tab> losing ref: portion, 2008-07-15), that would break *other* completion scripts. The bash-completion library includes a better workaround: the _get_comp_words_by_ref function re-assembles a copy of COMP_WORDS, excluding a collection of word separators of the caller's choice. Use it. As a bonus, this also improves behavior when tab is pressed with the cursor in the middle of a word. To avoid breaking setups with the bash-completion library not already loaded, if the _get_comp_words_by_ref function is not defined then a shim that just reads COMP_WORDS will be used instead (no change from the current behavior in that case). Signed-off-by: Peter van der Does <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Nieder <> Explained-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
15 years ago
local cur
_get_comp_words_by_ref -n =: cur
case "$cur" in
__gitcomp "--dry-run"
_git_name_rev ()
__gitcomp "--tags --all --stdin"
_git_notes ()
local subcommands='add append copy edit list prune remove show'
local subcommand="$(__git_find_on_cmdline "$subcommands")"
local cur words cword
_get_comp_words_by_ref -n =: cur words cword
case "$subcommand,$cur" in
__gitcomp '--ref'
case "${words[cword-1]}" in
__gitcomp "$(__git_refs)"
__gitcomp "$subcommands --ref"
__gitcomp "$(__git_refs)" "" "${cur##--reuse-message=}"
__gitcomp "$(__git_refs)" "" "${cur##--reedit-message=}"
__gitcomp '--file= --message= --reedit-message=
__gitcomp '--stdin'
__gitcomp '--dry-run --verbose'
case "${words[cword-1]}" in
__gitcomp "$(__git_refs)"
_git_pull ()
__git_complete_strategy && return
bash: get --pretty=m<tab> completion to work with bash v4 Bash's programmable completion provides the COMP_WORDS array variable, which holds the individual words in the current command line. In bash versions prior to v4 "words are split on shell metacharacters as the shell parser would separate them" (quote from bash v3.2.48's man page). This behavior has changed with bash v4, and the command line "is split into words as readline would split it, using COMP_WORDBREAKS as" "the set of characters that the readline library treats as word separators" (quote from bash v4's man page). Since COMP_WORDBREAKS contains the characters : and = by default, this behavior change in bash affects git's completion script. For example, before bash 4, running $ git log --pretty=m <tab><tab> would give a list of pretty-printing formats starting with 'm' but now it completes on branch names. It would be possible to work around this by removing '=' and ':' from COMP_WORDBREAKS, but as noticed in v1.5.6.4~9^2 (bash completion: Resolve git show ref:path<tab> losing ref: portion, 2008-07-15), that would break *other* completion scripts. The bash-completion library includes a better workaround: the _get_comp_words_by_ref function re-assembles a copy of COMP_WORDS, excluding a collection of word separators of the caller's choice. Use it. As a bonus, this also improves behavior when tab is pressed with the cursor in the middle of a word. To avoid breaking setups with the bash-completion library not already loaded, if the _get_comp_words_by_ref function is not defined then a shim that just reads COMP_WORDS will be used instead (no change from the current behavior in that case). Signed-off-by: Peter van der Does <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Nieder <> Explained-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
15 years ago
local cur
_get_comp_words_by_ref -n =: cur
case "$cur" in
__gitcomp "
--rebase --no-rebase
_git_push ()
bash: get --pretty=m<tab> completion to work with bash v4 Bash's programmable completion provides the COMP_WORDS array variable, which holds the individual words in the current command line. In bash versions prior to v4 "words are split on shell metacharacters as the shell parser would separate them" (quote from bash v3.2.48's man page). This behavior has changed with bash v4, and the command line "is split into words as readline would split it, using COMP_WORDBREAKS as" "the set of characters that the readline library treats as word separators" (quote from bash v4's man page). Since COMP_WORDBREAKS contains the characters : and = by default, this behavior change in bash affects git's completion script. For example, before bash 4, running $ git log --pretty=m <tab><tab> would give a list of pretty-printing formats starting with 'm' but now it completes on branch names. It would be possible to work around this by removing '=' and ':' from COMP_WORDBREAKS, but as noticed in v1.5.6.4~9^2 (bash completion: Resolve git show ref:path<tab> losing ref: portion, 2008-07-15), that would break *other* completion scripts. The bash-completion library includes a better workaround: the _get_comp_words_by_ref function re-assembles a copy of COMP_WORDS, excluding a collection of word separators of the caller's choice. Use it. As a bonus, this also improves behavior when tab is pressed with the cursor in the middle of a word. To avoid breaking setups with the bash-completion library not already loaded, if the _get_comp_words_by_ref function is not defined then a shim that just reads COMP_WORDS will be used instead (no change from the current behavior in that case). Signed-off-by: Peter van der Does <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Nieder <> Explained-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
15 years ago
local cur prev
_get_comp_words_by_ref -n =: cur prev
case "$prev" in
__gitcomp "$(__git_remotes)"
case "$cur" in
__gitcomp "$(__git_remotes)" "" "${cur##--repo=}"
__gitcomp "
--all --mirror --tags --dry-run --force --verbose
--receive-pack= --repo=
_git_rebase ()
bash: get --pretty=m<tab> completion to work with bash v4 Bash's programmable completion provides the COMP_WORDS array variable, which holds the individual words in the current command line. In bash versions prior to v4 "words are split on shell metacharacters as the shell parser would separate them" (quote from bash v3.2.48's man page). This behavior has changed with bash v4, and the command line "is split into words as readline would split it, using COMP_WORDBREAKS as" "the set of characters that the readline library treats as word separators" (quote from bash v4's man page). Since COMP_WORDBREAKS contains the characters : and = by default, this behavior change in bash affects git's completion script. For example, before bash 4, running $ git log --pretty=m <tab><tab> would give a list of pretty-printing formats starting with 'm' but now it completes on branch names. It would be possible to work around this by removing '=' and ':' from COMP_WORDBREAKS, but as noticed in v1.5.6.4~9^2 (bash completion: Resolve git show ref:path<tab> losing ref: portion, 2008-07-15), that would break *other* completion scripts. The bash-completion library includes a better workaround: the _get_comp_words_by_ref function re-assembles a copy of COMP_WORDS, excluding a collection of word separators of the caller's choice. Use it. As a bonus, this also improves behavior when tab is pressed with the cursor in the middle of a word. To avoid breaking setups with the bash-completion library not already loaded, if the _get_comp_words_by_ref function is not defined then a shim that just reads COMP_WORDS will be used instead (no change from the current behavior in that case). Signed-off-by: Peter van der Does <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Nieder <> Explained-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
15 years ago
local dir="$(__gitdir)"
local cur
_get_comp_words_by_ref -n =: cur
if [ -d "$dir"/rebase-apply ] || [ -d "$dir"/rebase-merge ]; then
__gitcomp "--continue --skip --abort"
__git_complete_strategy && return
case "$cur" in
__gitcomp "$__git_whitespacelist" "" "${cur##--whitespace=}"
__gitcomp "
--onto --merge --strategy --interactive
--preserve-merges --stat --no-stat
--committer-date-is-author-date --ignore-date
--ignore-whitespace --whitespace=
__gitcomp "$(__git_refs)"
_git_reflog ()
local subcommands="show delete expire"
local subcommand="$(__git_find_on_cmdline "$subcommands")"
if [ -z "$subcommand" ]; then
__gitcomp "$subcommands"
__gitcomp "$(__git_refs)"
__git_send_email_confirm_options="always never auto cc compose"
__git_send_email_suppresscc_options="author self cc bodycc sob cccmd body all"
_git_send_email ()
bash: get --pretty=m<tab> completion to work with bash v4 Bash's programmable completion provides the COMP_WORDS array variable, which holds the individual words in the current command line. In bash versions prior to v4 "words are split on shell metacharacters as the shell parser would separate them" (quote from bash v3.2.48's man page). This behavior has changed with bash v4, and the command line "is split into words as readline would split it, using COMP_WORDBREAKS as" "the set of characters that the readline library treats as word separators" (quote from bash v4's man page). Since COMP_WORDBREAKS contains the characters : and = by default, this behavior change in bash affects git's completion script. For example, before bash 4, running $ git log --pretty=m <tab><tab> would give a list of pretty-printing formats starting with 'm' but now it completes on branch names. It would be possible to work around this by removing '=' and ':' from COMP_WORDBREAKS, but as noticed in v1.5.6.4~9^2 (bash completion: Resolve git show ref:path<tab> losing ref: portion, 2008-07-15), that would break *other* completion scripts. The bash-completion library includes a better workaround: the _get_comp_words_by_ref function re-assembles a copy of COMP_WORDS, excluding a collection of word separators of the caller's choice. Use it. As a bonus, this also improves behavior when tab is pressed with the cursor in the middle of a word. To avoid breaking setups with the bash-completion library not already loaded, if the _get_comp_words_by_ref function is not defined then a shim that just reads COMP_WORDS will be used instead (no change from the current behavior in that case). Signed-off-by: Peter van der Does <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Nieder <> Explained-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
15 years ago
local cur
_get_comp_words_by_ref -n =: cur
case "$cur" in
__gitcomp "
" "" "${cur##--confirm=}"
__gitcomp "
" "" "${cur##--suppress-cc=}"
__gitcomp "ssl tls" "" "${cur##--smtp-encryption=}"
__gitcomp "--annotate --bcc --cc --cc-cmd --chain-reply-to
--compose --confirm= --dry-run --envelope-sender
--from --identity
--in-reply-to --no-chain-reply-to --no-signed-off-by-cc
--no-suppress-from --no-thread --quiet
--signed-off-by-cc --smtp-pass --smtp-server
--smtp-server-port --smtp-encryption= --smtp-user
--subject --suppress-cc= --suppress-from --thread --to
--validate --no-validate"
bash: support user-supplied completion scripts for user's git commands The bash completion script already provides support to complete aliases, options and refs for aliases (if the alias can be traced back to a supported git command by __git_aliased_command()), and the user's custom git commands, but it does not support the options of the user's custom git commands (of course; how could it know about the options of a custom git command?). Users of such custom git commands could extend git's bash completion script by writing functions to support their commands, but they might have issues with it: they might not have the rights to modify a system-wide git completion script, and they will need to track and merge upstream changes in the future. This patch addresses this by providing means for users to supply custom completion scriplets for their custom git commands without modifying the main git bash completion script. Instead of having a huge hard-coded list of command-completion function pairs (in _git()), the completion script will figure out which completion function to call based on the command's name. That is, when completing the options of 'git foo', the main completion script will check whether the function '_git_foo' is declared, and if declared, it will invoke that function to perform the completion. If such a function is not declared, it will fall back to complete file names. So, users will only need to provide this '_git_foo' completion function in a separate file, source that file, and it will be used the next time they press TAB after 'git foo '. There are two git commands (stage and whatchanged), for which the completion functions of other commands were used, therefore they got their own completion function. Signed-off-by: SZEDER Gábor <> Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
15 years ago
_git_stage ()
__git_config_get_set_variables ()
bash: get --pretty=m<tab> completion to work with bash v4 Bash's programmable completion provides the COMP_WORDS array variable, which holds the individual words in the current command line. In bash versions prior to v4 "words are split on shell metacharacters as the shell parser would separate them" (quote from bash v3.2.48's man page). This behavior has changed with bash v4, and the command line "is split into words as readline would split it, using COMP_WORDBREAKS as" "the set of characters that the readline library treats as word separators" (quote from bash v4's man page). Since COMP_WORDBREAKS contains the characters : and = by default, this behavior change in bash affects git's completion script. For example, before bash 4, running $ git log --pretty=m <tab><tab> would give a list of pretty-printing formats starting with 'm' but now it completes on branch names. It would be possible to work around this by removing '=' and ':' from COMP_WORDBREAKS, but as noticed in v1.5.6.4~9^2 (bash completion: Resolve git show ref:path<tab> losing ref: portion, 2008-07-15), that would break *other* completion scripts. The bash-completion library includes a better workaround: the _get_comp_words_by_ref function re-assembles a copy of COMP_WORDS, excluding a collection of word separators of the caller's choice. Use it. As a bonus, this also improves behavior when tab is pressed with the cursor in the middle of a word. To avoid breaking setups with the bash-completion library not already loaded, if the _get_comp_words_by_ref function is not defined then a shim that just reads COMP_WORDS will be used instead (no change from the current behavior in that case). Signed-off-by: Peter van der Does <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Nieder <> Explained-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
15 years ago
local words cword
_get_comp_words_by_ref -n =: words cword
local prevword word config_file= c=$cword
while [ $c -gt 1 ]; do
bash: get --pretty=m<tab> completion to work with bash v4 Bash's programmable completion provides the COMP_WORDS array variable, which holds the individual words in the current command line. In bash versions prior to v4 "words are split on shell metacharacters as the shell parser would separate them" (quote from bash v3.2.48's man page). This behavior has changed with bash v4, and the command line "is split into words as readline would split it, using COMP_WORDBREAKS as" "the set of characters that the readline library treats as word separators" (quote from bash v4's man page). Since COMP_WORDBREAKS contains the characters : and = by default, this behavior change in bash affects git's completion script. For example, before bash 4, running $ git log --pretty=m <tab><tab> would give a list of pretty-printing formats starting with 'm' but now it completes on branch names. It would be possible to work around this by removing '=' and ':' from COMP_WORDBREAKS, but as noticed in v1.5.6.4~9^2 (bash completion: Resolve git show ref:path<tab> losing ref: portion, 2008-07-15), that would break *other* completion scripts. The bash-completion library includes a better workaround: the _get_comp_words_by_ref function re-assembles a copy of COMP_WORDS, excluding a collection of word separators of the caller's choice. Use it. As a bonus, this also improves behavior when tab is pressed with the cursor in the middle of a word. To avoid breaking setups with the bash-completion library not already loaded, if the _get_comp_words_by_ref function is not defined then a shim that just reads COMP_WORDS will be used instead (no change from the current behavior in that case). Signed-off-by: Peter van der Does <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Nieder <> Explained-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
15 years ago
case "$word" in
config_file="$word $prevword"
git --git-dir="$(__gitdir)" config $config_file --list 2>/dev/null |
while read line
case "$line" in
echo "${line/=*/}"
_git_config ()
bash: get --pretty=m<tab> completion to work with bash v4 Bash's programmable completion provides the COMP_WORDS array variable, which holds the individual words in the current command line. In bash versions prior to v4 "words are split on shell metacharacters as the shell parser would separate them" (quote from bash v3.2.48's man page). This behavior has changed with bash v4, and the command line "is split into words as readline would split it, using COMP_WORDBREAKS as" "the set of characters that the readline library treats as word separators" (quote from bash v4's man page). Since COMP_WORDBREAKS contains the characters : and = by default, this behavior change in bash affects git's completion script. For example, before bash 4, running $ git log --pretty=m <tab><tab> would give a list of pretty-printing formats starting with 'm' but now it completes on branch names. It would be possible to work around this by removing '=' and ':' from COMP_WORDBREAKS, but as noticed in v1.5.6.4~9^2 (bash completion: Resolve git show ref:path<tab> losing ref: portion, 2008-07-15), that would break *other* completion scripts. The bash-completion library includes a better workaround: the _get_comp_words_by_ref function re-assembles a copy of COMP_WORDS, excluding a collection of word separators of the caller's choice. Use it. As a bonus, this also improves behavior when tab is pressed with the cursor in the middle of a word. To avoid breaking setups with the bash-completion library not already loaded, if the _get_comp_words_by_ref function is not defined then a shim that just reads COMP_WORDS will be used instead (no change from the current behavior in that case). Signed-off-by: Peter van der Does <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Nieder <> Explained-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
15 years ago
local cur prev
_get_comp_words_by_ref -n =: cur prev
case "$prev" in
__gitcomp "$(__git_remotes)"
__gitcomp "$(__git_refs)"
bash: get --pretty=m<tab> completion to work with bash v4 Bash's programmable completion provides the COMP_WORDS array variable, which holds the individual words in the current command line. In bash versions prior to v4 "words are split on shell metacharacters as the shell parser would separate them" (quote from bash v3.2.48's man page). This behavior has changed with bash v4, and the command line "is split into words as readline would split it, using COMP_WORDBREAKS as" "the set of characters that the readline library treats as word separators" (quote from bash v4's man page). Since COMP_WORDBREAKS contains the characters : and = by default, this behavior change in bash affects git's completion script. For example, before bash 4, running $ git log --pretty=m <tab><tab> would give a list of pretty-printing formats starting with 'm' but now it completes on branch names. It would be possible to work around this by removing '=' and ':' from COMP_WORDBREAKS, but as noticed in v1.5.6.4~9^2 (bash completion: Resolve git show ref:path<tab> losing ref: portion, 2008-07-15), that would break *other* completion scripts. The bash-completion library includes a better workaround: the _get_comp_words_by_ref function re-assembles a copy of COMP_WORDS, excluding a collection of word separators of the caller's choice. Use it. As a bonus, this also improves behavior when tab is pressed with the cursor in the middle of a word. To avoid breaking setups with the bash-completion library not already loaded, if the _get_comp_words_by_ref function is not defined then a shim that just reads COMP_WORDS will be used instead (no change from the current behavior in that case). Signed-off-by: Peter van der Does <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Nieder <> Explained-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
15 years ago
local remote="${prev#remote.}"
__gitcomp "$(__git_refs_remotes "$remote")"
bash: get --pretty=m<tab> completion to work with bash v4 Bash's programmable completion provides the COMP_WORDS array variable, which holds the individual words in the current command line. In bash versions prior to v4 "words are split on shell metacharacters as the shell parser would separate them" (quote from bash v3.2.48's man page). This behavior has changed with bash v4, and the command line "is split into words as readline would split it, using COMP_WORDBREAKS as" "the set of characters that the readline library treats as word separators" (quote from bash v4's man page). Since COMP_WORDBREAKS contains the characters : and = by default, this behavior change in bash affects git's completion script. For example, before bash 4, running $ git log --pretty=m <tab><tab> would give a list of pretty-printing formats starting with 'm' but now it completes on branch names. It would be possible to work around this by removing '=' and ':' from COMP_WORDBREAKS, but as noticed in v1.5.6.4~9^2 (bash completion: Resolve git show ref:path<tab> losing ref: portion, 2008-07-15), that would break *other* completion scripts. The bash-completion library includes a better workaround: the _get_comp_words_by_ref function re-assembles a copy of COMP_WORDS, excluding a collection of word separators of the caller's choice. Use it. As a bonus, this also improves behavior when tab is pressed with the cursor in the middle of a word. To avoid breaking setups with the bash-completion library not already loaded, if the _get_comp_words_by_ref function is not defined then a shim that just reads COMP_WORDS will be used instead (no change from the current behavior in that case). Signed-off-by: Peter van der Does <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Nieder <> Explained-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
15 years ago
local remote="${prev#remote.}"
__gitcomp "$(git --git-dir="$(__gitdir)" \
for-each-ref --format='%(refname):%(refname)' \
__gitcomp "$__git_merge_strategies"
__gitcomp "always never auto"
__gitcomp "false true"
__gitcomp "
normal black red green yellow blue magenta cyan white
bold dim ul blink reverse
__gitcomp "man info web html"
__gitcomp "$__git_log_date_formats"
__gitcomp "mutt mailrc pine elm gnus"
__gitcomp "$__git_send_email_confirm_options"
__gitcomp "$__git_send_email_suppresscc_options"
__gitcomp "$(__git_config_get_set_variables)"
case "$cur" in
__gitcomp "
--global --system --file=
--list --replace-all
--get --get-all --get-regexp
--add --unset --unset-all
--remove-section --rename-section
local pfx="${cur%.*}."
__gitcomp "remote merge mergeoptions rebase" "$pfx" "$cur"
local pfx="${cur%.*}."
__gitcomp "$(__git_heads)" "$pfx" "$cur" "."
local pfx="${cur%.*}."
__gitcomp "
argprompt cmd confirm needsfile noconsole norescan
prompt revprompt revunmerged title
" "$pfx" "$cur"
local pfx="${cur%.*}."
__gitcomp "cmd path" "$pfx" "$cur"
local pfx="${cur%.*}."
__gitcomp "cmd path" "$pfx" "$cur"
local pfx="${cur%.*}."
__gitcomp "cmd path trustExitCode" "$pfx" "$cur"
local pfx="${cur%.*}."
__gitcomp "$__git_all_commands" "$pfx" "$cur"
local pfx="${cur%.*}."
__gitcomp "
url proxy fetch push mirror skipDefaultUpdate
receivepack uploadpack tagopt pushurl
" "$pfx" "$cur"
local pfx="${cur%.*}."
__gitcomp "$(__git_remotes)" "$pfx" "$cur" "."
local pfx="${cur%.*}."
__gitcomp "insteadOf pushInsteadOf" "$pfx" "$cur"
__gitcomp "
branch. remote.
_git_remote ()
local subcommands="add rename rm show prune update set-head"
local subcommand="$(__git_find_on_cmdline "$subcommands")"
if [ -z "$subcommand" ]; then
__gitcomp "$subcommands"
case "$subcommand" in
__gitcomp "$(__git_remotes)"
local i c='' IFS=$'\n'
for i in $(git --git-dir="$(__gitdir)" config --get-regexp "remotes\..*" 2>/dev/null); do
c="$c ${i/ */}"
__gitcomp "$c"
_git_replace ()
__gitcomp "$(__git_refs)"
_git_reset ()
__git_has_doubledash && return
bash: get --pretty=m<tab> completion to work with bash v4 Bash's programmable completion provides the COMP_WORDS array variable, which holds the individual words in the current command line. In bash versions prior to v4 "words are split on shell metacharacters as the shell parser would separate them" (quote from bash v3.2.48's man page). This behavior has changed with bash v4, and the command line "is split into words as readline would split it, using COMP_WORDBREAKS as" "the set of characters that the readline library treats as word separators" (quote from bash v4's man page). Since COMP_WORDBREAKS contains the characters : and = by default, this behavior change in bash affects git's completion script. For example, before bash 4, running $ git log --pretty=m <tab><tab> would give a list of pretty-printing formats starting with 'm' but now it completes on branch names. It would be possible to work around this by removing '=' and ':' from COMP_WORDBREAKS, but as noticed in v1.5.6.4~9^2 (bash completion: Resolve git show ref:path<tab> losing ref: portion, 2008-07-15), that would break *other* completion scripts. The bash-completion library includes a better workaround: the _get_comp_words_by_ref function re-assembles a copy of COMP_WORDS, excluding a collection of word separators of the caller's choice. Use it. As a bonus, this also improves behavior when tab is pressed with the cursor in the middle of a word. To avoid breaking setups with the bash-completion library not already loaded, if the _get_comp_words_by_ref function is not defined then a shim that just reads COMP_WORDS will be used instead (no change from the current behavior in that case). Signed-off-by: Peter van der Does <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Nieder <> Explained-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
15 years ago
local cur
_get_comp_words_by_ref -n =: cur
case "$cur" in
__gitcomp "--merge --mixed --hard --soft --patch"
__gitcomp "$(__git_refs)"
_git_revert ()
bash: get --pretty=m<tab> completion to work with bash v4 Bash's programmable completion provides the COMP_WORDS array variable, which holds the individual words in the current command line. In bash versions prior to v4 "words are split on shell metacharacters as the shell parser would separate them" (quote from bash v3.2.48's man page). This behavior has changed with bash v4, and the command line "is split into words as readline would split it, using COMP_WORDBREAKS as" "the set of characters that the readline library treats as word separators" (quote from bash v4's man page). Since COMP_WORDBREAKS contains the characters : and = by default, this behavior change in bash affects git's completion script. For example, before bash 4, running $ git log --pretty=m <tab><tab> would give a list of pretty-printing formats starting with 'm' but now it completes on branch names. It would be possible to work around this by removing '=' and ':' from COMP_WORDBREAKS, but as noticed in v1.5.6.4~9^2 (bash completion: Resolve git show ref:path<tab> losing ref: portion, 2008-07-15), that would break *other* completion scripts. The bash-completion library includes a better workaround: the _get_comp_words_by_ref function re-assembles a copy of COMP_WORDS, excluding a collection of word separators of the caller's choice. Use it. As a bonus, this also improves behavior when tab is pressed with the cursor in the middle of a word. To avoid breaking setups with the bash-completion library not already loaded, if the _get_comp_words_by_ref function is not defined then a shim that just reads COMP_WORDS will be used instead (no change from the current behavior in that case). Signed-off-by: Peter van der Does <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Nieder <> Explained-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
15 years ago
local cur
_get_comp_words_by_ref -n =: cur
case "$cur" in
__gitcomp "--edit --mainline --no-edit --no-commit --signoff"
__gitcomp "$(__git_refs)"
_git_rm ()
__git_has_doubledash && return
bash: get --pretty=m<tab> completion to work with bash v4 Bash's programmable completion provides the COMP_WORDS array variable, which holds the individual words in the current command line. In bash versions prior to v4 "words are split on shell metacharacters as the shell parser would separate them" (quote from bash v3.2.48's man page). This behavior has changed with bash v4, and the command line "is split into words as readline would split it, using COMP_WORDBREAKS as" "the set of characters that the readline library treats as word separators" (quote from bash v4's man page). Since COMP_WORDBREAKS contains the characters : and = by default, this behavior change in bash affects git's completion script. For example, before bash 4, running $ git log --pretty=m <tab><tab> would give a list of pretty-printing formats starting with 'm' but now it completes on branch names. It would be possible to work around this by removing '=' and ':' from COMP_WORDBREAKS, but as noticed in v1.5.6.4~9^2 (bash completion: Resolve git show ref:path<tab> losing ref: portion, 2008-07-15), that would break *other* completion scripts. The bash-completion library includes a better workaround: the _get_comp_words_by_ref function re-assembles a copy of COMP_WORDS, excluding a collection of word separators of the caller's choice. Use it. As a bonus, this also improves behavior when tab is pressed with the cursor in the middle of a word. To avoid breaking setups with the bash-completion library not already loaded, if the _get_comp_words_by_ref function is not defined then a shim that just reads COMP_WORDS will be used instead (no change from the current behavior in that case). Signed-off-by: Peter van der Does <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Nieder <> Explained-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
15 years ago
local cur
_get_comp_words_by_ref -n =: cur
case "$cur" in
__gitcomp "--cached --dry-run --ignore-unmatch --quiet"
_git_shortlog ()
__git_has_doubledash && return
bash: get --pretty=m<tab> completion to work with bash v4 Bash's programmable completion provides the COMP_WORDS array variable, which holds the individual words in the current command line. In bash versions prior to v4 "words are split on shell metacharacters as the shell parser would separate them" (quote from bash v3.2.48's man page). This behavior has changed with bash v4, and the command line "is split into words as readline would split it, using COMP_WORDBREAKS as" "the set of characters that the readline library treats as word separators" (quote from bash v4's man page). Since COMP_WORDBREAKS contains the characters : and = by default, this behavior change in bash affects git's completion script. For example, before bash 4, running $ git log --pretty=m <tab><tab> would give a list of pretty-printing formats starting with 'm' but now it completes on branch names. It would be possible to work around this by removing '=' and ':' from COMP_WORDBREAKS, but as noticed in v1.5.6.4~9^2 (bash completion: Resolve git show ref:path<tab> losing ref: portion, 2008-07-15), that would break *other* completion scripts. The bash-completion library includes a better workaround: the _get_comp_words_by_ref function re-assembles a copy of COMP_WORDS, excluding a collection of word separators of the caller's choice. Use it. As a bonus, this also improves behavior when tab is pressed with the cursor in the middle of a word. To avoid breaking setups with the bash-completion library not already loaded, if the _get_comp_words_by_ref function is not defined then a shim that just reads COMP_WORDS will be used instead (no change from the current behavior in that case). Signed-off-by: Peter van der Does <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Nieder <> Explained-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
15 years ago
local cur
_get_comp_words_by_ref -n =: cur
case "$cur" in
__gitcomp "
--numbered --summary
_git_show ()
__git_has_doubledash && return
bash: get --pretty=m<tab> completion to work with bash v4 Bash's programmable completion provides the COMP_WORDS array variable, which holds the individual words in the current command line. In bash versions prior to v4 "words are split on shell metacharacters as the shell parser would separate them" (quote from bash v3.2.48's man page). This behavior has changed with bash v4, and the command line "is split into words as readline would split it, using COMP_WORDBREAKS as" "the set of characters that the readline library treats as word separators" (quote from bash v4's man page). Since COMP_WORDBREAKS contains the characters : and = by default, this behavior change in bash affects git's completion script. For example, before bash 4, running $ git log --pretty=m <tab><tab> would give a list of pretty-printing formats starting with 'm' but now it completes on branch names. It would be possible to work around this by removing '=' and ':' from COMP_WORDBREAKS, but as noticed in v1.5.6.4~9^2 (bash completion: Resolve git show ref:path<tab> losing ref: portion, 2008-07-15), that would break *other* completion scripts. The bash-completion library includes a better workaround: the _get_comp_words_by_ref function re-assembles a copy of COMP_WORDS, excluding a collection of word separators of the caller's choice. Use it. As a bonus, this also improves behavior when tab is pressed with the cursor in the middle of a word. To avoid breaking setups with the bash-completion library not already loaded, if the _get_comp_words_by_ref function is not defined then a shim that just reads COMP_WORDS will be used instead (no change from the current behavior in that case). Signed-off-by: Peter van der Does <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Nieder <> Explained-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
15 years ago
local cur
_get_comp_words_by_ref -n =: cur
case "$cur" in
__gitcomp "$__git_log_pretty_formats $(__git_pretty_aliases)
" "" "${cur##--pretty=}"
__gitcomp "$__git_log_pretty_formats $(__git_pretty_aliases)
" "" "${cur##--format=}"
__gitcomp "--pretty= --format= --abbrev-commit --oneline
_git_show_branch ()
bash: get --pretty=m<tab> completion to work with bash v4 Bash's programmable completion provides the COMP_WORDS array variable, which holds the individual words in the current command line. In bash versions prior to v4 "words are split on shell metacharacters as the shell parser would separate them" (quote from bash v3.2.48's man page). This behavior has changed with bash v4, and the command line "is split into words as readline would split it, using COMP_WORDBREAKS as" "the set of characters that the readline library treats as word separators" (quote from bash v4's man page). Since COMP_WORDBREAKS contains the characters : and = by default, this behavior change in bash affects git's completion script. For example, before bash 4, running $ git log --pretty=m <tab><tab> would give a list of pretty-printing formats starting with 'm' but now it completes on branch names. It would be possible to work around this by removing '=' and ':' from COMP_WORDBREAKS, but as noticed in v1.5.6.4~9^2 (bash completion: Resolve git show ref:path<tab> losing ref: portion, 2008-07-15), that would break *other* completion scripts. The bash-completion library includes a better workaround: the _get_comp_words_by_ref function re-assembles a copy of COMP_WORDS, excluding a collection of word separators of the caller's choice. Use it. As a bonus, this also improves behavior when tab is pressed with the cursor in the middle of a word. To avoid breaking setups with the bash-completion library not already loaded, if the _get_comp_words_by_ref function is not defined then a shim that just reads COMP_WORDS will be used instead (no change from the current behavior in that case). Signed-off-by: Peter van der Does <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Nieder <> Explained-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
15 years ago
local cur
_get_comp_words_by_ref -n =: cur
case "$cur" in
__gitcomp "
--all --remotes --topo-order --current --more=
--list --independent --merge-base --no-name
--color --no-color
--sha1-name --sparse --topics --reflog
_git_stash ()
bash: get --pretty=m<tab> completion to work with bash v4 Bash's programmable completion provides the COMP_WORDS array variable, which holds the individual words in the current command line. In bash versions prior to v4 "words are split on shell metacharacters as the shell parser would separate them" (quote from bash v3.2.48's man page). This behavior has changed with bash v4, and the command line "is split into words as readline would split it, using COMP_WORDBREAKS as" "the set of characters that the readline library treats as word separators" (quote from bash v4's man page). Since COMP_WORDBREAKS contains the characters : and = by default, this behavior change in bash affects git's completion script. For example, before bash 4, running $ git log --pretty=m <tab><tab> would give a list of pretty-printing formats starting with 'm' but now it completes on branch names. It would be possible to work around this by removing '=' and ':' from COMP_WORDBREAKS, but as noticed in v1.5.6.4~9^2 (bash completion: Resolve git show ref:path<tab> losing ref: portion, 2008-07-15), that would break *other* completion scripts. The bash-completion library includes a better workaround: the _get_comp_words_by_ref function re-assembles a copy of COMP_WORDS, excluding a collection of word separators of the caller's choice. Use it. As a bonus, this also improves behavior when tab is pressed with the cursor in the middle of a word. To avoid breaking setups with the bash-completion library not already loaded, if the _get_comp_words_by_ref function is not defined then a shim that just reads COMP_WORDS will be used instead (no change from the current behavior in that case). Signed-off-by: Peter van der Does <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Nieder <> Explained-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
15 years ago
local cur
_get_comp_words_by_ref -n =: cur
local save_opts='--keep-index --no-keep-index --quiet --patch'
local subcommands='save list show apply clear drop pop create branch'
local subcommand="$(__git_find_on_cmdline "$subcommands")"
if [ -z "$subcommand" ]; then
case "$cur" in
__gitcomp "$save_opts"
if [ -z "$(__git_find_on_cmdline "$save_opts")" ]; then
__gitcomp "$subcommands"
case "$subcommand,$cur" in
__gitcomp "$save_opts"
__gitcomp "--index --quiet"
__gitcomp "$(git --git-dir="$(__gitdir)" stash list \
| sed -n -e 's/:.*//p')"
_git_submodule ()
__git_has_doubledash && return
local subcommands="add status init update summary foreach sync"
if [ -z "$(__git_find_on_cmdline "$subcommands")" ]; then
bash: get --pretty=m<tab> completion to work with bash v4 Bash's programmable completion provides the COMP_WORDS array variable, which holds the individual words in the current command line. In bash versions prior to v4 "words are split on shell metacharacters as the shell parser would separate them" (quote from bash v3.2.48's man page). This behavior has changed with bash v4, and the command line "is split into words as readline would split it, using COMP_WORDBREAKS as" "the set of characters that the readline library treats as word separators" (quote from bash v4's man page). Since COMP_WORDBREAKS contains the characters : and = by default, this behavior change in bash affects git's completion script. For example, before bash 4, running $ git log --pretty=m <tab><tab> would give a list of pretty-printing formats starting with 'm' but now it completes on branch names. It would be possible to work around this by removing '=' and ':' from COMP_WORDBREAKS, but as noticed in v1.5.6.4~9^2 (bash completion: Resolve git show ref:path<tab> losing ref: portion, 2008-07-15), that would break *other* completion scripts. The bash-completion library includes a better workaround: the _get_comp_words_by_ref function re-assembles a copy of COMP_WORDS, excluding a collection of word separators of the caller's choice. Use it. As a bonus, this also improves behavior when tab is pressed with the cursor in the middle of a word. To avoid breaking setups with the bash-completion library not already loaded, if the _get_comp_words_by_ref function is not defined then a shim that just reads COMP_WORDS will be used instead (no change from the current behavior in that case). Signed-off-by: Peter van der Does <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Nieder <> Explained-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
15 years ago
local cur
_get_comp_words_by_ref -n =: cur
case "$cur" in
__gitcomp "--quiet --cached"
__gitcomp "$subcommands"
_git_svn ()
local subcommands="
init fetch clone rebase dcommit log find-rev
set-tree commit-diff info create-ignore propget
proplist show-ignore show-externals branch tag blame
migrate mkdirs reset gc
local subcommand="$(__git_find_on_cmdline "$subcommands")"
if [ -z "$subcommand" ]; then
__gitcomp "$subcommands"
local remote_opts="--username= --config-dir= --no-auth-cache"
local fc_opts="
--follow-parent --authors-file= --repack=
--no-metadata --use-svm-props --use-svnsync-props
--log-window-size= --no-checkout --quiet
--repack-flags --use-log-author --localtime
--ignore-paths= $remote_opts
local init_opts="
--template= --shared= --trunk= --tags=
--branches= --stdlayout --minimize-url
--no-metadata --use-svm-props --use-svnsync-props
--rewrite-root= --prefix= --use-log-author
--add-author-from $remote_opts
local cmt_opts="
--edit --rmdir --find-copies-harder --copy-similarity=
bash: get --pretty=m<tab> completion to work with bash v4 Bash's programmable completion provides the COMP_WORDS array variable, which holds the individual words in the current command line. In bash versions prior to v4 "words are split on shell metacharacters as the shell parser would separate them" (quote from bash v3.2.48's man page). This behavior has changed with bash v4, and the command line "is split into words as readline would split it, using COMP_WORDBREAKS as" "the set of characters that the readline library treats as word separators" (quote from bash v4's man page). Since COMP_WORDBREAKS contains the characters : and = by default, this behavior change in bash affects git's completion script. For example, before bash 4, running $ git log --pretty=m <tab><tab> would give a list of pretty-printing formats starting with 'm' but now it completes on branch names. It would be possible to work around this by removing '=' and ':' from COMP_WORDBREAKS, but as noticed in v1.5.6.4~9^2 (bash completion: Resolve git show ref:path<tab> losing ref: portion, 2008-07-15), that would break *other* completion scripts. The bash-completion library includes a better workaround: the _get_comp_words_by_ref function re-assembles a copy of COMP_WORDS, excluding a collection of word separators of the caller's choice. Use it. As a bonus, this also improves behavior when tab is pressed with the cursor in the middle of a word. To avoid breaking setups with the bash-completion library not already loaded, if the _get_comp_words_by_ref function is not defined then a shim that just reads COMP_WORDS will be used instead (no change from the current behavior in that case). Signed-off-by: Peter van der Does <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Nieder <> Explained-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
15 years ago
local cur
_get_comp_words_by_ref -n =: cur
case "$subcommand,$cur" in
__gitcomp "--revision= --fetch-all $fc_opts"
__gitcomp "--revision= $fc_opts $init_opts"
__gitcomp "$init_opts"
__gitcomp "
--merge --strategy= --verbose --dry-run
--fetch-all --no-rebase --commit-url
--revision $cmt_opts $fc_opts
__gitcomp "--stdin $cmt_opts $fc_opts"
__gitcomp "--revision="
__gitcomp "
--limit= --revision= --verbose --incremental
--oneline --show-commit --non-recursive
--authors-file= --color
__gitcomp "
--merge --verbose --strategy= --local
--fetch-all --dry-run $fc_opts
__gitcomp "--message= --file= --revision= $cmt_opts"
__gitcomp "--url"
__gitcomp "--dry-run --message --tag"
__gitcomp "--dry-run --message"
__gitcomp "--git-format"
__gitcomp "
--config-dir= --ignore-paths= --minimize
--no-auth-cache --username=
__gitcomp "--revision= --parent"
_git_tag ()
local i c=1 f=0
bash: get --pretty=m<tab> completion to work with bash v4 Bash's programmable completion provides the COMP_WORDS array variable, which holds the individual words in the current command line. In bash versions prior to v4 "words are split on shell metacharacters as the shell parser would separate them" (quote from bash v3.2.48's man page). This behavior has changed with bash v4, and the command line "is split into words as readline would split it, using COMP_WORDBREAKS as" "the set of characters that the readline library treats as word separators" (quote from bash v4's man page). Since COMP_WORDBREAKS contains the characters : and = by default, this behavior change in bash affects git's completion script. For example, before bash 4, running $ git log --pretty=m <tab><tab> would give a list of pretty-printing formats starting with 'm' but now it completes on branch names. It would be possible to work around this by removing '=' and ':' from COMP_WORDBREAKS, but as noticed in v1.5.6.4~9^2 (bash completion: Resolve git show ref:path<tab> losing ref: portion, 2008-07-15), that would break *other* completion scripts. The bash-completion library includes a better workaround: the _get_comp_words_by_ref function re-assembles a copy of COMP_WORDS, excluding a collection of word separators of the caller's choice. Use it. As a bonus, this also improves behavior when tab is pressed with the cursor in the middle of a word. To avoid breaking setups with the bash-completion library not already loaded, if the _get_comp_words_by_ref function is not defined then a shim that just reads COMP_WORDS will be used instead (no change from the current behavior in that case). Signed-off-by: Peter van der Does <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Nieder <> Explained-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
15 years ago
local words cword prev
_get_comp_words_by_ref -n =: words cword prev
while [ $c -lt $cword ]; do
case "$i" in
__gitcomp "$(__git_tags)"
bash: get --pretty=m<tab> completion to work with bash v4 Bash's programmable completion provides the COMP_WORDS array variable, which holds the individual words in the current command line. In bash versions prior to v4 "words are split on shell metacharacters as the shell parser would separate them" (quote from bash v3.2.48's man page). This behavior has changed with bash v4, and the command line "is split into words as readline would split it, using COMP_WORDBREAKS as" "the set of characters that the readline library treats as word separators" (quote from bash v4's man page). Since COMP_WORDBREAKS contains the characters : and = by default, this behavior change in bash affects git's completion script. For example, before bash 4, running $ git log --pretty=m <tab><tab> would give a list of pretty-printing formats starting with 'm' but now it completes on branch names. It would be possible to work around this by removing '=' and ':' from COMP_WORDBREAKS, but as noticed in v1.5.6.4~9^2 (bash completion: Resolve git show ref:path<tab> losing ref: portion, 2008-07-15), that would break *other* completion scripts. The bash-completion library includes a better workaround: the _get_comp_words_by_ref function re-assembles a copy of COMP_WORDS, excluding a collection of word separators of the caller's choice. Use it. As a bonus, this also improves behavior when tab is pressed with the cursor in the middle of a word. To avoid breaking setups with the bash-completion library not already loaded, if the _get_comp_words_by_ref function is not defined then a shim that just reads COMP_WORDS will be used instead (no change from the current behavior in that case). Signed-off-by: Peter van der Does <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Nieder <> Explained-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
15 years ago
case "$prev" in
if [ $f = 1 ]; then
__gitcomp "$(__git_tags)"
__gitcomp "$(__git_refs)"
bash: support user-supplied completion scripts for user's git commands The bash completion script already provides support to complete aliases, options and refs for aliases (if the alias can be traced back to a supported git command by __git_aliased_command()), and the user's custom git commands, but it does not support the options of the user's custom git commands (of course; how could it know about the options of a custom git command?). Users of such custom git commands could extend git's bash completion script by writing functions to support their commands, but they might have issues with it: they might not have the rights to modify a system-wide git completion script, and they will need to track and merge upstream changes in the future. This patch addresses this by providing means for users to supply custom completion scriplets for their custom git commands without modifying the main git bash completion script. Instead of having a huge hard-coded list of command-completion function pairs (in _git()), the completion script will figure out which completion function to call based on the command's name. That is, when completing the options of 'git foo', the main completion script will check whether the function '_git_foo' is declared, and if declared, it will invoke that function to perform the completion. If such a function is not declared, it will fall back to complete file names. So, users will only need to provide this '_git_foo' completion function in a separate file, source that file, and it will be used the next time they press TAB after 'git foo '. There are two git commands (stage and whatchanged), for which the completion functions of other commands were used, therefore they got their own completion function. Signed-off-by: SZEDER Gábor <> Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
15 years ago
_git_whatchanged ()
_git ()
local i c=1 command __git_dir
if [[ -n ${ZSH_VERSION-} ]]; then
emulate -L bash
bash: get --pretty=m<tab> completion to work with bash v4 Bash's programmable completion provides the COMP_WORDS array variable, which holds the individual words in the current command line. In bash versions prior to v4 "words are split on shell metacharacters as the shell parser would separate them" (quote from bash v3.2.48's man page). This behavior has changed with bash v4, and the command line "is split into words as readline would split it, using COMP_WORDBREAKS as" "the set of characters that the readline library treats as word separators" (quote from bash v4's man page). Since COMP_WORDBREAKS contains the characters : and = by default, this behavior change in bash affects git's completion script. For example, before bash 4, running $ git log --pretty=m <tab><tab> would give a list of pretty-printing formats starting with 'm' but now it completes on branch names. It would be possible to work around this by removing '=' and ':' from COMP_WORDBREAKS, but as noticed in v1.5.6.4~9^2 (bash completion: Resolve git show ref:path<tab> losing ref: portion, 2008-07-15), that would break *other* completion scripts. The bash-completion library includes a better workaround: the _get_comp_words_by_ref function re-assembles a copy of COMP_WORDS, excluding a collection of word separators of the caller's choice. Use it. As a bonus, this also improves behavior when tab is pressed with the cursor in the middle of a word. To avoid breaking setups with the bash-completion library not already loaded, if the _get_comp_words_by_ref function is not defined then a shim that just reads COMP_WORDS will be used instead (no change from the current behavior in that case). Signed-off-by: Peter van der Does <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Nieder <> Explained-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
15 years ago
local cur words cword
_get_comp_words_by_ref -n =: cur words cword
while [ $c -lt $cword ]; do
case "$i" in
--git-dir=*) __git_dir="${i#--git-dir=}" ;;
--bare) __git_dir="." ;;
--version|-p|--paginate) ;;
--help) command="help"; break ;;
*) command="$i"; break ;;
if [ -z "$command" ]; then
bash: get --pretty=m<tab> completion to work with bash v4 Bash's programmable completion provides the COMP_WORDS array variable, which holds the individual words in the current command line. In bash versions prior to v4 "words are split on shell metacharacters as the shell parser would separate them" (quote from bash v3.2.48's man page). This behavior has changed with bash v4, and the command line "is split into words as readline would split it, using COMP_WORDBREAKS as" "the set of characters that the readline library treats as word separators" (quote from bash v4's man page). Since COMP_WORDBREAKS contains the characters : and = by default, this behavior change in bash affects git's completion script. For example, before bash 4, running $ git log --pretty=m <tab><tab> would give a list of pretty-printing formats starting with 'm' but now it completes on branch names. It would be possible to work around this by removing '=' and ':' from COMP_WORDBREAKS, but as noticed in v1.5.6.4~9^2 (bash completion: Resolve git show ref:path<tab> losing ref: portion, 2008-07-15), that would break *other* completion scripts. The bash-completion library includes a better workaround: the _get_comp_words_by_ref function re-assembles a copy of COMP_WORDS, excluding a collection of word separators of the caller's choice. Use it. As a bonus, this also improves behavior when tab is pressed with the cursor in the middle of a word. To avoid breaking setups with the bash-completion library not already loaded, if the _get_comp_words_by_ref function is not defined then a shim that just reads COMP_WORDS will be used instead (no change from the current behavior in that case). Signed-off-by: Peter van der Does <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Nieder <> Explained-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
15 years ago
case "$cur" in
--*) __gitcomp "
*) __git_compute_porcelain_commands
__gitcomp "$__git_porcelain_commands $(__git_aliases)" ;;
bash: support user-supplied completion scripts for user's git commands The bash completion script already provides support to complete aliases, options and refs for aliases (if the alias can be traced back to a supported git command by __git_aliased_command()), and the user's custom git commands, but it does not support the options of the user's custom git commands (of course; how could it know about the options of a custom git command?). Users of such custom git commands could extend git's bash completion script by writing functions to support their commands, but they might have issues with it: they might not have the rights to modify a system-wide git completion script, and they will need to track and merge upstream changes in the future. This patch addresses this by providing means for users to supply custom completion scriplets for their custom git commands without modifying the main git bash completion script. Instead of having a huge hard-coded list of command-completion function pairs (in _git()), the completion script will figure out which completion function to call based on the command's name. That is, when completing the options of 'git foo', the main completion script will check whether the function '_git_foo' is declared, and if declared, it will invoke that function to perform the completion. If such a function is not declared, it will fall back to complete file names. So, users will only need to provide this '_git_foo' completion function in a separate file, source that file, and it will be used the next time they press TAB after 'git foo '. There are two git commands (stage and whatchanged), for which the completion functions of other commands were used, therefore they got their own completion function. Signed-off-by: SZEDER Gábor <> Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
15 years ago
local completion_func="_git_${command//-/_}"
declare -f $completion_func >/dev/null && $completion_func && return
local expansion=$(__git_aliased_command "$command")
if [ -n "$expansion" ]; then
declare -f $completion_func >/dev/null && $completion_func
_gitk ()
if [[ -n ${ZSH_VERSION-} ]]; then
emulate -L bash
__git_has_doubledash && return
bash: get --pretty=m<tab> completion to work with bash v4 Bash's programmable completion provides the COMP_WORDS array variable, which holds the individual words in the current command line. In bash versions prior to v4 "words are split on shell metacharacters as the shell parser would separate them" (quote from bash v3.2.48's man page). This behavior has changed with bash v4, and the command line "is split into words as readline would split it, using COMP_WORDBREAKS as" "the set of characters that the readline library treats as word separators" (quote from bash v4's man page). Since COMP_WORDBREAKS contains the characters : and = by default, this behavior change in bash affects git's completion script. For example, before bash 4, running $ git log --pretty=m <tab><tab> would give a list of pretty-printing formats starting with 'm' but now it completes on branch names. It would be possible to work around this by removing '=' and ':' from COMP_WORDBREAKS, but as noticed in v1.5.6.4~9^2 (bash completion: Resolve git show ref:path<tab> losing ref: portion, 2008-07-15), that would break *other* completion scripts. The bash-completion library includes a better workaround: the _get_comp_words_by_ref function re-assembles a copy of COMP_WORDS, excluding a collection of word separators of the caller's choice. Use it. As a bonus, this also improves behavior when tab is pressed with the cursor in the middle of a word. To avoid breaking setups with the bash-completion library not already loaded, if the _get_comp_words_by_ref function is not defined then a shim that just reads COMP_WORDS will be used instead (no change from the current behavior in that case). Signed-off-by: Peter van der Does <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Nieder <> Explained-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
15 years ago
local cur
local g="$(__gitdir)"
local merge=""
if [ -f "$g/MERGE_HEAD" ]; then
bash: get --pretty=m<tab> completion to work with bash v4 Bash's programmable completion provides the COMP_WORDS array variable, which holds the individual words in the current command line. In bash versions prior to v4 "words are split on shell metacharacters as the shell parser would separate them" (quote from bash v3.2.48's man page). This behavior has changed with bash v4, and the command line "is split into words as readline would split it, using COMP_WORDBREAKS as" "the set of characters that the readline library treats as word separators" (quote from bash v4's man page). Since COMP_WORDBREAKS contains the characters : and = by default, this behavior change in bash affects git's completion script. For example, before bash 4, running $ git log --pretty=m <tab><tab> would give a list of pretty-printing formats starting with 'm' but now it completes on branch names. It would be possible to work around this by removing '=' and ':' from COMP_WORDBREAKS, but as noticed in v1.5.6.4~9^2 (bash completion: Resolve git show ref:path<tab> losing ref: portion, 2008-07-15), that would break *other* completion scripts. The bash-completion library includes a better workaround: the _get_comp_words_by_ref function re-assembles a copy of COMP_WORDS, excluding a collection of word separators of the caller's choice. Use it. As a bonus, this also improves behavior when tab is pressed with the cursor in the middle of a word. To avoid breaking setups with the bash-completion library not already loaded, if the _get_comp_words_by_ref function is not defined then a shim that just reads COMP_WORDS will be used instead (no change from the current behavior in that case). Signed-off-by: Peter van der Does <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Nieder <> Explained-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
15 years ago
_get_comp_words_by_ref -n =: cur
case "$cur" in
__gitcomp "
complete -o bashdefault -o default -o nospace -F _git git 2>/dev/null \
|| complete -o default -o nospace -F _git git
complete -o bashdefault -o default -o nospace -F _gitk gitk 2>/dev/null \
|| complete -o default -o nospace -F _gitk gitk
# The following are necessary only for Cygwin, and only are needed
# when the user has tab-completed the executable name and consequently
# included the '.exe' suffix.
if [ Cygwin = "$(uname -o 2>/dev/null)" ]; then
complete -o bashdefault -o default -o nospace -F _git git.exe 2>/dev/null \
|| complete -o default -o nospace -F _git git.exe
if [[ -n ${ZSH_VERSION-} ]]; then
shopt () {
local option
if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then
echo "USAGE: $0 (-q|-s|-u) <option>" >&2
return 1
case "$2" in
echo "$0: invalid option: $2" >&2
return 1
case "$1" in
-q) setopt | grep -q "$option" ;;
-u) unsetopt "$option" ;;
-s) setopt "$option" ;;
echo "$0: invalid flag: $1" >&2
return 1