You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

71 lines
1.3 KiB

use warnings 'all';
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
my $match_emails;
my $match_names;
my $order_by = 'count';
'emails|e!' => \$match_emails,
'names|n!' => \$match_names,
'count|c' => sub { $order_by = 'count' },
'time|t' => sub { $order_by = 'stamp' },
) or exit 1;
$match_emails = 1 unless $match_names;
my $email = {};
my $name = {};
open(my $fh, '-|', "git log --format='%at <%aE> %aN'");
while(<$fh>) {
my ($t, $e, $n) = /(\S+) <(\S+)> (.*)/;
mark($email, $e, $n, $t);
mark($name, $n, $e, $t);
if ($match_emails) {
foreach my $e (dups($email)) {
foreach my $n (vals($email->{$e})) {
show($n, $e, $email->{$e}->{$n});
print "\n";
if ($match_names) {
foreach my $n (dups($name)) {
foreach my $e (vals($name->{$n})) {
show($n, $e, $name->{$n}->{$e});
print "\n";
exit 0;
sub mark {
my ($h, $k, $v, $t) = @_;
my $e = $h->{$k}->{$v} ||= { count => 0, stamp => 0 };
$e->{stamp} = $t unless $t < $e->{stamp};
sub dups {
my $h = shift;
return grep { keys($h->{$_}) > 1 } keys($h);
sub vals {
my $h = shift;
return sort {
$h->{$b}->{$order_by} <=> $h->{$a}->{$order_by}
} keys($h);
sub show {
my ($n, $e, $h) = @_;
print "$n <$e> ($h->{$order_by})\n";