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# git-gui desktop icon creators
# Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Shawn Pearce
proc do_windows_shortcut {} {
global argv0
set fn [tk_getSaveFile \
-parent . \
-title "[appname] ([reponame]): Create Desktop Icon" \
-initialfile "Git [reponame].bat"]
if {$fn != {}} {
if {[file extension $fn] ne {.bat}} {
set fn ${fn}.bat
if {[catch {
set ge [file normalize [file dirname $::_git]]
set fd [open $fn w]
puts $fd "@ECHO Entering [reponame]"
puts $fd "@ECHO Starting git-gui... please wait..."
puts $fd "@SET PATH=$ge;%PATH%"
puts $fd "@SET GIT_DIR=[file normalize [gitdir]]"
puts -nonewline $fd "@\"[info nameofexecutable]\""
puts $fd " \"[file normalize $argv0]\""
close $fd
} err]} {
error_popup "Cannot write script:\n\n$err"
proc do_cygwin_shortcut {} {
global argv0
if {[catch {
set desktop [exec cygpath \
--windows \
--absolute \
--long-name \
}]} {
set desktop .
set fn [tk_getSaveFile \
-parent . \
-title "[appname] ([reponame]): Create Desktop Icon" \
-initialdir $desktop \
-initialfile "Git [reponame].bat"]
if {$fn != {}} {
if {[file extension $fn] ne {.bat}} {
set fn ${fn}.bat
if {[catch {
set fd [open $fn w]
set sh [exec cygpath \
--windows \
--absolute \
set me [exec cygpath \
--unix \
--absolute \
set gd [exec cygpath \
--unix \
--absolute \
puts $fd "@ECHO Entering [reponame]"
puts $fd "@ECHO Starting git-gui... please wait..."
puts -nonewline $fd "@\"$sh\" --login -c \""
puts -nonewline $fd "GIT_DIR=[sq $gd]"
puts -nonewline $fd " [sq $me]"
puts $fd " &\""
close $fd
} err]} {
error_popup "Cannot write script:\n\n$err"
proc do_macosx_app {} {
global argv0 env
set fn [tk_getSaveFile \
-parent . \
-title "[appname] ([reponame]): Create Desktop Icon" \
-initialdir [file join $env(HOME) Desktop] \
-initialfile "Git [reponame].app"]
if {$fn != {}} {
if {[file extension $fn] ne {.app}} {
set fn ${fn}.app
if {[catch {
set Contents [file join $fn Contents]
set MacOS [file join $Contents MacOS]
set exe [file join $MacOS git-gui]
file mkdir $MacOS
set fd [open [file join $Contents Info.plist] w]
puts $fd {<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
close $fd
set fd [open $exe w]
puts $fd "#!/bin/sh"
foreach name [lsort [array names env]] {
set value $env($name)
switch -- $name {
GIT_DIR { set value [file normalize [gitdir]] }
switch -glob -- $name {
SSH_* -
GIT_* {
puts $fd "if test \"z\$$name\" = z; then"
puts $fd " export $name=[sq $value]"
puts $fd "fi &&"
puts $fd "export PATH=[sq [file dirname $::_git]]:\$PATH &&"
puts $fd "cd [sq [file normalize [pwd]]] &&"
puts $fd "exec \\"
puts $fd " [sq [info nameofexecutable]] \\"
puts $fd " [sq [file normalize $argv0]]"
close $fd
file attributes $exe -permissions u+x,g+x,o+x
} err]} {
error_popup "Cannot write icon:\n\n$err"