# Copyright (c) 2005 Junio C Hamano
test_description='git pack-object
. ./test-lib.sh
test_expect_success \
'setup' \
'rm -f .git/index* &&
perl -e "print \"a\" x 4096;" > a &&
perl -e "print \"b\" x 4096;" > b &&
perl -e "print \"c\" x 4096;" > c &&
test-tool genrandom "seed a" 2097152 > a_big &&
test-tool genrandom "seed b" 2097152 > b_big &&
git update-index --add a a_big b b_big c &&
cat c >d && echo foo >>d && git update-index --add d &&
tree=$(git write-tree) &&
commit=$(git commit-tree $tree </dev/null) && {
echo $tree &&
echo $commit &&
git ls-tree $tree | sed -e "s/.* \\([0-9a-f]*\\) .*/\\1/"
} >obj-list && {
git diff-tree --root -p $commit &&
while read object
t=$(git cat-file -t $object) &&
git cat-file $t $object || return 1
done <obj-list
} >expect'
test_expect_success \
'pack without delta' \
'packname_1=$(git pack-objects --window=0 test-1 <obj-list)'
test_expect_success \
'pack-objects with bogus arguments' \
'test_must_fail git pack-objects --window=0 test-1 blah blah <obj-list'
rm -fr .git2
mkdir .git2
test_expect_success \
'unpack without delta' \
"GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY=.git2/objects &&
git init &&
git unpack-objects -n <test-1-${packname_1}.pack &&
git unpack-objects <test-1-${packname_1}.pack"
cd "$TRASH/.git2"
test_expect_success \
'check unpack without delta' \
'(cd ../.git && find objects -type f -print) |
while read path
cmp $path ../.git/$path || {
echo $path differs.
return 1
cd "$TRASH"
test_expect_success \
'pack with REF_DELTA' \
'pwd &&
packname_2=$(git pack-objects test-2 <obj-list)'
rm -fr .git2
mkdir .git2
test_expect_success \
'unpack with REF_DELTA' \
'GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY=.git2/objects &&
git init &&
git unpack-objects -n <test-2-${packname_2}.pack &&
git unpack-objects <test-2-${packname_2}.pack'
cd "$TRASH/.git2"
test_expect_success \
'check unpack with REF_DELTA' \
'(cd ../.git && find objects -type f -print) |
while read path
cmp $path ../.git/$path || {
echo $path differs.
return 1
cd "$TRASH"
test_expect_success \
'pack with OFS_DELTA' \
'pwd &&
packname_3=$(git pack-objects --delta-base-offset test-3 <obj-list)'
rm -fr .git2
mkdir .git2
test_expect_success \
'unpack with OFS_DELTA' \
'GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY=.git2/objects &&
git init &&
git unpack-objects -n <test-3-${packname_3}.pack &&
git unpack-objects <test-3-${packname_3}.pack'
cd "$TRASH/.git2"
test_expect_success \
'check unpack with OFS_DELTA' \
'(cd ../.git && find objects -type f -print) |
while read path
cmp $path ../.git/$path || {
echo $path differs.
return 1
cd "$TRASH"
test_expect_success 'compare delta flavors' '
perl -e '\''
defined($_ = -s $_) or die for @ARGV;
exit 1 if $ARGV[0] <= $ARGV[1];
'\'' test-2-$packname_2.pack test-3-$packname_3.pack
rm -fr .git2
mkdir .git2
test_expect_success \
'use packed objects' \
'GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY=.git2/objects &&
git init &&
cp test-1-${packname_1}.pack test-1-${packname_1}.idx .git2/objects/pack && {
git diff-tree --root -p $commit &&
while read object
t=$(git cat-file -t $object) &&
git cat-file $t $object || return 1
done <obj-list
} >current &&
cmp expect current'
test_expect_success \
'use packed deltified (REF_DELTA) objects' \
'GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY=.git2/objects &&
rm -f .git2/objects/pack/test-* &&
cp test-2-${packname_2}.pack test-2-${packname_2}.idx .git2/objects/pack && {
git diff-tree --root -p $commit &&
while read object
t=$(git cat-file -t $object) &&
git cat-file $t $object || return 1
done <obj-list
} >current &&
cmp expect current'
test_expect_success \
'use packed deltified (OFS_DELTA) objects' \
'GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY=.git2/objects &&
rm -f .git2/objects/pack/test-* &&
cp test-3-${packname_3}.pack test-3-${packname_3}.idx .git2/objects/pack && {
git diff-tree --root -p $commit &&
while read object
t=$(git cat-file -t $object) &&
git cat-file $t $object || return 1
done <obj-list
} >current &&
cmp expect current'
test_expect_success 'survive missing objects/pack directory' '
rm -fr missing-pack &&
mkdir missing-pack &&
cd missing-pack &&
git init &&
GOP=.git/objects/pack &&
rm -fr $GOP &&
git index-pack --stdin --keep=test <../test-3-${packname_3}.pack &&
test -f $GOP/pack-${packname_3}.pack &&
cmp $GOP/pack-${packname_3}.pack ../test-3-${packname_3}.pack &&
test -f $GOP/pack-${packname_3}.idx &&
cmp $GOP/pack-${packname_3}.idx ../test-3-${packname_3}.idx &&
test -f $GOP/pack-${packname_3}.keep
test_expect_success \
'verify pack' \
'git verify-pack test-1-${packname_1}.idx \
test-2-${packname_2}.idx \
test_expect_success \
'verify pack -v' \
'git verify-pack -v test-1-${packname_1}.idx \
test-2-${packname_2}.idx \
test_expect_success \
'verify-pack catches mismatched .idx and .pack files' \
'cat test-1-${packname_1}.idx >test-3.idx &&
cat test-2-${packname_2}.pack >test-3.pack &&
if git verify-pack test-3.idx
then false
else :;
test_expect_success \
'verify-pack catches a corrupted pack signature' \
'cat test-1-${packname_1}.pack >test-3.pack &&
echo | dd of=test-3.pack count=1 bs=1 conv=notrunc seek=2 &&
if git verify-pack test-3.idx
then false
else :;
test_expect_success \
'verify-pack catches a corrupted pack version' \
'cat test-1-${packname_1}.pack >test-3.pack &&
echo | dd of=test-3.pack count=1 bs=1 conv=notrunc seek=7 &&
if git verify-pack test-3.idx
then false
else :;
test_expect_success \
'verify-pack catches a corrupted type/size of the 1st packed object data' \
'cat test-1-${packname_1}.pack >test-3.pack &&
echo | dd of=test-3.pack count=1 bs=1 conv=notrunc seek=12 &&
if git verify-pack test-3.idx
then false
else :;
test_expect_success \
'verify-pack catches a corrupted sum of the index file itself' \
'l=$(wc -c <test-3.idx) &&
l=$(expr $l - 20) &&
cat test-1-${packname_1}.pack >test-3.pack &&
printf "%20s" "" | dd of=test-3.idx count=20 bs=1 conv=notrunc seek=$l &&
if git verify-pack test-3.pack
then false
else :;
test_expect_success \
'build pack index for an existing pack' \
'cat test-1-${packname_1}.pack >test-3.pack &&
git index-pack -o tmp.idx test-3.pack &&
cmp tmp.idx test-1-${packname_1}.idx &&
git index-pack test-3.pack &&
cmp test-3.idx test-1-${packname_1}.idx &&
cat test-2-${packname_2}.pack >test-3.pack &&
git index-pack -o tmp.idx test-2-${packname_2}.pack &&
cmp tmp.idx test-2-${packname_2}.idx &&
git index-pack test-3.pack &&
cmp test-3.idx test-2-${packname_2}.idx &&
cat test-3-${packname_3}.pack >test-3.pack &&
git index-pack -o tmp.idx test-3-${packname_3}.pack &&
cmp tmp.idx test-3-${packname_3}.idx &&
git index-pack test-3.pack &&
cmp test-3.idx test-3-${packname_3}.idx &&
cat test-1-${packname_1}.pack >test-4.pack &&
rm -f test-4.keep &&
git index-pack --keep=why test-4.pack &&
cmp test-1-${packname_1}.idx test-4.idx &&
test -f test-4.keep &&
test_expect_success 'unpacking with --strict' '
for j in a b c d e f g
for i in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
o=$(echo $j$i | git hash-object -w --stdin) &&
echo "100644 $o 0 $j$i"
done >LIST &&
rm -f .git/index &&
git update-index --index-info <LIST &&
LIST=$(git write-tree) &&
rm -f .git/index &&
head -n 10 LIST | git update-index --index-info &&
LI=$(git write-tree) &&
rm -f .git/index &&
tail -n 10 LIST | git update-index --index-info &&
ST=$(git write-tree) &&
git rev-list --objects "$LIST" "$LI" "$ST" >actual &&
PACK5=$( git pack-objects test-5 <actual ) &&
PACK6=$( (
echo "$LIST"
echo "$LI"
echo "$ST"
) | git pack-objects test-6 ) &&
test_create_repo test-5 &&
cd test-5 &&
git unpack-objects --strict <../test-5-$PACK5.pack &&
git ls-tree -r $LIST &&
git ls-tree -r $LI &&
git ls-tree -r $ST
) &&
test_create_repo test-6 &&
# tree-only into empty repo -- many unreachables
cd test-6 &&
test_must_fail git unpack-objects --strict <../test-6-$PACK6.pack
) &&
# already populated -- no unreachables
cd test-5 &&
git unpack-objects --strict <../test-6-$PACK6.pack
test_expect_success 'index-pack with --strict' '
for j in a b c d e f g
for i in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
o=$(echo $j$i | git hash-object -w --stdin) &&
echo "100644 $o 0 $j$i"
done >LIST &&
rm -f .git/index &&
git update-index --index-info <LIST &&
LIST=$(git write-tree) &&
rm -f .git/index &&
head -n 10 LIST | git update-index --index-info &&
LI=$(git write-tree) &&
rm -f .git/index &&
tail -n 10 LIST | git update-index --index-info &&
ST=$(git write-tree) &&
git rev-list --objects "$LIST" "$LI" "$ST" >actual &&
PACK5=$( git pack-objects test-5 <actual ) &&
PACK6=$( (
echo "$LIST"
echo "$LI"
echo "$ST"
) | git pack-objects test-6 ) &&
test_create_repo test-7 &&
cd test-7 &&
git index-pack --strict --stdin <../test-5-$PACK5.pack &&
git ls-tree -r $LIST &&
git ls-tree -r $LI &&
git ls-tree -r $ST
) &&
test_create_repo test-8 &&
# tree-only into empty repo -- many unreachables
cd test-8 &&
test_must_fail git index-pack --strict --stdin <../test-6-$PACK6.pack
) &&
# already populated -- no unreachables
cd test-7 &&
git index-pack --strict --stdin <../test-6-$PACK6.pack
test_expect_success 'honor pack.packSizeLimit' '
git config pack.packSizeLimit 3m &&
packname_10=$(git pack-objects test-10 <obj-list) &&
test 2 = $(ls test-10-*.pack | wc -l)
test_expect_success 'verify resulting packs' '
git verify-pack test-10-*.pack
test_expect_success 'tolerate packsizelimit smaller than biggest object' '
git config pack.packSizeLimit 1 &&
packname_11=$(git pack-objects test-11 <obj-list) &&
test 5 = $(ls test-11-*.pack | wc -l)
test_expect_success 'verify resulting packs' '
git verify-pack test-11-*.pack
test_expect_success 'set up pack for non-repo tests' '
# make sure we have a pack with no matching index file
cp test-1-*.pack foo.pack
test_expect_success 'index-pack --stdin complains of non-repo' '
nongit test_must_fail git index-pack --object-format=$(test_oid algo) --stdin <foo.pack &&
test_path_is_missing non-repo/.git
test_expect_success 'index-pack <pack> works in non-repo' '
nongit git index-pack --object-format=$(test_oid algo) ../foo.pack &&
test_path_is_file foo.idx
prepare_commit_graft: treat non-repository as a noop
The parse_commit_buffer() function consults lookup_commit_graft()
to see if we need to rewrite parents. The latter will look
at $GIT_DIR/info/grafts. If you're outside of a repository,
then this will trigger a BUG() as of b1ef400eec (setup_git_env:
avoid blind fall-back to ".git", 2016-10-20).
It's probably uncommon to actually parse a commit outside of
a repository, but you can see it in action with:
cd /not/a/git/repo
git index-pack --strict /some/file.pack
This works fine without --strict, but the fsck checks will
try to parse any commits, triggering the BUG(). We can fix
that by teaching the graft code to behave as if there are no
grafts when we aren't in a repository.
Arguably index-pack (and fsck) are wrong to consider grafts
at all. So another solution is to disable grafts entirely
for those commands. But given that the graft feature is
deprecated anyway, it's not worth even thinking through the
ramifications that might have.
There is one other corner case I considered here. What
cd /not/a/git/repo
export GIT_GRAFT_FILE=/file/with/grafts
git index-pack --strict /some/file.pack
do? We don't have a repository, but the user has pointed us
directly at a graft file, which we could respect. I believe
this case did work that way prior to b1ef400eec. However,
fixing it now would be pretty invasive. Back then we would
just call into setup_git_env() even without a repository.
But these days it actually takes a git_dir argument. So
there would be a fair bit of refactoring of the setup code
Given the obscurity of this case, plus the fact that grafts
are deprecated and probably shouldn't work under index-pack
anyway, it's not worth pursuing further. This patch at least
un-breaks the common case where you're _not_ using grafts,
but we BUG() anyway trying to even find that out.
Signed-off-by: Jeff King <peff@peff.net>
Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <gitster@pobox.com>
7 years ago
test_expect_success 'index-pack --strict <pack> works in non-repo' '
rm -f foo.idx &&
nongit git index-pack --strict --object-format=$(test_oid algo) ../foo.pack &&
prepare_commit_graft: treat non-repository as a noop
The parse_commit_buffer() function consults lookup_commit_graft()
to see if we need to rewrite parents. The latter will look
at $GIT_DIR/info/grafts. If you're outside of a repository,
then this will trigger a BUG() as of b1ef400eec (setup_git_env:
avoid blind fall-back to ".git", 2016-10-20).
It's probably uncommon to actually parse a commit outside of
a repository, but you can see it in action with:
cd /not/a/git/repo
git index-pack --strict /some/file.pack
This works fine without --strict, but the fsck checks will
try to parse any commits, triggering the BUG(). We can fix
that by teaching the graft code to behave as if there are no
grafts when we aren't in a repository.
Arguably index-pack (and fsck) are wrong to consider grafts
at all. So another solution is to disable grafts entirely
for those commands. But given that the graft feature is
deprecated anyway, it's not worth even thinking through the
ramifications that might have.
There is one other corner case I considered here. What
cd /not/a/git/repo
export GIT_GRAFT_FILE=/file/with/grafts
git index-pack --strict /some/file.pack
do? We don't have a repository, but the user has pointed us
directly at a graft file, which we could respect. I believe
this case did work that way prior to b1ef400eec. However,
fixing it now would be pretty invasive. Back then we would
just call into setup_git_env() even without a repository.
But these days it actually takes a git_dir argument. So
there would be a fair bit of refactoring of the setup code
Given the obscurity of this case, plus the fact that grafts
are deprecated and probably shouldn't work under index-pack
anyway, it's not worth pursuing further. This patch at least
un-breaks the common case where you're _not_ using grafts,
but we BUG() anyway trying to even find that out.
Signed-off-by: Jeff King <peff@peff.net>
Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <gitster@pobox.com>
7 years ago
test_path_is_file foo.idx
test_expect_success !PTHREADS,C_LOCALE_OUTPUT 'index-pack --threads=N or pack.threads=N warns when no pthreads' '
test_must_fail git index-pack --threads=2 2>err &&
grep ^warning: err >warnings &&
test_line_count = 1 warnings &&
grep -F "no threads support, ignoring --threads=2" err &&
test_must_fail git -c pack.threads=2 index-pack 2>err &&
grep ^warning: err >warnings &&
test_line_count = 1 warnings &&
grep -F "no threads support, ignoring pack.threads" err &&
test_must_fail git -c pack.threads=2 index-pack --threads=4 2>err &&
grep ^warning: err >warnings &&
test_line_count = 2 warnings &&
grep -F "no threads support, ignoring --threads=4" err &&
grep -F "no threads support, ignoring pack.threads" err
test_expect_success !PTHREADS,C_LOCALE_OUTPUT 'pack-objects --threads=N or pack.threads=N warns when no pthreads' '
git pack-objects --threads=2 --stdout --all </dev/null >/dev/null 2>err &&
grep ^warning: err >warnings &&
test_line_count = 1 warnings &&
grep -F "no threads support, ignoring --threads" err &&
git -c pack.threads=2 pack-objects --stdout --all </dev/null >/dev/null 2>err &&
grep ^warning: err >warnings &&
test_line_count = 1 warnings &&
grep -F "no threads support, ignoring pack.threads" err &&
git -c pack.threads=2 pack-objects --threads=4 --stdout --all </dev/null >/dev/null 2>err &&
grep ^warning: err >warnings &&
test_line_count = 2 warnings &&
grep -F "no threads support, ignoring --threads" err &&
grep -F "no threads support, ignoring pack.threads" err
test_expect_success 'pack-objects in too-many-packs mode' '
GIT_TEST_FULL_IN_PACK_ARRAY=1 git repack -ad &&
git fsck
test_expect_success 'setup: fake a SHA1 hash collision' '
git init corrupt &&
cd corrupt &&
long_a=$(git hash-object -w ../a | sed -e "s!^..!&/!") &&
long_b=$(git hash-object -w ../b | sed -e "s!^..!&/!") &&
test -f .git/objects/$long_b &&
cp -f .git/objects/$long_a \
test_expect_success 'make sure index-pack detects the SHA1 collision' '
cd corrupt &&
test_must_fail git index-pack -o ../bad.idx ../test-3.pack 2>msg &&
test_i18ngrep "SHA1 COLLISION FOUND" msg
test_expect_success 'make sure index-pack detects the SHA1 collision (large blobs)' '
cd corrupt &&
test_must_fail git -c core.bigfilethreshold=1 index-pack -o ../bad.idx ../test-3.pack 2>msg &&
test_i18ngrep "SHA1 COLLISION FOUND" msg
test_expect_success 'prefetch objects' '
rm -rf server client &&
git init server &&
test_config -C server uploadpack.allowanysha1inwant 1 &&
test_config -C server uploadpack.allowfilter 1 &&
test_config -C server protocol.version 2 &&
echo one >server/one &&
git -C server add one &&
git -C server commit -m one &&
git -C server branch one_branch &&
echo two_a >server/two_a &&
echo two_b >server/two_b &&
git -C server add two_a two_b &&
git -C server commit -m two &&
echo three >server/three &&
git -C server add three &&
git -C server commit -m three &&
git -C server branch three_branch &&
# Clone, fetch "two" with blobs excluded, and re-push it. This requires
# the client to have the blobs of "two" - verify that these are
# prefetched in one batch.
git clone --filter=blob:none --single-branch -b one_branch \
"file://$(pwd)/server" client &&
test_config -C client protocol.version 2 &&
TWO=$(git -C server rev-parse three_branch^) &&
git -C client fetch --filter=blob:none origin "$TWO" &&
GIT_TRACE_PACKET=$(pwd)/trace git -C client push origin "$TWO":refs/heads/two_branch &&
grep "git> done" trace >donelines &&
test_line_count = 1 donelines