You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

876 lines
19 KiB

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Maintain "what's cooking" messages
use strict;
my %reverts = ('next' => {
map { $_ => 1 } qw(
) });
%reverts = ();
sub phrase_these {
my %uniq = ();
my (@u) = grep { $uniq{$_}++ == 0 } sort @_;
my @d = ();
for (my $i = 0; $i < @u; $i++) {
push @d, $u[$i];
if ($i == @u - 2) {
push @d, " and ";
} elsif ($i < @u - 2) {
push @d, ", ";
return join('', @d);
sub describe_relation {
my ($topic_info) = @_;
my @desc;
if (exists $topic_info->{'used'}) {
push @desc, ("is used by " .
if (exists $topic_info->{'uses'}) {
push @desc, ("uses " .
if (exists $topic_info->{'shares'}) {
push @desc, ("is tangled with " .
if (!@desc) {
return "";
return "(this branch " . join("; ", @desc) . ".)";
sub forks_from {
my ($topic, $fork, $forkee, @overlap) = @_;
my %ovl = map { $_ => 1 } (@overlap, @{$topic->{$forkee}{'log'}});
push @{$topic->{$fork}{'uses'}}, $forkee;
push @{$topic->{$forkee}{'used'}}, $fork;
@{$topic->{$fork}{'log'}} = (grep { !exists $ovl{$_} }
sub topic_relation {
my ($topic, $one, $two) = @_;
my $fh;
open($fh, '-|',
qw(git log --abbrev=7), "--format=%m %h",
"$one...$two", "^master")
or die "$!: open log --left-right";
my (@left, @right);
while (<$fh>) {
my ($sign, $sha1) = /^(.) (.*)/;
if ($sign eq '<') {
push @left, $sha1;
} elsif ($sign eq '>') {
push @right, $sha1;
close($fh) or die "$!: close log --left-right";
if (!@left) {
if (@right) {
forks_from($topic, $two, $one);
} elsif (!@right) {
forks_from($topic, $one, $two);
} else {
push @{$topic->{$one}{'shares'}}, $two;
push @{$topic->{$two}{'shares'}}, $one;
Inspect the current set of topics
Returns a hash:
$topic = {
$branchname => {
'tipdate' => date of the tip commit,
'desc' => description string,
'log' => [ $commit,... ],
sub get_commit {
my (@base) = qw(master next pu);
my $fh;
open($fh, '-|',
qw(git for-each-ref),
"--format=%(refname:short) %(committerdate:iso8601)",
or die "$!: open for-each-ref";
my @topic;
my %topic;
while (<$fh>) {
my ($branch, $date) = /^(\S+) (.*)$/;
push @topic, $branch;
$date =~ s/ .*//;
$topic{$branch} = +{
log => [],
tipdate => $date,
close($fh) or die "$!: close for-each-ref";
my %base = map { $_ => undef } @base;
my %commit;
my $show_branch_batch = 20;
while (@topic) {
my @t = (@base, splice(@topic, 0, $show_branch_batch));
my $header_delim = '-' x scalar(@t);
my $contain_pat = '.' x scalar(@t);
open($fh, '-|', qw(git show-branch --sparse --sha1-name),
map { "refs/heads/$_" } @t)
or die "$!: open show-branch";
while (<$fh>) {
if ($header_delim) {
if (/^$header_delim$/) {
$header_delim = undef;
my ($contain, $sha1, $log) =
($_ =~ /^($contain_pat) \[([0-9a-f]+)\] (.*)$/);
for (my $i = 0; $i < @t; $i++) {
my $branch = $t[$i];
my $sign = substr($contain, $i, 1);
next if ($sign eq ' ');
next if (substr($contain, 0, 1) ne ' ');
if (!exists $commit{$sha1}) {
$commit{$sha1} = +{
branch => {},
log => $log,
my $co = $commit{$sha1};
if (!exists $reverts{$branch}{$sha1}) {
$co->{'branch'}{$branch} = 1;
next if (exists $base{$branch});
push @{$topic{$branch}{'log'}}, $sha1;
close($fh) or die "$!: close show-branch";
my %shared;
for my $sha1 (keys %commit) {
my $sign;
my $co = $commit{$sha1};
if (exists $co->{'branch'}{'next'}) {
$sign = '+';
} elsif (exists $co->{'branch'}{'pu'}) {
$sign = '-';
} else {
$sign = '.';
$co->{'log'} = $sign . ' ' . $co->{'log'};
my @t = (sort grep { !exists $base{$_} }
keys %{$co->{'branch'}});
next if (@t < 2);
my $t = "@t";
$shared{$t} = 1;
for my $combo (keys %shared) {
my @combo = split(' ', $combo);
for (my $i = 0; $i < @combo - 1; $i++) {
for (my $j = $i + 1; $j < @combo; $j++) {
topic_relation(\%topic, $combo[$i], $combo[$j]);
open($fh, '-|',
qw(git log --first-parent --abbrev=7),
"--format=%ci %h %p :%s", "")
or die "$!: open log";
while (<$fh>) {
my ($date, $commit, $parent, $tips);
unless (($date, $commit, $parent, $tips) =
/^([-0-9]+) ..:..:.. .\d{4} (\S+) (\S+) ([^:]*):/) {
die "Oops: $_";
for my $tip (split(' ', $tips)) {
my $co = $commit{$tip};
next unless ($co->{'branch'}{'next'});
$co->{'merged'} = " (merged to 'next' on $date at $commit)";
close($fh) or die "$!: close log";
for my $branch (keys %topic) {
my @log = ();
my $n = scalar(@{$topic{$branch}{'log'}});
if (!$n) {
delete $topic{$branch};
} elsif ($n == 1) {
$n = "1 commit";
} else {
$n = "$n commits";
my $d = $topic{$branch}{'tipdate'};
my $head = "* $branch ($d) $n\n";
my @desc;
for (@{$topic{$branch}{'log'}}) {
my $co = $commit{$_};
if (exists $co->{'merged'}) {
push @desc, $co->{'merged'};
push @desc, $commit{$_}->{'log'};
if (80 < @desc) {
@desc = @desc[0..4];
push @desc, "- ...";
my $list = join("\n", map { " " . $_ } @desc);
my $relation = describe_relation($topic{$branch});
$topic{$branch}{'desc'} = $head . $list;
if ($relation) {
$topic{$branch}{'desc'} .= "\n $relation";
return \%topic;
sub blurb_text {
my ($mon, $year, $issue, $dow, $date,
$master_at, $next_at, $text) = @_;
my $now_string = localtime;
my ($current_dow, $current_mon, $current_date, $current_year) =
($now_string =~ /^(\w+) (\w+) (\d+) [\d:]+ (\d+)$/);
$mon ||= $current_mon;
$year ||= $current_year;
$issue ||= "01";
$dow ||= $current_dow;
$date ||= $current_date;
$master_at ||= '0' x 40;
$next_at ||= '0' x 40;
$text ||= <<'EOF';
Here are the topics that have been cooking. Commits prefixed with '-' are
only in 'pu' (proposed updates) while commits prefixed with '+' are in 'next'.
The ones marked with '.' do not appear in any of the integration branches,
but I am still holding onto them.
You can find the changes described here in the integration branches of the
repositories listed at
$text = <<EOF;
To: git\
Bcc: lwn\
Subject: What's cooking in git.git ($mon $year, #$issue; $dow, $date)
X-master-at: $master_at
X-next-at: $next_at
What's cooking in git.git ($mon $year, #$issue; $dow, $date)
$text =~ s/\n+\Z/\n/;
return $text;
my $blurb_match = <<'EOF';
(?i:\s*[a-z]+: .*\n)*?Subject: What's cooking in \S+ \((\w+) (\d+), #(\d+); (\w+), (\d+)\)
X-master-at: ([0-9a-f]{40})
X-next-at: ([0-9a-f]{40})
What's cooking in \S+ \(\1 \2, #\3; \4, \5\)
my $blurb = "b..l..u..r..b";
sub read_previous {
my ($fn) = @_;
my $fh;
my $section = undef;
my $serial = 1;
my $branch = $blurb;
my $last_empty = undef;
my (@section, %section, @branch, %branch, %description, @leader);
my $in_unedited_olde = 0;
if (!-r $fn) {
return +{
'section_list' => [],
'section_data' => {},
'topic_description' => {
$blurb => {
desc => undef,
text => blurb_text(),
open ($fh, '<', $fn) or die "$!: open $fn";
while (<$fh>) {
if ($in_unedited_olde) {
if (/^>>$/) {
$in_unedited_olde = 0;
$_ = " | $_";
} elsif (/^<<$/) {
$in_unedited_olde = 1;
if ($in_unedited_olde) {
$_ = " | $_";
if (defined $section && /^-{20,}$/) {
$_ = "";
if (/^$/) {
$last_empty = 1;
if (/^\[(.*)\]\s*$/) {
$section = $1;
$branch = undef;
if (!exists $section{$section}) {
push @section, $section;
$section{$section} = [];
if (defined $section && /^\* (\S+) /) {
$branch = $1;
$last_empty = 0;
if (!exists $branch{$branch}) {
push @branch, [$branch, $section];
$branch{$branch} = 1;
push @{$section{$section}}, $branch;
if (defined $branch) {
my $was_last_empty = $last_empty;
$last_empty = 0;
if (!exists $description{$branch}) {
$description{$branch} = [];
if ($was_last_empty) {
push @{$description{$branch}}, "";
push @{$description{$branch}}, $_;
my $lead = " ";
for my $branch (keys %description) {
my $ary = $description{$branch};
if ($branch eq $blurb) {
while (@{$ary} && $ary->[-1] =~ /^-{30,}$/) {
pop @{$ary};
$description{$branch} = +{
desc => undef,
text => join("\n", @{$ary}),
} else {
my @desc = ();
while (@{$ary}) {
my $elem = shift @{$ary};
last if ($elem eq '');
push @desc, $elem;
my @txt = map {
$_ = "$lead$_";
} @{$ary};
$description{$branch} = +{
desc => join("\n", @desc),
text => join("\n", @txt),
return +{
section_list => \@section,
section_data => \%section,
topic_description => \%description,
sub write_cooking {
my ($fn, $cooking) = @_;
my $fh;
open($fh, '>', $fn) or die "$!: open $fn";
print $fh $cooking->{'topic_description'}{$blurb}{'text'};
for my $section_name (@{$cooking->{'section_list'}}) {
my $topic_list = $cooking->{'section_data'}{$section_name};
next if (!@{$topic_list});
print $fh "\n";
print $fh '-' x 50, "\n";
print $fh "[$section_name]\n";
my $lead = "\n";
for my $topic (@{$topic_list}) {
my $d = $cooking->{'topic_description'}{$topic};
print $fh $lead, $d->{'desc'}, "\n";
if ($d->{'text'}) {
print $fh "\n", $d->{'text'}, "\n";
$lead = "\n\n";
my $graduated = 'Graduated to "master"';
my $new_topics = 'New Topics';
my $discarded = 'Discarded';
my $old_new_topics = 'Old New Topics';
sub update_issue {
my ($cooking) = @_;
my ($fh, $master_at, $next_at, $incremental);
open($fh, '-|',
qw(git for-each-ref),
"--format=%(refname:short) %(objectname)",
"refs/heads/next") or die "$!: open for-each-ref";
while (<$fh>) {
my ($branch, $at) = /^(\S+) (\S+)$/;
if ($branch eq 'master') { $master_at = $at; }
if ($branch eq 'next') { $next_at = $at; }
close($fh) or die "$!: close for-each-ref";
$incremental = ((-r "Meta/whats-cooking.txt") &&
system("cd Meta && " .
"git diff --quiet --no-ext-diff HEAD -- " .
my $now_string = localtime;
my ($current_dow, $current_mon, $current_date, $current_year) =
($now_string =~ /^(\w+) (\w+) +(\d+) [\d:]+ (\d+)$/);
my $btext = $cooking->{'topic_description'}{$blurb}{'text'};
if ($btext !~ s/\A$blurb_match//) {
die "match pattern broken?";
my ($mon, $year, $issue, $dow, $date) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5);
if ($current_mon ne $mon || $current_year ne $year) {
$issue = "01";
} elsif (!$incremental) {
$issue =~ s/^0*//;
$issue = sprintf "%02d", ($issue + 1);
$mon = $current_mon;
$year = $current_year;
$dow = $current_dow;
$date = $current_date;
$cooking->{'topic_description'}{$blurb}{'text'} =
blurb_text($mon, $year, $issue, $dow, $date,
$master_at, $next_at, $btext);
if (!$incremental) {
my $sd = $cooking->{'section_data'};
my $sl = $cooking->{'section_list'};
# Rename "New" to "Old New" and insert "New".
# Move "New" to "Old New"
my $i;
my $doneso;
for ($i = 0; $i < @{$sl}; $i++) {
if ($sl->[$i] eq $new_topics) {
$sl->[$i] = $old_new_topics;
unshift @{$sl}, $new_topics;
$doneso = 1;
if ($doneso) {
$sd->{$old_new_topics} = $sd->{$new_topics};
$sd->{$new_topics} = [];
return $incremental;
sub topic_in_pu {
my ($topic_desc) = @_;
for my $line (split(/\n/, $topic_desc)) {
if ($line =~ /^ [+-] /) {
return 1;
return 0;
sub merge_cooking {
my ($cooking, $current) = @_;
my $td = $cooking->{'topic_description'};
my $sd = $cooking->{'section_data'};
my $sl = $cooking->{'section_list'};
my (@new_topic, @gone_topic);
# Make sure "New Topics" and "Graduated" exists
if (!exists $sd->{$new_topics}) {
$sd->{$new_topics} = [];
unshift @{$sl}, $new_topics;
if (!exists $sd->{$graduated}) {
$sd->{$graduated} = [];
unshift @{$sl}, $graduated;
my $incremental = update_issue($cooking);
for my $topic (sort keys %{$current}) {
if (!exists $td->{$topic}) {
# Ignore new topics without anything merged
if (topic_in_pu($current->{$topic}{'desc'})) {
push @new_topic, $topic;
# Annotate if the contents of the topic changed
my $n = $current->{$topic}{'desc'};
my $o = $td->{$topic}{'desc'};
if ($n ne $o) {
$td->{$topic}{'desc'} = $n . "\n<<\n" . $o ."\n>>";
for my $topic (sort keys %{$td}) {
next if ($topic eq $blurb);
next if (!$incremental &&
grep { $topic eq $_ } @{$sd->{$graduated}});
next if (grep { $topic eq $_ } @{$sd->{$discarded}});
if (!exists $current->{$topic}) {
push @gone_topic, $topic;
for (@new_topic) {
push @{$sd->{$new_topics}}, $_;
$td->{$_}{'desc'} = $current->{$_}{'desc'};
if (!$incremental) {
$sd->{$graduated} = [];
if (@gone_topic) {
for my $topic (@gone_topic) {
for my $section (@{$sl}) {
my $pre = scalar(@{$sd->{$section}});
@{$sd->{$section}} = (grep { $_ ne $topic }
my $post = scalar(@{$sd->{$section}});
next if ($pre == $post);
for (@gone_topic) {
push @{$sd->{$graduated}}, $_;
# WilDo
sub wildo_queue {
my ($what, $action, $topic) = @_;
if (!exists $what->{$action}) {
$what->{$action} = [];
push @{$what->{$action}}, $topic;
sub section_action {
my ($section) = @_;
if ($section) {
for ($section) {
return if (/^Graduated to/ || /^Discarded$/);
return $_ if (/^Stalled$/);
return "Undecided";
sub wildo_flush_topic {
my ($in_section, $what, $topic) = @_;
if (defined $topic) {
my $action = section_action($in_section);
if ($action) {
wildo_queue($what, $action, $topic);
sub wildo_match {
if (/^Will (?:\S+ ){0,2}(fast-track|keep|merge|drop|discard|cook|kick|defer|be re-?rolled)[,. ]/ ||
/^Not urgent/ || /^Not ready/ || /^Waiting for / ||
/^Needs? / || /^Expecting / || /^May want to /) {
return 1;
return 0;
sub wildo {
my (%what, $topic, $last_merge_to_next, $in_section, $in_desc);
my $too_recent = '9999-99-99';
while (<>) {
if (/^\[(.*)\]$/) {
my $old_section = $in_section;
$in_section = $1;
wildo_flush_topic($old_section, \%what, $topic);
$topic = $in_desc = undef;
if (/^\* (\S+) \(([-0-9]+)\) (\d+) commits?$/) {
wildo_flush_topic($in_section, \%what, $topic);
# tip-date, next-date, topic, count, pu-count
$topic = [$2, $too_recent, $1, $3, 0];
$in_desc = undef;
if (defined $topic &&
($topic->[1] eq $too_recent) &&
($topic->[4] == 0) &&
(/^ \(merged to 'next' on ([-0-9]+)/)) {
$topic->[1] = $1;
if (defined $topic && /^ - /) {
if (defined $topic && /^$/) {
$in_desc = 1;
next unless defined $topic && $in_desc;
if (wildo_match($_)) {
wildo_queue(\%what, $_, $topic);
$topic = $in_desc = undef;
if (/Originally merged to 'next' on ([-0-9]+)/) {
$topic->[1] = $1;
wildo_flush_topic($in_section, \%what, $topic);
my $ipbl = "";
for my $what (sort keys %what) {
print "$ipbl$what\n";
for $topic (sort { (($a->[1] cmp $b->[1]) ||
($a->[0] cmp $b->[0])) }
@{$what{$what}}) {
my ($tip, $next, $name, $count, $pu) = @$topic;
my ($sign);
$tip =~ s/^\d{4}-//;
if (($next eq $too_recent) || (0 < $pu)) {
$sign = "-";
$next = " " x 6;
} else {
$sign = "+";
$next =~ s|^\d{4}-|/|;
$count = "#$count";
printf " %s %-60s %s%s %5s\n", $sign, $name, $tip, $next, $count;
$ipbl = "\n";
# HavDone
sub havedone_show {
my $topic = shift;
my $str = shift;
my $prefix = " * ";
$str =~ s/\A\n+//;
$str =~ s/\n+\Z//;
print "($topic)\n";
for $str (split(/\n/, $str)) {
print "$prefix$str\n";
$prefix = " ";
sub havedone_count {
my @range = @_;
my $cnt = `git rev-list --count @range`;
chomp $cnt;
return $cnt;
sub havedone {
my $fh;
my %topic = ();
my @topic = ();
my ($topic, $to_maint, %to_maint, %merged, $in_desc);
if (!@ARGV) {
open($fh, '-|',
qw(git rev-list --first-parent -1 master Documentation/RelNotes))
or die "$!: open rev-list";
my ($rev) = <$fh>;
close($fh) or die "$!: close rev-list";
chomp $rev;
@ARGV = ("$rev..master");
open($fh, '-|',
qw(git log --first-parent --oneline --reverse), @ARGV)
or die "$!: open log --first-parent";
while (<$fh>) {
my ($sha1, $branch) = /^([0-9a-f]+) Merge branch '(.*)'$/;
next unless $branch;
$topic{$branch} = "";
$merged{$branch} = $sha1;
push @topic, $branch;
close($fh) or die "$!: close log --first-parent";
open($fh, "<", "Meta/whats-cooking.txt")
or die "$!: open whats-cooking";
while (<$fh>) {
if (/^\[(.*)\]$/) {
# section header
$in_desc = $topic = undef;
if (/^\* (\S+) \([-0-9]+\) \d+ commits?$/) {
if (exists $topic{$1}) {
$topic = $1;
$to_maint = 0;
} else {
$in_desc = $topic = undef;
if (defined $topic && /^$/) {
$in_desc = 1;
next unless defined $topic && $in_desc;
if (wildo_match($_)) {
$topic{$topic} .= "$_\n";
close($fh) or die "$!: close whats-cooking";
for $topic (@topic) {
my $merged = $merged{$topic};
my $in_master = havedone_count("$merged^1..$merged^2");
my $not_in_maint = havedone_count("maint..$merged^2");
if ($in_master == $not_in_maint) {
$to_maint{$topic} = 1;
my $shown = 0;
for $topic (@topic) {
next if (exists $to_maint{$topic});
havedone_show($topic, $topic{$topic});
print "\n";
if ($shown) {
print "-" x 64, "\n";
for $topic (@topic) {
next unless (exists $to_maint{$topic});
havedone_show($topic, $topic{$topic});
my $sha1 = `git rev-parse --short $topic`;
chomp $sha1;
print " (merge $sha1 $topic later to maint).\n";
print "\n";
# WhatsCooking
sub doit {
my $topic = get_commit();
my $cooking = read_previous('Meta/whats-cooking.txt');
merge_cooking($cooking, $topic);
write_cooking('Meta/whats-cooking.txt', $cooking);
# Main
use Getopt::Long;
my $wildo;
my $havedone;
if (!GetOptions("wildo" => \$wildo, "havedone" => \$havedone)) {
print STDERR "$0 [--wildo|--havedone]\n";
exit 1;
if ($wildo) {
if (!@ARGV) {
push @ARGV, "Meta/whats-cooking.txt";
} elsif ($havedone) {
} else {