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# shellcheck disable=SC2034
TEST_DESCRIPTION="root filesystem on an encrypted LVM PV on a RAID-5"
KVERSION=${KVERSION-$(uname -r)}
# Uncomment this to debug failures
#DEBUGFAIL=" rd.udev.log-priority=debug loglevel=70 systemd.log_target=kmsg"
#DEBUGFAIL="rd.break rd.debug debug"
test_run() {
"$testdir"/run-qemu \
-drive format=raw,index=0,media=disk,file="$DISKIMAGE" \
-append "panic=1 systemd.crash_reboot root=/dev/dracut/root rw rd.retry=10 console=ttyS0,115200n81 selinux=0 $DEBUGFAIL" \
-initrd "$TESTDIR"/initramfs.testing
grep -U --binary-files=binary -F -m 1 -q dracut-root-block-success "$DISKIMAGE" || return 1
test_setup() {
# Create the blank file to use as a root filesystem
rm -f -- "$DISKIMAGE"
dd if=/dev/zero of="$DISKIMAGE" bs=1M count=128
# Create what will eventually be our root filesystem onto an overlay
# shellcheck disable=SC2030
export initdir=$TESTDIR/overlay/source
# shellcheck disable=SC1090
. "$basedir"/
cd "$initdir" || exit
mkdir -p -- dev sys proc etc var/run tmp
mkdir -p root usr/bin usr/lib usr/lib64 usr/sbin
for i in bin sbin lib lib64; do
ln -sfnr usr/$i $i
inst_multiple sh df free ls shutdown poweroff stty cat ps ln ip \
mount dmesg dhclient mkdir cp ping dhclient dd sync
for _terminfodir in /lib/terminfo /etc/terminfo /usr/share/terminfo; do
[ -f ${_terminfodir}/l/linux ] && break
inst_multiple -o ${_terminfodir}/l/linux
inst_simple "${basedir}/modules.d/99base/" "/lib/"
inst_binary "${basedir}/dracut-util" "/usr/bin/dracut-util"
ln -s dracut-util "${initdir}/usr/bin/dracut-getarg"
ln -s dracut-util "${initdir}/usr/bin/dracut-getargs"
inst_simple /etc/os-release
inst ./ /sbin/init
inst "$basedir/modules.d/35network-legacy/" "/sbin/dhclient-script"
inst "$basedir/modules.d/35network-legacy/" "/sbin/ifup"
inst_multiple grep
inst_multiple -o /lib/systemd/systemd-shutdown
find_binary plymouth > /dev/null && inst_multiple plymouth
cp -a /etc/* "$initdir"/etc
ldconfig -r "$initdir"
# second, install the files needed to make the root filesystem
# shellcheck disable=SC2031
# shellcheck disable=SC2030
export initdir=$TESTDIR/overlay
# shellcheck disable=SC1090
. "$basedir"/
inst_multiple sfdisk mke2fs poweroff cp umount dd sync
inst_hook initqueue 01 ./
inst_hook initqueue/finished 01 ./
inst_simple ./99-idesymlinks.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/99-idesymlinks.rules
# create an initramfs that will create the target root filesystem.
# We do it this way so that we do not risk trashing the host mdraid
# devices, volume groups, encrypted partitions, etc.
"$basedir"/ -l -i "$TESTDIR"/overlay / \
-m "bash crypt lvm mdraid udev-rules base rootfs-block fs-lib kernel-modules qemu" \
-d "piix ide-gd_mod ata_piix ext2 sd_mod" \
--nomdadmconf \
--no-hostonly-cmdline -N \
-f "$TESTDIR"/initramfs.makeroot "$KVERSION" || return 1
rm -rf -- "$TESTDIR"/overlay
# Invoke KVM and/or QEMU to actually create the target filesystem.
"$testdir"/run-qemu \
-drive format=raw,index=0,media=disk,file="$DISKIMAGE" \
-append "root=/dev/cannotreach rw rootfstype=ext2 console=ttyS0,115200n81 selinux=0" \
-initrd "$TESTDIR"/initramfs.makeroot || return 1
grep -U --binary-files=binary -F -m 1 -q dracut-root-block-created "$DISKIMAGE" || return 1
eval "$(grep -F -a -m 1 ID_FS_UUID "$DISKIMAGE")"
# shellcheck disable=SC2031
export initdir=$TESTDIR/overlay
# shellcheck disable=SC1090
. "$basedir"/
inst_multiple poweroff shutdown dd
inst_hook shutdown-emergency 000 ./
inst_hook emergency 000 ./
inst ./ /sbin/cryptroot-ask
mkdir -p "$initdir"/etc
echo "testluks UUID=$ID_FS_UUID /etc/key" > "$initdir"/etc/crypttab
#echo "luks-$ID_FS_UUID /dev/md0 none" > $initdir/etc/crypttab
echo -n "test" > "$initdir"/etc/key
inst_simple ./99-idesymlinks.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/99-idesymlinks.rules
"$basedir"/ -l -i "$TESTDIR"/overlay / \
-o "plymouth network kernel-network-modules" \
-a "debug" \
-d "piix ide-gd_mod ata_piix ext2 sd_mod" \
--no-hostonly-cmdline -N \
-f "$TESTDIR"/initramfs.testing "$KVERSION" || return 1
test_cleanup() {
return 0
# shellcheck disable=SC1090
. "$testdir"/test-functions