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58 lines
1.1 KiB

sub create_patches {
my $tag=shift;
my $pdir=shift;
my $n=1;
my @lines;
mkdir $pdir, 0755;
open( GIT, 'git log -p --pretty=email --stat -m --first-parent --reverse '.$tag.'..HEAD |');
while (<GIT>) {
if (/^From [a-z0-9]{40} .*$/) {
my $fname = sprintf("%04d", $n++).".patch";
push @lines, $fname;
open FH, ">".$pdir."/".$fname;
print FH;
return @lines;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
my $datestr = strftime "%Y%m%d", gmtime;
my $tag=shift;
my $pdir=shift;
$tag=`git describe --abbrev=0 --tags` if not defined $tag;
my @patches=&create_patches($tag, $pdir);
my $num=$#patches + 2;
my $release="$num.git$datestr";
$release="1" if $num == 1;
while(<>) {
if (/^Version:/) {
print "Version: $tag\n";
elsif (/^%define dist_free_release/) {
print "%define dist_free_release $release\n";
elsif ((/^Source0:/) || (/^Source:/)) {
print $_;
for(@patches) {
print "Patch$num: $_\n";
print "\n";
else {
print $_;