You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

122 lines
2.9 KiB

# We don't need to check for ip= errors here, that is handled by the
# cmdline parser script
# Sadly there's no easy way to split ':' separated lines into variables
ip_to_var() {
local v=${1}:
set --
while [ -n "$v" ]; do
set -- "$@" "${v%%:*}"
unset ip srv gw mask hostname dev autoconf
case $# in
0) autoconf="error" ;;
1) autoconf=$1 ;;
2) dev=$1; autoconf=$2 ;;
*) ip=$1; srv=$2; gw=$3; mask=$4; hostname=$5; dev=$6; autoconf=$7 ;;
# Run dhclient
do_dhcp() {
# /sbin/dhclient-script will mark the netif up and generate the online
# event for nfsroot
# XXX add -V vendor class and option parsing per kernel
dhclient -1 -q -cf /etc/dhclient.conf -pf /tmp/dhclient.$ -lf /tmp/dhclient.$ $netif
# Handle static ip configuration
do_static() {
echo ip link set $netif up
echo ip addr flush dev $netif
echo ip addr add $ip/$mask dev $netif
} > /tmp/net.$netif.up
[ -n "$gw" ] && echo ip route add default via $gw dev $netif > /tmp/net.$
[ -n "$hostname" ] && echo hostname $hostname > /tmp/net.$netif.hostname
echo online > /sys/class/net/$netif/uevent
. /lib/
if getarg rdnetdebug ; then
exec >/tmp/ifup.$1.$$.out
exec 2>>/tmp/ifup.$1.$$.out
set -x
# Huh? No $1?
[ -z "$1" ] && exit 1
# $netif reads easier than $1
# bridge this interface?
if [ -e /tmp/ ]; then
. /tmp/
if [ "$netif" = "$ethname" ]; then
# bail immediately if the interface is already up
# or we don't need the network
[ -f "/tmp/net.$netif.up" ] && exit 0
[ -f "/tmp/" ] || exit 0
. /tmp/
[ -z "$netroot" ] && exit 0
# loopback is always handled the same way
if [ "$netif" = "lo" ] ; then
ip link set lo up
ip addr add dev lo
exit 0
# XXX need error handling like dhclient-script
# start bridge if necessary
if [ "$netif" = "$bridgename" ] && [ ! -e /tmp/net.$bridgename.up ]; then
ip link set $ethname up
# Create bridge and add eth to bridge
brctl addbr $bridgename
brctl setfd $bridgename 0
brctl addif $bridgename $ethname
# No ip lines default to dhcp
ip=$(getarg ip)
[ -z "$ip" ] && do_dhcp;
# Specific configuration, spin through the kernel command line
# looking for ip= lines
[ "$CMDLINE" ] || read CMDLINE </proc/cmdline;
for p in $CMDLINE; do
[ -n "${p%ip=*}" ] && continue
ip_to_var ${p#ip=}
# If this option isn't directed at our interface, skip it
[ -n "$dev" ] && [ "$dev" != "$netif" ] && continue
# Store config for later use
for i in ip srv gw mask hostname; do
eval '[ "$'$i'" ] && echo '$i'="$'$i'"'
done > /tmp/net.$netif.override
case $autoconf in
dhcp|on|any) do_dhcp ;;
*) do_static ;;
exit 0