# BASH Notes ## basename Don't use `basename`, use: ```shell file=${path##*/} ``` ## dirname Don't use `dirname`, use: ```shell dir=${path%/*} ``` ## shopt If you set `shopt` in a function, reset to its default state with `trap`: ```shell func() { trap "$(shopt -p nullglob globstar)" RETURN shopt -q -s nullglob globstar } ``` ## find, grep, print0, -0, -z Don't use `find` in `for` loops, because filenames can contain spaces. Try to use `globstar` and `nullglob` or null byte terminated strings. Instead of: ```shell func() { for file in $(find /usr/lib* -type f -name 'lib*.a' -print0 ); do echo $file done } ``` use: ```shell func() { trap "$(shopt -p nullglob globstar)" RETURN shopt -q -s nullglob globstar for file in /usr/lib*/**/lib*.a; do [[ -f $file ]] || continue echo "$file" done } ``` Or collect the filenames in an array, if you need them more than once: ```shell func() { trap "$(shopt -p nullglob globstar)" RETURN shopt -q -s nullglob globstar filenames=( /usr/lib*/**/lib*.a ) for file in "${filenames[@]}"; do [[ -f $file ]] || continue echo "$file" done } ``` Or, if you really want to use `find`, use `-print0` and an array: ```shell func() { mapfile -t -d '' filenames < <(find /usr/lib* -type f -name 'lib*.a' -print0) for file in "${filenames[@]}"; do echo "$file" done } ``` Note: `-d ''` is the same as `-d $'\0'` and sets the null byte as the delimiter. or: ```shell func() { find /usr/lib* -type f -name 'lib*.a' -print0 | while read -r -d '' file; do echo "$file" done } ``` or ```shell func() { while read -r -d '' file; do echo "$file" done < <(find /usr/lib* -type f -name 'lib*.a' -print0) } ``` Use the tool options for null terminated strings, like `-print0`, `-0`, `-z`, etc. ## prefix or suffix array elements Instead of: ```shell func() { other-cmd $(for k in "$@"; do echo "prefix-$k"; done) } ``` do ```shell func() { other-cmd "${@/#/prefix-}" } ``` or suffix: ```shell func() { other-cmd "${@/%/-suffix}" } ``` ## Join array elements with a separator char Here we have an associate array `_drivers`, where we want to print the keys separated by ',': ```shell if [[ ${!_drivers[*]} ]]; then echo "rd.driver.pre=$(IFS=, ;echo "${!_drivers[*]}")" > "${initdir}"/etc/cmdline.d/00-watchdog.conf fi ``` ## Optional parameters to commands If you want to call a command `cmd` with an option, if a variable is set, rather than doing: ```shell func() { local param="$1" if [[ $param ]]; then param="--this-special-option $param" fi cmd $param } ``` do it like this: ```shell func() { local param="$1" cmd ${param:+--this-special-option "$param"} } # cmd --this-special-option 'abc' func 'abc' # cmd func '' # cmd func ``` If you want to specify the option even with an empty string do this: ```shell func() { local -a special_params if [[ ${1+_} ]]; then # only declare `param` if $1 is set (even as null string) local param="$1" fi # check if `param` is set (even as null string) if [[ ${param+_} ]]; then special_params=( --this-special-option "${param}" ) fi cmd ${param+"${special_params[@]}"} } # cmd --this-special-option 'abc' func 'abc' # cmd --this-special-option '' func '' # cmd func ``` Or more simple, if you only have to set an option: ```shell func() { if [[ ${1+_} ]]; then # only declare `param` if $1 is set (even as null string) local param="$1" fi cmd ${param+--this-special-option} } # cmd --this-special-option func 'abc' # cmd --this-special-option func '' # cmd func ```