diff --git a/initrd-functions b/initrd-functions
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..2323c849
--- /dev/null
+++ b/initrd-functions
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+# functions used by mkinitrd and other tools.
+# Copyright 2005-2008 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+# Authors:
+# Peter Jones
+# Jeremy Katz
+# Jakub Jelinek
+function get_dso_deps() {
+ local bin="$1" ; shift
+ declare -a FILES
+ declare -a NAMES
+ local LDSO=$(echo nash-showelfinterp $bin | /sbin/nash --forcequiet)
+ [ -z "$LDSO" -o "$LDSO" == "$bin" ] && local LDSO="$IF_RTLD"
+ [ -z "$LDSO" -o "$LDSO" == "$bin" ] && return 1
+ [ -z "$IF_RTLD" ] && IF_RTLD="$LDSO"
+ # I hate shell.
+ declare -i n=0
+ while read NAME I0 FILE ADDR I1 ; do
+ [ "$FILE" == "not" ] && FILE="$FILE $ADDR"
+ [ "$NAME" == "not" ] && NAME="$NAME $I0"
+ NAMES[$n]="$NAME"
+ FILES[$n]="$FILE"
+ let n++
+ done << EOF
+ $LDSO $bin 2>/dev/null)
+ [ ${#FILES[*]} -eq 0 ] && return 1
+ # we don't want the name of the binary in the list
+ if [ "${FILES[0]}" == "$bin" ]; then
+ FILES[0]=""
+ NAMES[0]=""
+ [ ${#FILES[*]} -eq 1 ] && return 1
+ fi
+ declare -i n=0
+ while [ $n -lt ${#FILES[*]} ]; do
+ local FILE="${FILES[$n]}"
+ local NAME="${NAMES[$n]}"
+ if [ "$FILE" == "not found" -o "$NAME" == "not found" ]; then
+ cat 1>&2 < []"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ local file="$1" ; shift
+ local root="${1%%/}/" ; shift
+ local dest="${1##/}"
+ [ -z "$dest" ] && local dest="${file##/}"
+ mkdir -p "$root/$(dirname $dest)"
+ local RET=0
+ local target=""
+ [ -L "$file" ] && target=$(readlink "$file")
+ if [ -n "$target" -a "$dest" != "$target" ]; then
+ if [ -e "$root$dest" ]; then
+ RET=0
+ else
+ ln -sf "$target" "$root$dest"
+ #inst "$target" "$root"
+ local BASE=`basename "$target"`
+ local LIBDIR=`echo "$file" | sed -e 's,\(\(.*\)/\)[^/]\+$,\1,'`
+ if [ "$LIBDIR" = "$BASE" ]; then
+ local LIBDIR=`echo "/$dest" | sed -e 's,\(\(.*\)/\)[^/]\+$,\1,'`
+ fi
+ local TLIBDIR=`echo "$target" | sed -e 's,\(^/lib[^/]*\)/.*$,\1/,' \
+ -e 's,\(\(.*\)/\)[^/]\+$,\1,'`
+ if [ "$TLIBDIR" = "$BASE" ]; then
+ local TLIBDIR=`echo "/$dest" | sed \
+ -e 's,\(^/lib[^/]*\)/.*$,\1/,' \
+ -e 's,\(\(.*\)/\)[^/]\+$,\1,'`
+ fi
+ inst "$LIBDIR/$BASE" "$root" "$TLIBDIR/$BASE"
+ RET=$?
+ return $RET
+ fi
+ fi
+ local SHEBANG=$(dd if="$file" bs=2 count=1 2>/dev/null)
+ if [ "$SHEBANG" == '#!' ]; then
+ # We're intentionally not playing the "what did this moron run
+ # in his shell script" game. There's nothing but pain in that.
+ local interp=$(head -1 "$file" | sed 's/^#! *//')
+ inst "$interp" "$root"
+ RET=$?
+ return $RET
+ fi
+ if [ -e "$root$dest" ]; then
+ RET=0
+ else
+ if [ -n "$target" -a -L "$target" ]; then
+ inst "$target" "$root"
+ RET=$?
+ else
+ cp -aL "$file" "$root$dest"
+ local DEPS=$(get_dso_deps "$file")
+ if [ -n "$DEPS" ]; then
+ IF_dynamic="yes"
+ fi
+ for x in $DEPS ; do
+ local TLIBDIR=`echo "$x" | sed 's,\(/lib[^/]*\)/.*$,\1,'`
+ local BASE=`basename "$x"`
+ inst "$x" "$root" "$TLIBDIR/$BASE"
+ done
+ RET=$?
+ fi
+ fi
+ return $RET
+# module dep finding and installation functions
+moduledep() {
+ if [ "$1" == "--ignore-install" ]; then
+ MPARGS="$MPARGS --ignore-install"
+ shift
+ fi
+ vecho -n "Looking for deps of module $1"
+ deps=""
+ deps=$(modprobe $MPARGS --set-version $kernel --show-depends $1 2>/dev/null| awk '/^insmod / { print gensub(".*/","","g",$2) }' | while read foo ; do [ "${foo%%.ko}" != "$1" ] && echo -n "${foo%%.ko} " ; done)
+ [ -n "$deps" ] && vecho ": $deps" || vecho
+locatemodule() {
+ if [ "$1" == "--ignore-install" ]; then
+ MPARGS="$MPARGS --ignore-install"
+ shift
+ fi
+ fmPath=$(modprobe $MPARGS --set-version $kernel --show-depends $1 2>/dev/null | awk '/^insmod / { print $2; }' | tail -1)
+ if [ -n "$fmPath" -a -f "$fmPath" ]; then
+ return 0
+ fi
+ for modExt in o.gz o ko ; do
+ for modDir in /lib/modules/$kernel/updates /lib/modules/$kernel ; do
+ if [ -d $modDir ]; then
+ fmPath=$(find $modDir -name $1.ko |awk {'print $1; exit;'})
+ if [ -n "$fmPath" -a -f "$fmPath" ]; then
+ return 0
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+ done
+ return 1
+resolveAndExpandModules() {
+ items=$*
+ mods=$(expandModules $items)
+ echo "looking for $mods"
+ resdeps $mods
+ echo $resolved
+expandModules() {
+ items=$*
+ for m in $items ; do
+ char=$(echo $m | cut -c1)
+ if [ $char = '=' ]; then
+ NAME=$(echo $m | cut -c2-)
+ if [ "$NAME" = "ata" ]; then
+ MODS="$MODS $(cat /lib/modules/$kernel/modules.block |egrep '(ata|ahci)' |sed -e 's/.ko//')"
+ else
+ # Ignore if group list does not exist
+ if [ -e /lib/modules/$kernel/modules.$NAME ]; then
+ MODS="$MODS $(cat /lib/modules/$kernel/modules.$NAME |sed -e 's/.ko//')"
+ fi
+ fi
+ else
+ MODS="$MODS $m"
+ fi
+ done
+ echo $MODS
+ if [ "$1" == "--ignore-install" ]; then
+ MPARGS="$MPARGS --ignore-install"
+ shift
+ fi
+ fmPath=""
+ locatemodule $MPARGS $MODULE
+ MODULE=$fmPath
+ if [ -z "$MODULE" ]; then
+ return
+ fi
+ if [ -x /usr/bin/strip ]; then
+ /usr/bin/strip -g $MODULE -o $MNTIMAGE/lib/modules/$kernel/$(basename $MODULE)
+ else
+ inst "$MODULE" "$MNTIMAGE" "/lib/modules/$kernel/$(basename $MODULE)"
+ fi
+ for fw in $(/sbin/modinfo -F firmware $MODULE 2>/dev/null); do
+ if [ -f /lib/firmware/$fw ]; then
+ inst "/lib/firmware/$fw" "$MNTIMAGE" "/lib/firmware/$fw"
+ fi
+ done
+# This loops to make sure it resolves dependencies of dependencies of...
+resdeps () {
+ modlist="$1"
+ before=1
+ after=2
+ items=$(eval echo \${$modlist})
+ while [ $before != $after ]; do
+ before=$(echo $items | wc -c)
+ list=""
+ for i in $items ; do
+ deps=""
+ moduledep $i
+ list="$list $deps"
+ done
+ items=$(for n in $items $list; do echo $n; done | sort -u)
+ after=`echo $items | wc -c`
+ done
+ resolved="$items"
+# vim:ts=8:sw=4:sts=4:et