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# This file is part of dracut.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
# shellcheck disable=SC2034
TEST_DESCRIPTION="kernel cpio extraction tests for dracut-cpio"
# see dracut-cpio source for unit tests
test_check() {
if ! [[ -x $basedir/dracut-cpio ]]; then
echo "Test needs dracut-cpio... Skipping"
return 1
test_dracut_cpio() {
local tdir="${CPIO_TESTDIR}/${1}"
# --enhanced-cpio tells dracut to use dracut-cpio instead of GNU cpio
local dracut_cpio_params=("--enhanced-cpio" "$@")
mkdir -p "$tdir"
# VM script to print sentinel on boot
# write to kmsg so that sysrq messages don't race with console output
cat > "$tdir/" << EOF
echo "Image with ${dracut_cpio_params[*]} booted successfully" > /dev/kmsg
echo 1 > /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq
echo o > /proc/sysrq-trigger
sleep 20
"$basedir"/ -l --drivers "" \
"${dracut_cpio_params[@]}" \
--modules "bash base" \
--include "$tdir/" /lib/dracut/hooks/emergency/ \
--no-hostonly --no-hostonly-cmdline \
"$tdir/initramfs" \
|| return 1
"$testdir"/run-qemu \
-watchdog i6300esb -watchdog-action poweroff \
-daemonize -pidfile "$tdir/" \
-serial "file:$tdir/console.out" \
-append "panic=1 oops=panic softlockup_panic=1 loglevel=7 console=ttyS0" \
-initrd "$tdir/initramfs" || return 1
while [[ -f $tdir/ ]] \
&& ps -p "$(head -n1 "$tdir/")" > /dev/null; do
echo "$timeout - awaiting VM shutdown"
sleep 1
[[ $((timeout--)) -le 0 ]] && return 1
cat "$tdir/console.out"
grep -q "Image with ${dracut_cpio_params[*]} booted successfully" \
test_run() {
set -x
# dracut-cpio is typically used with compression and strip disabled, to
# increase the chance of (reflink) extent sharing.
test_dracut_cpio "simple" "--no-compress" "--nostrip" || return 1
# dracut-cpio should still work fine with compression and stripping enabled
test_dracut_cpio "compress" "--gzip" "--nostrip" || return 1
test_dracut_cpio "strip" "--gzip" "--strip" || return 1
test_setup() {
CPIO_TESTDIR=$(mktemp --directory -p "$TESTDIR" cpio-test.XXXXXXXXXX) \
|| return 1
return 0
test_cleanup() {
[ -d "$CPIO_TESTDIR" ] && rm -rf "$CPIO_TESTDIR"
return 0
# shellcheck disable=SC1090
. "$testdir"/test-functions