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# Copyright 2005-2010 Harald Hoyer <>
# Copyright 2005-2010 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
15 years ago
usage() {
echo "Usage: ${0##*/} [options] [<initramfs file> [<filename> [<filename> [...] ]]]"
echo "Usage: ${0##*/} [options] -k <kernel version>"
echo "-h, --help print a help message and exit."
echo "-s, --size sort the contents of the initramfs by size."
echo "-m, --mod list modules."
echo "-f, --file <filename> print the contents of <filename>."
echo "--unpack unpack the initramfs, instead of displaying the contents."
echo " If optional filenames are given, will only unpack specified files,"
echo " else the whole image will be unpacked. Won't unpack anything from early cpio part."
echo "--unpackearly unpack the early microcode part of the initramfs."
echo " Same as --unpack, but only unpack files from early cpio part."
echo "-v, --verbose unpack verbosely."
echo "-k, --kver <kernel version> inspect the initramfs of <kernel version>."
} >&2
[[ $dracutbasedir ]] || dracutbasedir=/usr/lib/dracut
unset verbose
declare -A filenames
TEMP=$(getopt \
-o "vshmf:k:" \
--long kver: \
--long file: \
--long mod \
--long help \
--long size \
--long unpack \
--long unpackearly \
--long verbose \
-- "$@")
# shellcheck disable=SC2181
if (($? != 0)); then
exit 1
eval set -- "$TEMP"
while (($# > 0)); do
case $1 in
-k | --kver)
-f | --file)
-s | --size) sorted=1 ;;
-h | --help)
exit 0
-m | --mod) modules=1 ;;
-v | --verbose) verbose="--verbose" ;;
--unpack) unpack=1 ;;
--unpackearly) unpackearly=1 ;;
exit 1
[[ $KERNEL_VERSION ]] || KERNEL_VERSION="$(uname -r)"
if [[ $1 ]]; then
if ! [[ -f $image ]]; then
echo "$image does not exist"
} >&2
exit 1
[[ -f /etc/machine-id ]] && read -r MACHINE_ID < /etc/machine-id
if [[ -d /efi/loader/entries || -L /efi/loader/entries ]] \
&& [[ $MACHINE_ID ]] \
&& [[ -d /efi/${MACHINE_ID} || -L /efi/${MACHINE_ID} ]]; then
elif [[ -d /boot/loader/entries || -L /boot/loader/entries ]] \
&& [[ $MACHINE_ID ]] \
&& [[ -d /boot/${MACHINE_ID} || -L /boot/${MACHINE_ID} ]]; then
while (($# > 0)); do
if ! [[ -f $image ]]; then
echo "No <initramfs file> specified and the default image '$image' cannot be accessed!"
} >&2
exit 1
15 years ago
TMPDIR="$(mktemp -d -t lsinitrd.XXXXXX)"
# shellcheck disable=SC2064
trap "rm -rf '$TMPDIR'" EXIT
dracutlibdirs() {
for d in lib64/dracut lib/dracut usr/lib64/dracut usr/lib/dracut; do
echo "$d/$1"
extract_files() {
((${#filenames[@]} == 1)) && nofileinfo=1
for f in "${!filenames[@]}"; do
[[ $nofileinfo ]] || echo "initramfs:/$f"
[[ $nofileinfo ]] || echo "========================================================================"
$CAT "$image" 2> /dev/null | cpio --extract --verbose --quiet --to-stdout "$f" 2> /dev/null
((ret += $?))
[[ $nofileinfo ]] || echo "========================================================================"
[[ $nofileinfo ]] || echo
list_modules() {
echo "dracut modules:"
# shellcheck disable=SC2046
$CAT "$image" | cpio --extract --verbose --quiet --to-stdout -- \
$(dracutlibdirs modules.txt) 2> /dev/null
((ret += $?))
list_files() {
echo "========================================================================"
if [ "$sorted" -eq 1 ]; then
$CAT "$image" 2> /dev/null | cpio --extract --verbose --quiet --list | sort -n -k5
$CAT "$image" 2> /dev/null | cpio --extract --verbose --quiet --list | sort -k9
((ret += $?))
echo "========================================================================"
list_squash_content() {
$CAT "$image" 2> /dev/null | cpio --extract --verbose --quiet --to-stdout -- \
$SQUASH_IMG > "$SQUASH_TMPFILE" 2> /dev/null
if [[ -s $SQUASH_TMPFILE ]]; then
echo "Squashed content ($SQUASH_IMG):"
echo "========================================================================"
unsquashfs -ll "$SQUASH_TMPFILE" | tail -n +4
echo "========================================================================"
unpack_files() {
if ((${#filenames[@]} > 0)); then
for f in "${!filenames[@]}"; do
$CAT "$image" 2> /dev/null | cpio -id --quiet $verbose $f
((ret += $?))
$CAT "$image" 2> /dev/null | cpio -id --quiet $verbose
((ret += $?))
read -r -N 2 bin < "$image"
if [ "$bin" = "MZ" ]; then
command -v objcopy > /dev/null || {
echo "Need 'objcopy' to unpack an UEFI executable."
exit 1
objcopy \
--dump-section .linux="$TMPDIR/vmlinuz" \
--dump-section .initrd="$TMPDIR/initrd.img" \
--dump-section .cmdline="$TMPDIR/cmdline.txt" \
--dump-section .osrel="$TMPDIR/osrel.txt" \
"$image" /dev/null
[ -f "$image" ] || exit 1
if ((${#filenames[@]} <= 0)) && [[ -z $unpack ]] && [[ -z $unpackearly ]]; then
if [ -n "$uefi" ]; then
echo -n "initrd in UEFI: $uefi: "
du -h "$image" | while read -r a _ || [ -n "$a" ]; do echo "$a"; done
if [ -f "$TMPDIR/osrel.txt" ]; then
name=$(sed -En '/^PRETTY_NAME/ s/^\w+=["'"'"']?([^"'"'"'$]*)["'"'"']?/\1/p' "$TMPDIR/osrel.txt")
id=$(sed -En '/^ID/ s/^\w+=["'"'"']?([^"'"'"'$]*)["'"'"']?/\1/p' "$TMPDIR/osrel.txt")
build=$(sed -En '/^BUILD_ID/ s/^\w+=["'"'"']?([^"'"'"'$]*)["'"'"']?/\1/p' "$TMPDIR/osrel.txt")
echo "OS Release: $name (${id}-${build})"
if [ -f "$TMPDIR/vmlinuz" ]; then
version=$(strings -n 20 "$TMPDIR/vmlinuz" | sed -En '/[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+/ { p; q 0 }')
echo "Kernel Version: $version"
if [ -f "$TMPDIR/cmdline.txt" ]; then
echo "Command line:"
sed -En 's/\s+/\n/g; s/\x00/\n/; p' "$TMPDIR/cmdline.txt"
echo -n "Image: $image: "
du -h "$image" | while read -r a _ || [ -n "$a" ]; do echo "$a"; done
echo "========================================================================"
read -r -N 6 bin < "$image"
case $bin in
$'\x71\xc7'* | 070701)
CAT="cat --"
is_early=$(cpio --extract --verbose --quiet --to-stdout -- 'early_cpio' < "$image" 2> /dev/null)
# Debian mkinitramfs does not create the file 'early_cpio', so let's check if firmware files exist
[[ "$is_early" ]] || is_early=$(cpio --list --verbose --quiet --to-stdout -- 'kernel/*/microcode/*.bin' < "$image" 2> /dev/null)
if [[ "$is_early" ]]; then
if [[ -n $unpack ]]; then
# should use --unpackearly for early CPIO
elif [[ -n $unpackearly ]]; then
elif ((${#filenames[@]} > 0)); then
echo "Early CPIO image"
if [[ -d "$dracutbasedir/skipcpio" ]]; then
if ! [[ -x $SKIP ]]; then
echo "'$SKIP' not found, cannot display remaining contents!" >&2
exit 0
if [[ $SKIP ]]; then
bin="$($SKIP "$image" | { read -r -N 6 bin && echo "$bin"; })"
lsinitrd: Suppress "cat: write error: Broken pipe" On systemd, SIGPIPE is ignored by default; see man 5 systemd.exec for IgnoreSIGPIPE=. As a result, under a systemd service outputs "cat: write error: Broken pipe" in the processing of determining a compression format of a given initramfs file using cat command in the write part of a pipeline processing. For example, this is a log message of kdump.service in RHEL7.1, -- Logs begin at Wed 2015-11-04 09:57:33 JST, end at Wed 2015-11-04 09:58:28 JST. -- Nov 04 09:57:33 localhost systemd[1]: Stopping Crash recovery kernel arming... Nov 04 09:57:33 localhost kdumpctl[22545]: kexec: unloaded kdump kernel Nov 04 09:57:33 localhost kdumpctl[22545]: Stopping kdump: [OK] Nov 04 09:57:33 localhost systemd[1]: Starting Crash recovery kernel arming... Nov 04 09:57:36 localhost kdumpctl[22553]: Detected change(s) in the following file(s): Nov 04 09:57:36 localhost kdumpctl[22553]: /etc/kdump.conf Nov 04 09:57:36 localhost kdumpctl[22553]: Rebuilding /boot/initramfs-3.10.0-229.el7.x86_64kdump.img Nov 04 09:57:40 localhost dracut[24914]: Executing: /usr/sbin/dracut --hostonly --hostonly-cmdline -o "plymouth dash resume" -f /boot/initramfs-3.10.0-229.el7.x86_64kdump.img 3.10.0-229.el7.x86_64 ...<cut>... Nov 04 09:58:12 localhost dracut[24914]: *** Creating image file done *** Nov 04 09:58:12 localhost dracut[24914]: Image: /boot/initramfs-3.10.0-229.el7.x86_64kdump.img: 18M Nov 04 09:58:12 localhost kdumpctl[22553]: cat: write error: Broken pipe Nov 04 09:58:12 localhost dracut[24914]: ======================================================================== Nov 04 09:58:12 localhost dracut[24914]: Version: dracut-033-240.el7 Nov 04 09:58:12 localhost dracut[24914]: Nov 04 09:58:12 localhost dracut[24914]: Arguments: --hostonly --hostonly-cmdline -o 'plymouth dash resume' -f Nov 04 09:58:13 localhost dracut[24914]: Nov 04 09:58:13 localhost dracut[24914]: dracut modules: Nov 04 09:58:13 localhost dracut[24914]: bash kdump.service builds and loads an initramfs for kdump kernel using kdumpctl command which uses dracut command and so lsinitrd command, too. Although there's no actual harm except for the error message, there has been several inquiries from customers about this message so far. We should suppress this message to reduce needless communications. To suppress the message, this commit cleans up the processing of reading the first 6 bytes of a given initramfs file without cat command.
9 years ago
read -r -N 6 bin < "$image"
lsinitrd: Suppress "cat: write error: Broken pipe" On systemd, SIGPIPE is ignored by default; see man 5 systemd.exec for IgnoreSIGPIPE=. As a result, under a systemd service outputs "cat: write error: Broken pipe" in the processing of determining a compression format of a given initramfs file using cat command in the write part of a pipeline processing. For example, this is a log message of kdump.service in RHEL7.1, -- Logs begin at Wed 2015-11-04 09:57:33 JST, end at Wed 2015-11-04 09:58:28 JST. -- Nov 04 09:57:33 localhost systemd[1]: Stopping Crash recovery kernel arming... Nov 04 09:57:33 localhost kdumpctl[22545]: kexec: unloaded kdump kernel Nov 04 09:57:33 localhost kdumpctl[22545]: Stopping kdump: [OK] Nov 04 09:57:33 localhost systemd[1]: Starting Crash recovery kernel arming... Nov 04 09:57:36 localhost kdumpctl[22553]: Detected change(s) in the following file(s): Nov 04 09:57:36 localhost kdumpctl[22553]: /etc/kdump.conf Nov 04 09:57:36 localhost kdumpctl[22553]: Rebuilding /boot/initramfs-3.10.0-229.el7.x86_64kdump.img Nov 04 09:57:40 localhost dracut[24914]: Executing: /usr/sbin/dracut --hostonly --hostonly-cmdline -o "plymouth dash resume" -f /boot/initramfs-3.10.0-229.el7.x86_64kdump.img 3.10.0-229.el7.x86_64 ...<cut>... Nov 04 09:58:12 localhost dracut[24914]: *** Creating image file done *** Nov 04 09:58:12 localhost dracut[24914]: Image: /boot/initramfs-3.10.0-229.el7.x86_64kdump.img: 18M Nov 04 09:58:12 localhost kdumpctl[22553]: cat: write error: Broken pipe Nov 04 09:58:12 localhost dracut[24914]: ======================================================================== Nov 04 09:58:12 localhost dracut[24914]: Version: dracut-033-240.el7 Nov 04 09:58:12 localhost dracut[24914]: Nov 04 09:58:12 localhost dracut[24914]: Arguments: --hostonly --hostonly-cmdline -o 'plymouth dash resume' -f Nov 04 09:58:13 localhost dracut[24914]: Nov 04 09:58:13 localhost dracut[24914]: dracut modules: Nov 04 09:58:13 localhost dracut[24914]: bash kdump.service builds and loads an initramfs for kdump kernel using kdumpctl command which uses dracut command and so lsinitrd command, too. Although there's no actual harm except for the error message, there has been several inquiries from customers about this message so far. We should suppress this message to reduce needless communications. To suppress the message, this commit cleans up the processing of reading the first 6 bytes of a given initramfs file without cat command.
9 years ago
case $bin in
CAT="zcat --"
CAT="bzcat --"
$'\x71\xc7'* | 070701)
CAT="cat --"
lsinitrd: Suppress "cat: write error: Broken pipe" On systemd, SIGPIPE is ignored by default; see man 5 systemd.exec for IgnoreSIGPIPE=. As a result, under a systemd service outputs "cat: write error: Broken pipe" in the processing of determining a compression format of a given initramfs file using cat command in the write part of a pipeline processing. For example, this is a log message of kdump.service in RHEL7.1, -- Logs begin at Wed 2015-11-04 09:57:33 JST, end at Wed 2015-11-04 09:58:28 JST. -- Nov 04 09:57:33 localhost systemd[1]: Stopping Crash recovery kernel arming... Nov 04 09:57:33 localhost kdumpctl[22545]: kexec: unloaded kdump kernel Nov 04 09:57:33 localhost kdumpctl[22545]: Stopping kdump: [OK] Nov 04 09:57:33 localhost systemd[1]: Starting Crash recovery kernel arming... Nov 04 09:57:36 localhost kdumpctl[22553]: Detected change(s) in the following file(s): Nov 04 09:57:36 localhost kdumpctl[22553]: /etc/kdump.conf Nov 04 09:57:36 localhost kdumpctl[22553]: Rebuilding /boot/initramfs-3.10.0-229.el7.x86_64kdump.img Nov 04 09:57:40 localhost dracut[24914]: Executing: /usr/sbin/dracut --hostonly --hostonly-cmdline -o "plymouth dash resume" -f /boot/initramfs-3.10.0-229.el7.x86_64kdump.img 3.10.0-229.el7.x86_64 ...<cut>... Nov 04 09:58:12 localhost dracut[24914]: *** Creating image file done *** Nov 04 09:58:12 localhost dracut[24914]: Image: /boot/initramfs-3.10.0-229.el7.x86_64kdump.img: 18M Nov 04 09:58:12 localhost kdumpctl[22553]: cat: write error: Broken pipe Nov 04 09:58:12 localhost dracut[24914]: ======================================================================== Nov 04 09:58:12 localhost dracut[24914]: Version: dracut-033-240.el7 Nov 04 09:58:12 localhost dracut[24914]: Nov 04 09:58:12 localhost dracut[24914]: Arguments: --hostonly --hostonly-cmdline -o 'plymouth dash resume' -f Nov 04 09:58:13 localhost dracut[24914]: Nov 04 09:58:13 localhost dracut[24914]: dracut modules: Nov 04 09:58:13 localhost dracut[24914]: bash kdump.service builds and loads an initramfs for kdump kernel using kdumpctl command which uses dracut command and so lsinitrd command, too. Although there's no actual harm except for the error message, there has been several inquiries from customers about this message so far. We should suppress this message to reduce needless communications. To suppress the message, this commit cleans up the processing of reading the first 6 bytes of a given initramfs file without cat command.
9 years ago
CAT="lz4 -d -c"
CAT="lzop -d -c"
CAT="zstd -d -c"
lsinitrd: Suppress "cat: write error: Broken pipe" On systemd, SIGPIPE is ignored by default; see man 5 systemd.exec for IgnoreSIGPIPE=. As a result, under a systemd service outputs "cat: write error: Broken pipe" in the processing of determining a compression format of a given initramfs file using cat command in the write part of a pipeline processing. For example, this is a log message of kdump.service in RHEL7.1, -- Logs begin at Wed 2015-11-04 09:57:33 JST, end at Wed 2015-11-04 09:58:28 JST. -- Nov 04 09:57:33 localhost systemd[1]: Stopping Crash recovery kernel arming... Nov 04 09:57:33 localhost kdumpctl[22545]: kexec: unloaded kdump kernel Nov 04 09:57:33 localhost kdumpctl[22545]: Stopping kdump: [OK] Nov 04 09:57:33 localhost systemd[1]: Starting Crash recovery kernel arming... Nov 04 09:57:36 localhost kdumpctl[22553]: Detected change(s) in the following file(s): Nov 04 09:57:36 localhost kdumpctl[22553]: /etc/kdump.conf Nov 04 09:57:36 localhost kdumpctl[22553]: Rebuilding /boot/initramfs-3.10.0-229.el7.x86_64kdump.img Nov 04 09:57:40 localhost dracut[24914]: Executing: /usr/sbin/dracut --hostonly --hostonly-cmdline -o "plymouth dash resume" -f /boot/initramfs-3.10.0-229.el7.x86_64kdump.img 3.10.0-229.el7.x86_64 ...<cut>... Nov 04 09:58:12 localhost dracut[24914]: *** Creating image file done *** Nov 04 09:58:12 localhost dracut[24914]: Image: /boot/initramfs-3.10.0-229.el7.x86_64kdump.img: 18M Nov 04 09:58:12 localhost kdumpctl[22553]: cat: write error: Broken pipe Nov 04 09:58:12 localhost dracut[24914]: ======================================================================== Nov 04 09:58:12 localhost dracut[24914]: Version: dracut-033-240.el7 Nov 04 09:58:12 localhost dracut[24914]: Nov 04 09:58:12 localhost dracut[24914]: Arguments: --hostonly --hostonly-cmdline -o 'plymouth dash resume' -f Nov 04 09:58:13 localhost dracut[24914]: Nov 04 09:58:13 localhost dracut[24914]: dracut modules: Nov 04 09:58:13 localhost dracut[24914]: bash kdump.service builds and loads an initramfs for kdump kernel using kdumpctl command which uses dracut command and so lsinitrd command, too. Although there's no actual harm except for the error message, there has been several inquiries from customers about this message so far. We should suppress this message to reduce needless communications. To suppress the message, this commit cleans up the processing of reading the first 6 bytes of a given initramfs file without cat command.
9 years ago
if echo "test" | xz | xzcat --single-stream > /dev/null 2>&1; then
lsinitrd: Suppress "cat: write error: Broken pipe" On systemd, SIGPIPE is ignored by default; see man 5 systemd.exec for IgnoreSIGPIPE=. As a result, under a systemd service outputs "cat: write error: Broken pipe" in the processing of determining a compression format of a given initramfs file using cat command in the write part of a pipeline processing. For example, this is a log message of kdump.service in RHEL7.1, -- Logs begin at Wed 2015-11-04 09:57:33 JST, end at Wed 2015-11-04 09:58:28 JST. -- Nov 04 09:57:33 localhost systemd[1]: Stopping Crash recovery kernel arming... Nov 04 09:57:33 localhost kdumpctl[22545]: kexec: unloaded kdump kernel Nov 04 09:57:33 localhost kdumpctl[22545]: Stopping kdump: [OK] Nov 04 09:57:33 localhost systemd[1]: Starting Crash recovery kernel arming... Nov 04 09:57:36 localhost kdumpctl[22553]: Detected change(s) in the following file(s): Nov 04 09:57:36 localhost kdumpctl[22553]: /etc/kdump.conf Nov 04 09:57:36 localhost kdumpctl[22553]: Rebuilding /boot/initramfs-3.10.0-229.el7.x86_64kdump.img Nov 04 09:57:40 localhost dracut[24914]: Executing: /usr/sbin/dracut --hostonly --hostonly-cmdline -o "plymouth dash resume" -f /boot/initramfs-3.10.0-229.el7.x86_64kdump.img 3.10.0-229.el7.x86_64 ...<cut>... Nov 04 09:58:12 localhost dracut[24914]: *** Creating image file done *** Nov 04 09:58:12 localhost dracut[24914]: Image: /boot/initramfs-3.10.0-229.el7.x86_64kdump.img: 18M Nov 04 09:58:12 localhost kdumpctl[22553]: cat: write error: Broken pipe Nov 04 09:58:12 localhost dracut[24914]: ======================================================================== Nov 04 09:58:12 localhost dracut[24914]: Version: dracut-033-240.el7 Nov 04 09:58:12 localhost dracut[24914]: Nov 04 09:58:12 localhost dracut[24914]: Arguments: --hostonly --hostonly-cmdline -o 'plymouth dash resume' -f Nov 04 09:58:13 localhost dracut[24914]: Nov 04 09:58:13 localhost dracut[24914]: dracut modules: Nov 04 09:58:13 localhost dracut[24914]: bash kdump.service builds and loads an initramfs for kdump kernel using kdumpctl command which uses dracut command and so lsinitrd command, too. Although there's no actual harm except for the error message, there has been several inquiries from customers about this message so far. We should suppress this message to reduce needless communications. To suppress the message, this commit cleans up the processing of reading the first 6 bytes of a given initramfs file without cat command.
9 years ago
CAT="xzcat --single-stream --"
lsinitrd: Suppress "cat: write error: Broken pipe" On systemd, SIGPIPE is ignored by default; see man 5 systemd.exec for IgnoreSIGPIPE=. As a result, under a systemd service outputs "cat: write error: Broken pipe" in the processing of determining a compression format of a given initramfs file using cat command in the write part of a pipeline processing. For example, this is a log message of kdump.service in RHEL7.1, -- Logs begin at Wed 2015-11-04 09:57:33 JST, end at Wed 2015-11-04 09:58:28 JST. -- Nov 04 09:57:33 localhost systemd[1]: Stopping Crash recovery kernel arming... Nov 04 09:57:33 localhost kdumpctl[22545]: kexec: unloaded kdump kernel Nov 04 09:57:33 localhost kdumpctl[22545]: Stopping kdump: [OK] Nov 04 09:57:33 localhost systemd[1]: Starting Crash recovery kernel arming... Nov 04 09:57:36 localhost kdumpctl[22553]: Detected change(s) in the following file(s): Nov 04 09:57:36 localhost kdumpctl[22553]: /etc/kdump.conf Nov 04 09:57:36 localhost kdumpctl[22553]: Rebuilding /boot/initramfs-3.10.0-229.el7.x86_64kdump.img Nov 04 09:57:40 localhost dracut[24914]: Executing: /usr/sbin/dracut --hostonly --hostonly-cmdline -o "plymouth dash resume" -f /boot/initramfs-3.10.0-229.el7.x86_64kdump.img 3.10.0-229.el7.x86_64 ...<cut>... Nov 04 09:58:12 localhost dracut[24914]: *** Creating image file done *** Nov 04 09:58:12 localhost dracut[24914]: Image: /boot/initramfs-3.10.0-229.el7.x86_64kdump.img: 18M Nov 04 09:58:12 localhost kdumpctl[22553]: cat: write error: Broken pipe Nov 04 09:58:12 localhost dracut[24914]: ======================================================================== Nov 04 09:58:12 localhost dracut[24914]: Version: dracut-033-240.el7 Nov 04 09:58:12 localhost dracut[24914]: Nov 04 09:58:12 localhost dracut[24914]: Arguments: --hostonly --hostonly-cmdline -o 'plymouth dash resume' -f Nov 04 09:58:13 localhost dracut[24914]: Nov 04 09:58:13 localhost dracut[24914]: dracut modules: Nov 04 09:58:13 localhost dracut[24914]: bash kdump.service builds and loads an initramfs for kdump kernel using kdumpctl command which uses dracut command and so lsinitrd command, too. Although there's no actual harm except for the error message, there has been several inquiries from customers about this message so far. We should suppress this message to reduce needless communications. To suppress the message, this commit cleans up the processing of reading the first 6 bytes of a given initramfs file without cat command.
9 years ago
CAT="xzcat --"
skipcpio() {
$SKIP "$@" | $ORIG_CAT
if [[ $SKIP ]]; then
if ((${#filenames[@]} > 1)); then
$CAT "$image" 2> /dev/null > "$TMPFILE"
pre_decompress() {
cat "$TMPFILE"
if [[ -n $unpack ]]; then
elif ((${#filenames[@]} > 0)); then
# shellcheck disable=SC2046
version=$($CAT "$image" | cpio --extract --verbose --quiet --to-stdout -- \
$(dracutlibdirs 'dracut-*') 2> /dev/null)
((ret += $?))
echo "Version: $version"
if [ "$modules" -eq 1 ]; then
echo "========================================================================"
echo -n "Arguments: "
# shellcheck disable=SC2046
$CAT "$image" | cpio --extract --verbose --quiet --to-stdout -- \
$(dracutlibdirs build-parameter.txt) 2> /dev/null
exit "$ret"